The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

When you decide on a new direction for your life, you suddenly find yourself with obstacles blocking you, even your view of the horizon, let alone your path.

Your reaction to it will be one of two kinds… in my experience. Continue reading “The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer”

Your soul correction and commitment: What is the connection?

As I have said before, soul correction is a set of character defects, specific to your soul correction, that you need to overcome in a lifetime.

Track record through written history shows, that unless someone has guidance, expert guidance, they will not overcome the character defects: it is as if the character defect protects itself.
Continue reading “Your soul correction and commitment: What is the connection?”

If it looks easy, and yet…

What comes after the dot dot dot?

You cannot even repeat the sentence…
You cannot do what it explained to do…
It doesn’t do what you were told it would do…

It happens all the time… and it leaves you puzzled, dumbfounded…

If that is you, you MAY belong here. MAY… Continue reading “If it looks easy, and yet…”

Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

Finish what you start piling up the debts to the UniverseSoul Correction: Finish What You Start: the scam artist

More on this soul correction here

Update on 2/4/2020

The essence of this soul correction is this: you see what the completed task/project is… but you don’t do what you need to do to actually do what it takes.

You stop.

90% of the cases communication is missing. You are really good at talking, really lousy at communicating. Why? Because communication is risky. You need to be seen, and you try not to be seen.

What are you hiding? Something that to you seems hideous…

Unless you change your mind about what you think is bad, wrong, not OK about you, you will be stuck in not doing what it takes to have a life work, to have projects taken to fulfillment, to take care of yourself and your family.

It’s really simple…

New insight 3/29/2018

OK, the insight is similar to what I saw last time, but it’s, maybe a little more defined. Finish What You Start hasn’t had the courage to become a person. He looks outside to see if he is doing OK… needs approval.

At the merest suspicion that he should do something different, he is going to jump… and exhaust himself or herself. Doesn’t open up a conversation… and the people they live with learn to direct them with just a glance.

This is, by the way, the reason they don’t have fulfilled projects: they get distracted by their spouses, bosses, and don’t follow their inner calling… either don’t have the courage, or don’t have a calling…

New insight 10/7/2017

I break a lot of eggs every day. I like to eat the yolk separate from the white. So I separate them. The egg white is like snot… No definite shape, no commitment, sneaky.

This is how “Finish What You Start” behave, like the egg white… Avoid being called to account, avoid to be a person who can be counted on.

This seems to be the crux of this soul correction.

I see this soul correction on Scott toilet paper as well: it kinda sorta has a sheet size, it kinda sorta has perforation, but it won’t tear at the perforation… It tears where it wants to tear…

A “Finish What You Start” product, avoiding any accountability, whatsoever. lol… frustrating to me, who likes to have things done.

Looking at the vise… try to control egg whites with a vise… ugh, ugly.

New insight 5/20/2017 courtesy of a student:

Today some new things came to mind..
I realized that i live in a vise like pressure i put myself in.. i always do for some reason.. i’m looking at why. i feel its false adopted beliefs.

How i noticed is that thinking about all the reading and the diet the saying no to things and yes to others .. being disciplined and adding structure feels like work , like i have to make it happen.. then i remember my life before.. i was pulled in a thousand directions at once and completely running myself down on things i (wanted) to do..

So today i imagined what it would feel like if i didn’t have anything i had to do or not do.. i ended up thinking id have a nap or just go for a slow walk.. then i realized that the reading and listening and structure and the diet.. all the things i (have ) to do, will make my life so much easier and meaningful than it has been , and i started to actually feel like it is my vacation , my relief.
Continue reading “Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start”

It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet

individual... with a brain to useI find that most people want to be mindless… Get a solution and never look again, never think again.

Tai calls this: an experiment run too long.

But for most people experiments are non-existent. They want to live their lives as puppies or kitties… not as humans.

Why is that? you ask… whether you are one of “most people” or one of the few who are individuals.

To answer that why question,

  • You may look at how you were brought up.
  • You may look at how you were educated to be sheep.
  • You may look at that as character defect.
  • You may blame this or that…
The truth is simpler and more sinister than any of those you have already thought of.

Continue reading “It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet”

MuscleTesting To Raise Your Vibration

bach flower remedies to raise your vibration Muscletesting To Raise Your Vibration

I have been trying to get the Muscletesting program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself.

Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right. Now what?!

But I suddenly had an inspiration, a minute ago, and I think I have had the solution all along, just didn’t think of it that way.

The Bach Flower Emotions and the Bach Flower Energies are perfect. They are recognizable, they are real, they cover all the field of character defect and attitude errors.

So I am going to use those as a guidance system to attack your “garden pests” in the garden of your being.

How does it work?

You observe your symptoms. You find the matching Bach Flower Remedy. You either buy the remedy at your local health food store, or order it online. You practice observing the ego aspects of your personality, and with the help of the Flower you transform it.

You will use muscletesting to make sure that you are picking the right Flower. But even if you pick the wrong one, you are going to start the work of weed picking, and your vibration will rise.

You’ll get better, and you’ll fly higher.

Warning: you should do this for the purpose of identifying, and correcting your ego-self. To get instant gratification is nice, but will not raise your vibration permanently: you need to earn your vibration and you can only do it with conscious work.

The Flowers help but will only do transformation, which is impermanent. Transfiguration is the goal: that is permanent.

So, what is your next step?

Your best bet is to buy a book on Bach Flower Remedies: I like the books by Mechthild Scheffer and Stefan Ball. I, personally, nowadays, always refer to Mechthild Scheffer‘s book: it speaks the language I resonate with: I read it and feel the feeling associated with the flower… perfect for me. Which means, to me, that I find her the most “Tree of Life” and the others Tree of Knowledge… i.e. they got to their conclusions through thinking, not connecting.

Nevertheless, I think the workbook by Stefan Ball is useful for you. Buy them locally, or order them from Amazon. I buy them on Amazon.

I will quote each flower from Mechthild’s book and add my empath observations, maybe experience.
Continue reading “MuscleTesting To Raise Your Vibration”