A great little exercise to cause self-love…

A great little exercise to cause self-love…

Last night, in bed, I accidentally hugged myself.

Then, unexpectedly, I said to myself: I love you, little one. And then the “fun” began… The emotional dings, the doubt, the questioning, the grief.

Hoho… I said, what’s going on?

The little voice said: why would you love me?

Because I do… I said.

Do you love me, even though the house looks like a mess?

I don’t love your house, I love you. house, no house, mess, no mess… I love you.

oh. But do you love me even though I am getting old?
Continue reading “A great little exercise to cause self-love…”

Bloodless, tearless transformation. Really?

Bloodless, tearless transformation. Really?

A big winter storm is moving across America (I hear Europe isn’t doing better) and people are holding their breaths… Waiting for Godot A French nihilist play where people are talking waiting for some imaginary character, called Godot, someone who never comes, and yet you can spend your life waiting for him… Recognize yourself?

One of my favorite short movies is called Godzilla and Bambi… Bambi is grazing, Godzilla stomps him… the end.

or waiting for death… hoping…

How you do anything is how you do everything. If a snow storm makes you hold your breath, how do you think you are when you are trying to face yourself? Hold your breath… of course. You cannot face the tiger… because you don’t like to feel bad… anything bad.

The-powers-that-be teach you to keep your face to the light and avoid the darkness surrounding it. It eventually evolved to a slogan: Think Positive.

Result: a sissy humanity that is drowning in misery.

There are two kinds of lights: one light is like the Sun, life-giving and one light is like a fluorescent light or a candle… lets you see around you, but that’s it. It won’t give you satisfaction, it won’t give you anything… it’s small.

We are told to follow the small still voice within, but no one can check what we hear, no one can check if we are listening to the “right voice” out of the many voices within, and people I watch follow the voice within that tells them to withdraw, to shrink, to shrink away from what is hard, ugly, painful, or fearful.

One of the disciplines I immersed myself on my path to here is Kabbalah, the Kabbalah Centre version of it. Kabbalah is quite open to interpretation.

One of the most important things I learned in my five years immersion is that the Light, the life giving light is behind the darkness. The darker it seems the more Light it reveals when you have the courage and the know-how to go beyond it.

Another way it was said that the Light conceals itself with layers of buffer, as if you put layers and layers of bed-sheets on the window. First it filters the light, but put up enough bed-sheets, and you live in darkness.

Humanity lives in that darkness, and satisfies itself with inventing better and better light sources, like the newest I know, the led light fixtures. Ingenious.

The Dark Side, a group of people that revel in keeping people in darkness, in smallness, in quiet desperation, in slavery, just like the TV production kept Truman in the movie, The Truman Show.

When you look at your own life, don’t you experience asking yourself; “Is this all there is?”. Or don’t you ever wonder why your life seems repetitious, your money, success, happiness so limited and so small?

truman-showThe Truman Show

This is a very interesting short video putting religious references over the movie: worth watching, even if you are an atheist, like myself.

Here is the trailer of the movie.

is one of the most, accidentally, truth-telling movies. Of course some parts of it are not how it is… but the fact that we live in a world that is isolated from all-of-it, that has none of the grandeur of Life, that our choices are limited, and our misery, longing, sense of lack is permanent, like an undercurrent, underscoring everything.

And of course there is no door on our personal wall… the access to something bigger and better is through the dark spots, the darkness that we don’t want to approach. The unknown, the bigger scares us and we choose, time and again, to live in the little limited world where we know (and hate) every nook and cranny, but it’s comfortable.

If you are like that, you don’t belong with me, because you are, to me, the enemy. The ballast that keeps humanity down.

You see, the Dark Side people could continue doing what they are doing, but it’s not personal, and it’s not a physical prison bar they managed to erect, and who keeps the rest of humanity from evolving into the beautiful Expanding Human Being society is you… with your voyeuristic fascination of what you are not doing, what you are not willing to do, but are titillated watching it.

I don’t kid myself that you will ever take that step. I don’t. Your entire life, your cowardice, your finding satisfaction in meaningless stupid things tells me the whole story, the ending: you are not someone who should even be given a glimpse at heaven: because you are the enemy. You’ll weaken it, and spoil it for the ones that have a big enough desire to move them past the fear.

