How To Play An Active Part In Your life, your fortune

Originally posted 2011-05-11 13:15:05.

In a Landmark Education Course I took back in 1987, I learned that it is possible to live life from a new context: “Life is a conversation”

It is quite simple if you can wrap your mind around it, incredibly difficult if you are attached to the way you see the world. Continue reading “How To Play An Active Part In Your life, your fortune”

Affirmations to Keep You on Track in Life

Originally posted 2011-05-07 23:30:04.

If you know me, you know that the misery I experienced in my life for 50 years drove me to many modalities of relief, including affirmations.

Affirmations don’t work for me. Never did and never will.

Why? Because affirmations are spoken from the mind: and the mind says so many things, a nice word here and there won’t make a difference. Just watch how much difference and how long a pat on the back does to you: not much, correct?

Life started to change when I learned different ways of speaking. I learned that there is descriptive language, and that includes the affirmations: the ordinary way of speaking of most people.

Then there are the active ways of speaking:

requests, promises, and declarations. This way of speaking does not come from the mind: it comes from your higher way of being: your vertical plane, your vertical self.

This kind of speaking creates a context that is inescapable.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that people won’t use request or promise sounding sentences, that come from the mind, a casual tool of babbling. They may even seem to declare something, but the power is missing.

I measure the power of your word in the Starting Point Measurements

The power of MY word is 70%… But even with that much power you need to know that what you say matters. If the mind says: ‘you are lying’, then it doesn’t matter how much power your word has… does it?

Any speaking that comes from the mind is mere chatter, and any speaking that comes from the Self is a command.

So then why do negative statements seem to have disastrous consequences: what the statement says seems to come true? Because those statements, when spoken in the absence of a commitment, the absence of a higher context, are the true description of where the speaker’s world is heading.

I often say: this won’t work… this is going to fail… but my actions are not consistent with those ‘affirmations’, they are consistent with making it work.

Your most important job, if you want your word to have power, is to learn to connect to your higher self (not god! not Jesus! but your own higher self), and speak from there.

Until then you are just littering the world with your affirmations.

‘What changes your focus: changes your faith. What changes your faith changes your outcome.’ ~ Jesse Duplantis

Let me start by saying that everything you say is some kind of affirmation – either positive or negative. When you complain to your friends, ‘nothing ever goes right for me,’ you are affirming to the world and the universe that nothing should go right in your life.

It’s true, you know. You are where you are today because of your beliefs, attitudes and words.

What you say today becomes your reality tomorrow. What you believe about yourself and your situation creates and maintains your world.

You may not like where you are right now. You may not think you deserve all the hassles, stress and problems. And you are right. But you are the only one who can change your life with affirmations.

It was a revelation to me that my lack of money, bad attitude and poor relationships were my own fault! It was life-changing to learn that I could change my circumstances by changing my words.

Over the years, I have learned to say certain things – affirmations – to cancel negatives and attract positive results. Here are six affirmations that changed my life.

1. ‘I will not be defeated and I will not quit.’ It is so easy to throw up your hands and say, ‘I tried.’ But ‘try’ is never enough. To win in any situation, you have to be prepared to stay with it until you do win! It’s a philosophy that applies to everything. Michael Jordan is perhaps the greatest basketball player ever. But he freely admits that he has lost more than 300 games and missed over 9,000 shots. But he never quit. Whatever you want, whatever you need to accomplish, don’t let your circumstances win. Don’t quit.

2. ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Yes, it’s a Bible verse. But I use it all the time – when I’m tired and just want to give up (see #1!), when I’m faced with a problem that I don’t know how to solve, when I need physical strength to just get through the day. Sometimes I partner it with ‘I rest in God’s energy,’ drawing strength and resolve from the Eternal source of all energy and ability.

3. ‘I have the mind of Christ.’ The power here taps into Divine wisdom to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. God has answers to every situation. Affirming that connects your spirit with His wisdom. Patience allows Spirit to work on your behalf to bring the answers or change the circumstances to bring the solution you seek.

4. ‘I am rooted and grounded in Love.’

This one is particularly effective when I’m NOT feeling very loving. When someone interrupts ‘my’ routine, wants something from me that I don’t really want to do, or when I’m feeling selfish, I remind myself of my higher calling. I am rooted and grounded in love. I can set aside my wants and focus on the other person. God will take care of me. Use that as an affirmation, coupled with appropriate action to line yourself up for greater blessing.

