FREE PDF! Calculate what is YOUR soul’s purpose … ($47 Value)
or you can ask me to do it for you…
Ten dollars and the year/month/day of your birth will get you an email from me with your soul correction (Tikkun). You can send more if you feel compelled. It will make you feel good, and start you on raising your vibration and maybe even your soul correction. But if you are a professional giver: just the opposite. No kidding. Thank you.

“Do you need to change to raise your vibration?”
“There is no requirement to force change.
You will naturally change though when you are good and ready.
That is what the natural result of doing the Bach Flower Energies (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) will do for you. To get you good and ready, so you will want to change.
Whether it is the Bach Flower Remedies, or the “Heaven on Earth” energies, same exact results.
- 28 Soul Mates
- 32 Memories
- 39 Diamond in The Rough
- 30 Building Bridges
- 19 DIALING GOD: the Hornbeam personality
- 50 ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator
- 14 Farewell To Arms
- 36 Fearless
- 18 Fertility. Fertility or infertility as a spiritual phenomenon
- 31 Finish What You Start
- 47 Global Transformation
- 26 Order from Chaos
- 29 Removing Hatred
- 33 Revealing The Dark Side, in yourself
- 23 Sharing The Light, Sharing the Flame
- 25 Speak Your Mind
- 22 Stop Fatal Attraction
- 38 Circuitry
- 27 Silent Partner
- 37 The Big Picture
- 42 Revealing the concealed
- 35 Sexual Energy
- Jealousy
- 34 Forget Thyself
- 40 Speaking the Right Words
- 17 Great Escape
- 21 Eradicate Plague
Soul Correction Assistance:
Read my article that explains it the clearest what the action of soul correction is
1. Activating DNA capacities, abilities directly effective at your soul correction and raising your vibration.
2. Assisting you to make those capacities, abilities real in your life
3. Assisting you to actually do your soul correction work
thank you
Very happy to say that for 3 days since I found your site Sophie I am reading article after article like Alice falling through the rabbit hole – such a plethora of work, I am extremely grateful to All that is for assisting me to your site. It is refreshing to hear such a straightforward clear voice in a sea of deceptive woo woo wonk wonk.
you commented inside my subscribers only site on this page
cannot find the link comment where I asked for a soul correction,
you misunderstood, not asking you to do,this for me, happy to pay but for some reason cannot locate where on your site to do this
in gratitude
good deal…
You’re right! Doesn’t come up until after you login to Paypal
there should be a field, but you can also send me an email with the information at sophie at
Hi Sohie,
When I click on Donate for the Soul Correction I don’t see any field available to put in my year/month/day of birth.
ye gods sophie, is it possible to have all of above soul corrections? what a heavy load!
Bernie, each person has one main correction, but interestingly enough each person can find themselves, more or less in all those corrections