Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

breakthroughBreakthrough: how do you cause one? There is a science to causing breakthroughs! Learn it! This article teaches it.

No matter on what level you are on the evolutionary scale, the percentage of knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know stays at 99%.

Sometimes it overlaps with what you think you know because, most of what you think you know, you mostly do not know, or it isn’t so: low truth value.

But to cut this part short, every breakthrough comes from the 99% that you don’t know that you don’t know.

There is a certain way of being, behaving in the world that triggers the 99% to ‘release’ that hidden knowledge to you. I call it ‘unfolding’. Seth Godin calls it ‘poking the box.’ Continue reading “Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?”

Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea

Everyone says that you create your own reality. They fancy themselves creating wealth, health, a loving partner… out of thin air.

But they don’t get that they have already created their own reality… unconsciously, and now they are just stirring muck… ineffectively. Continue reading “Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea”

Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?

I had an interesting insight this morning.

Putting a price tag on any product, service, or coaching is going to be a lie. My courses. My strategy sessions. My coaching. My health consultations. My activators. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on Earth…

Really, almost any product.

For one main reason:

You, The Buyer, create the value for yourself!

Continue reading “Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?”

You are in the bull’s ear… You live in the bull’s ear

Parents want to help, but instead they push you deeper into the bull’s ear.

The expression, came from a student’s father, 1 you are in the bull’s ear, is a great distinction. It is not American, and because it is alien sounding, almost nonsensical, it can wake you up. 2
Continue reading “You are in the bull’s ear… You live in the bull’s ear”

Your world is dominated by the invisible. Get to know it… or else…

Your world is dominated by the invisible. And the invisible is like muddy water, every shyster has their hand in it, stirring it. 1

But this article will be about you. About your chances of being able to live a life worth living. Largely. I mean worth living most of the time.

Why not all the time? And why not gloriously?

It is too much to ask. But compared to the tasteless, joyless, have-to life you now live, a life worth living, for most of the time, is an amazing thing…

So what is the invisible part, the muddy water, that dominates your life? That makes you not enjoy life, that makes you want to go to sleepwalk, to not feel, to not be present?

It is the memes, partially, and it is you, partially.

You have no distinctions…

Let me give you an example that will shed light to what distinctions are, and why they are important.

Let’s imagine that you prepare for heart surgery. Continue reading “Your world is dominated by the invisible. Get to know it… or else…”

Scarcity, abundance… big words… again. What are they, and how can you get into abundance?

Both are context words. Neither talks about the stuff that is inside the context… inside the wrapper. The wrapper tells you how to look at the content.

It has nothing to do with the stuff, or the quantity of it. It can be great, it can be plenty… the context, scarcity or abundance will tell you what to feel, what to think, what to do.

Why? Because context is decisive.

You can have plenty inside the context of scarcity, and feel that you don’t have enough. Enough time, enough stuff, enough happiness, enough whatever… Continue reading “Scarcity, abundance… big words… again. What are they, and how can you get into abundance?”

How do I tame my fear of the unknown, the difficult?

How do I tame my fear of the unknown, the difficult, the tasks I need to do that I am ill-suited to do?

One day I’ll have an editor. Or maybe a brilliant assistant. Someone who is good at things I am lousy at.

I have major holes in my brain. It started with my brain development in the womb. I am on the autistic spectrum, an experiment of sorts. Then I had my two massive brain injuries… One in 1969 and one in 1998.

So I was never good at putting things to order. Time order… what needs to get done first and what needs to get done next. Even just thinking about that, the brain cells that would do that work start to hurt. So maybe I should exercise them… hm… that is an idea. Continue reading “How do I tame my fear of the unknown, the difficult?”

What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…

And context is the ultimate life hack.

Most people don’t understand the distinction: context

Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.

So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.

Now you are interested, I hope.

Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing? Continue reading “What makes life worth living?”

They want you to hope for a miracle, for magic, windfall…

“They”, whoever is perpetuating the memes

want you to hope for a miracle… magic, windfall…

And you have been compliant. You buy magical supplements. Start magical diets. Go to magical healers. Buy magical courses.

Magic bullet. You have a storehouse of those.

Continue reading “They want you to hope for a miracle, for magic, windfall…”

The holographic learning method in action

The best method of learning is not linear. It is holographic. Your picture always contains the whole picture… even if it is still fuzzy… so the context is already set. You know where and how things fit in the big picture.

Miko brings up a topic that can lead us to some useful learning practices, a more useful knowledge base, a life with direction, and maybe even to a life worth living.

Sophie, what I got from this article is that persistent hammering on a task is a way to raise my TLB score, and that it’s natural that it’s going to be fuzzy at the beginning, but that’s no reason to quit.

I’ve been studying philosophy, as an experiment of sorts, and I recently got a text to work with as a homework, where my experience is a bit like what you described here — I don’t understand half the words. But I’m starting to see that as I look some of them up, and re-read the paragraphs, some of the things are getting a little clearer.

So the thing for me to do is to go through the whole text again… and again, if I must.

Continue reading “The holographic learning method in action”