5. ‘There is nothing lost in God’s world.’ Use this one where you are looking for lost keys, glasses or any misplaced item. It may take some time, but if you will let this work, a thought will pop into your mind to look… somewhere. And you will usually find exactly what you are looking for.
6. ‘God loves me and has a good plan for my life.’ Use this all the time, but especially when circumstances seem aligned against you. This affirmation helps to line up your thinking with the divine plan of blessing and abundance. It helps defeat stress by acknowledging the power of Divine assistance and direction.

Remember, you must stay consistent with your affirmations.

Think of your words like a bucket of paint.

If you are filling the bucket with negative (black) words, complaints and mumblings throughout your day, how much white (positive) words will you have to speak to get the color you want?

Don’t just think of affirmations as things you speak sometimes. Watch your everyday words to make sure you are speaking what you want. God explained it this way: call those things that be not as though they were (Rom. 4:17). By following His method of creation, you can re-create your own world with your words.

Words have power. They have the power to change your mindset. By changing your mind – your beliefs – you change your attitude. That leads to a change in your actions. Use the ‘A-team’ – Affirmation, Attitude and Action – to change your life.

Obviously this wasn’t my article… it was quoted by some god-fearing person. You need to find what YOU have faith in… if you don’t have faith in Christ or whatever….

Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates

Originally posted 2011-01-26 15:31:02.

Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates, including conspiracy theories, even if they are true

My notes on vibration:

I found this article on the internet on vibration, and thought if fitted into my blog, so I am reprinting with full reference to the author. Continue reading “Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates”

What is the difference between a human and a human being?

My work is to take humans from the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death to the Promised Land… to Human Beingness. This post might be an important milepost in that.

I read an article in the Howard Business Review that points out a worldview that is at the root of you staying a potential, you staying an effect, in every area of your life.

Although the article is a business article, business is a great analogy to life. Another great analogy is travel.

Travel is a much easier, much more accessible activity, so I will use it, while, if you want to read the original business article, I am enclosing it.
Continue reading “What is the difference between a human and a human being?”

What prevents you from getting ahead in life?

giraffe-in-treeThis series of articles are exploring the hidden aspects of what holds you back from growing, from moving, from raising your vibration, from transformation, from living a life consistent with your abilities

When we look at your life, we see that there is a gap between what you are capable of, and what you are accomplishing. Especially in the areas of quality of life, accomplishment, and self-expression. Continue reading “What prevents you from getting ahead in life?”

Any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

You can’t JUMP to the truth… in fact, any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

I like to use the 67 steps in my own process to slowly turning to the truth, and in teaching and coaching. That program seems to JUMP to SOME truth. But it is wise enough to not declare that small and relative truth, THE Truth.

This is in contrast with everybody else. Continue reading “Any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire”

What you are most proud of about yourself is…

What you are most proud of about yourself is what holds you back in life

This article was written OMG 10 years ago? We haven’t again addressed these life-suckers… Since we are working on anchor-to-doom and the actions necessary to live a life not determined by the doom… we probably will need to talk about these minor anchors… the topic of this article. These keep us stuck, suck our aliveness, curtail our successes, and make us inauthentic and pretending. So they are important.

We’ll use transformation to get unstuck: transformation is caused by making the invisible visible... Continue reading “What you are most proud of about yourself is…”

The most accurate measure of both unhappiness and disease

When we work on distinguishing reality from the voices you add, we actually work on one of the most important aspects of life: your emotions.

The quality of your life, how you feel about yourself, about your life, about the people in your life is all emotions.

You, mistakenly think, that your emotions are an accurate expression, an accurate measure of what they seem to be around, but they aren’t.

The Starting Point Measurements has one measure that directly asks the questions: 26. To what degree you honor your emotions as reality? %

The higher that number is the more wretched you are inside… Continue reading “The most accurate measure of both unhappiness and disease”

The dominant forceful way you are killing life.

If you pay attention: you won’t want to read this post. You won’t want to know what keeps your vibration low. You are scanning the internet, the horizon, the people around you for feedback: that you are already all you can be.

This ‘not wanting to‘ is essentially what I am talking about in this article, this insistence, this forcefulness.

I wrote this article in 2016. Humanity has gotten worse sence. More forceful…

I don’t want to… I don’t like it… arrgh, nooo!

Continue reading “The dominant forceful way you are killing life.”

Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string

I have an inquiry to engage in, a puzzle to solve, so instead of doing it in my head, I’ll do it in this article…

The puzzle is resistance. Resistance to guidance, resistance to changing your mind, changing your attitude, changing your behavior, changing where you look from. CHANGE.

To adapt. To using your intelligence. After all, the measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Continue reading “Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string”