The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh. Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Muse – the brain sensing headband… a meditation device, Ariel Garten and Jordan Peterson”
Tag: youtube
The methodology of making the invisible visible

All mischief and all power comes from the invisible. Invisible to you, and maybe invisible to society.
It’s not hidden. It is just not obvious to the untrained eyes. What your eyes need is training and guidance.
My methodology, observing life through many distinctions, is a winning one.
It drives up, and makes visible what has thus far been invisible.
Racket, frame, memes, voices, states… the distinctions are all opportunities to see another aspect of the invisible, and gain control over yourself, so you can start moving in the direction of the good life, whatever good life is for you.
For example, your soul correction. It is a distinction to look through and see some formerly invisible stuff. Continue reading “The methodology of making the invisible visible”
How to model yourself after successful people Part 2

If you haven’t read the articles, here are the links: your success score article and the modeling article from earlier today
I watched the 1995 movie Babe again this afternoon. I wept… again. I was deeply moved. By what, you ask?
Question: did you watch this movie? Did you stop to learn something? Continue reading “How to model yourself after successful people Part 2”
Reframing: Are you happy? Magical thinking to the rescue
I am always looking for guidance from whatever is giving guidance.
I am also looking for confirmation. My mind is a meaning making machine, like yours, and I catch myself looking for meaning in everything.
I am like a GPS… in order for the GPS give you accurate actions, it needs to know where you are at.
I am looking for the GPS function, the locating function part of the guidance. I am an experimenter, and I am aware, what can be easier, right? Continue reading “Reframing: Are you happy? Magical thinking to the rescue”
Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?
I did the first session of the Muscletesting course, version 2 yesterday.
There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.
Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.
What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscletest for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?
The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.
That nothing happens until someone does something… The law of cause and effect. Continue reading “Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?”
Why are my articles so hard to understand?

I have been having a difficult time writing enough about any one topic to finish one article… Meaning I have six articles started, and can’t or won’t finish them.
What’s going on?
I am afraid.
That’s new FEARLESS Sophie, tell me more?
Some of the things that are being shown to me recently are polarizing. Dividing people. Will make some, maybe many people angry.
The truth hurts. And when something hurts, it is natural to go to victim mode, effect mode, and point a blaming finger at someone. At me.
So I have been cowardly, and have been sitting on the fence.
But today I think I’ll overcome the inertia, and say what there is to say.
OK, it’s about vibration, capacities, and what you can get or not get, what you can use, what is going to work for you or not, depending on your numbers. 1When I measure your Starting Point Measurements, I give you a recommendation. It is not cookie cutter… I actually look what would be a step that you can take. Occasionally I say: I don’t recommend anything. That is a bad sign… 🙁 Continue reading “Why are my articles so hard to understand?”
What makes life worth living?
This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…
And context is the ultimate life hack.
Most people don’t understand the distinction: context
Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.
So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.
Now you are interested, I hope.
Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing? Continue reading “What makes life worth living?”
What do I read, what do I watch so I can become all I can be, and pass it on to you?
One of the sources of what to read is the book-list of people that are light years ahead of me, like Charlie Munger, the billionaire. I’ve read science books because of his book list. Other ideas come from my own articles: like reading Sarah Singer and Blair Singer, whose books and videos are setting my world on fire right now. 2
Believe it or not, I spend the bulk of my time studying, reading, watching videos, testing, and writing articles. About 3-4 hours a week on eating, preparing stuff, hygiene, and food shopping. etc. and the rest on business per se.
The biggest challenge I have is to remember to generate income.
Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…
The particular filter I am looking through here, answering this question, is the Jim Rohn “you need to change who you are” who.
I cannot see it all, and I can tell you, it is not yet who I need to be so I can have all I want, but I am getting closer.
One of the fundamental shifts in the who is how I relate to doing and results.
Continue reading “Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…”
Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths

I wasn’t planning on it. It just happened. A whole new insight… 3
I somehow got onto a youtube page that features a number of autistic videos. And I am going crazy… I am shutting down, I want to run, I am crying…
WTF is going on?
Turns out that the videos, as videos go, record the emotions of the scenes.
I watch a lot of Netflix series. I also read a lot. And I abandon a lot of books and a lot of series… in the middle.
There are certain scenarios I cannot be with… lust is one of them.
Continue reading “Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths”