Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – winning first inside

Originally posted 2011-05-22 18:15:05.

Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – Create Positive Outcomes and Adventure With Your Mind

The gist of this article is to go within. Within really means: go to the vertical, instead of staying and living on the horizontal plane with all the drama, all the conflicts, all the bumping into this and that. Continue reading “Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – winning first inside”

What is the difference between a human and a human being?

My work is to take humans from the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death to the Promised Land… to Human Beingness. This post might be an important milepost in that.

I read an article in the Howard Business Review that points out a worldview that is at the root of you staying a potential, you staying an effect, in every area of your life.

Although the article is a business article, business is a great analogy to life. Another great analogy is travel.

Travel is a much easier, much more accessible activity, so I will use it, while, if you want to read the original business article, I am enclosing it.
Continue reading “What is the difference between a human and a human being?”

Complaining And Other Politically Incorrect Phenomena

the hidden gold in complaining The Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic Results

This article is about a counter-intuitive transformational technology you probably won’t find anywhere else… It is worth its weight in gold and it can make the biggest difference in your life, in your level of satisfaction, happiness and well-being. Continue reading “Complaining And Other Politically Incorrect Phenomena”

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

When you decide on a new direction for your life, you suddenly find yourself with obstacles blocking you, even your view of the horizon, let alone your path.

Your reaction to it will be one of two kinds… in my experience. Continue reading “The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer”

Are you a successful person or just a not unsuccessful one?

What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

This article is really important. If you read nothing else on this site, read this. I’ll do my darned best to make it simple, and to reach your dense brain. How do I know it’s dense? Because successful people don’t read articles like this, or not often. Skinny people don’t read how to lose weight articles either… got it?

If you take two people, maybe even twins, and watch them, their results in life, most likely, will be different. Their actions will be different. Their likes and dislikes… Continue reading “Are you a successful person or just a not unsuccessful one?”

Being smart is like money: it can buy you life or junk

very-smartGet Rid of Frustration Once and for All?

I just pulled the energetic attachments from two guys, and I had an insight while I was doing the work.

You see, to do any work on you, I have to merge my body with yours, and only feel your emotions and feelings, none of mine.

Both guys are frustrated. Why? This is their attitude: given how smart they are, their results should be over the top. but they aren’t. Continue reading “Being smart is like money: it can buy you life or junk”

How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Unfrazzled And Happy?

How to be a sacred Lotus, untouched by the rain, the suffering of others, the noise of others: what’s the secret of people that stay on the path and are happy?

Untouched by hunger, cold, lack of food… anything.

What is the reason you are pulled into everything, that you are trying to help everyone, that you are a do-gooder? Continue reading “How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Unfrazzled And Happy?”

I understand what you are saying… I hear, I see, I get it

I understand what you are saying. I hear what you are saying, I see, I get it. Which one do you say?

When you tell someone something, depending on many factors, you are going to get answers that belie their relationship (attitude?) to what you told them. Continue reading “I understand what you are saying… I hear, I see, I get it”

The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

depression is a sign that you are unwilling to hit bottom. when you hit bottom, there is the beginning of coming upThis article, unintentionally, has two parts. They are loosely connected. One part is about hitting bottom, the second part is about getting out of the judgment, getting out of the systemic value paradigm where you have no future.

Depression Is A Sign That You Are Unwilling To Hit Bottom.

Continue reading “The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy”

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want

you can't get enough of what you don't wantYou Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want

Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?

An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.

But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?
Continue reading “You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want”