I want to attract the Jim Carreys of the world, (Jim Carrey played Truman in The Truman Show.) not the do-it-yourself pretenders.

Not the 99% but the 1% that can make the world what it really is, for everyone. An exciting and dangerous place, but alive. Alive with pleasure and with grief. The whole enchilada, not just the “tasty” parts.

How you do anything is how you do everything

if you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's planHow you do anything is how you do everything. I can spend five minutes with you and can tell your chances for success, for love, for money… even without measuring your vibration. Just by observing you…

You can also watch your behavior. Observe it when you can, observe it when I ask you to.

Now, go back to the article, Not all complaints are created equal… or just think about the word “complaint.”

Watch if your knee jerk reaction is to turn away from it.

MY knee jerk reaction is to tell you to go away. But I’ve noticed it, and I know that asking you to leave will want you to stay… so I’ll just shut up, and let you fall off by yourself.

You know the joke:
Continue reading “How you do anything is how you do everything”

Become someone who can make good decisions

Become someone who can make good decisions
Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work? Will it get me finally what I want?

One of the reasons people don’t like to try new things is because they cannot judge whether they can do it or not. Whether it will be easy or not. Whether it will be pleasant and enjoyable or not.

How come? Why is it so difficult? Life is complex, and most of us have no tolerance for complexity. Complexity, ambivalence, ambiguity are normal, but the capacity to hold them becomes available to you in only at a certain brain development age… If you got stuck in young child brain development, that is most people, you have never developed the capacity.

Can you develop this capacity now? Of course you can. What is preventing you from doing it? Your low TLB number… you are a Twitchy Little Bastard… and you can’t deal with complexity, confusion, or looking long enough to actually see something.

Some of my students, when they learned about my habit of looking long and more than just once… as a way to deal with my dyslexia, have started to practice the same… and their ability to hold controversy and ambivalence has increased… because of that practice. But if you fancy yourself smart, quick, etc. Looking long and hard is going to be difficult, because your precious I will tell you that only stupid people look long and hard.

Actually the opposite is true: your precious I is deceiving you and keeping you… eh… stupid. In the stupid as the stupid does sense. Continue reading “Become someone who can make good decisions”

Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.
Continue reading “Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value”

The fear of trusting… Why you can’t ask and get help

The fear of trusting… Why you can’t ask and get help

fear-trust-2Update: Now that many of my students have managed to enter father-child, the field, the only place where real love can be experienced… some of them get scared. The voice, IT, is telling them that they will not be loved, if they stay on that high place….

This article, hopefully, is going to be useful… if for no other reason, is to see that TRUST is countered by FEAR, and that the VOICE is on the side of FEAR.

One of the hard wired characteristic of a human is the insistence on making their own decisions.

But, we often don’t have the tools, the knowledge, the means to make sound decisions, and yet… we keep on insisting.

The seed level of this characteristic is the fear to trust. Anyone, any time, anywhere. We don’t even trust ourselves, but we trust others even less.

It’s a learned behavior. We learned that people have hidden agendas, that people are not honest, their real intentions and their pretend intentions are not the same… so they can’t be trusted.
Continue reading “The fear of trusting… Why you can’t ask and get help”

Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?

Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?

I just had a profound realization: To the degree I deal with people whose actions lack integrity, to the same degree I lack integrity myself.

You are not only a sum total of your closest five people, your “originating” or “sourcing” circle. You are actually the same as the lowest of them in spiritual sense.

Your financial integrity, your earning power, your deserving factor, your happiness, your weight, your health, your mindset, all depend more on your friends than on yourself. Who you surround yourself with have more power in your life than you, yourself. Continue reading “Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?”

Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?

Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?

What can you do, what must you do to benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”, of “The Power of your Mind”, and Natalie Ledwell’s Mind Movies?

If you read yesterday’s article on coherence, my 21 hour (so far) experiment of playing the Coherence Generator… (new name old audio) I can promise you that it is nothing short of miraculous.

Creativity, innovation, growth, learning, takes a lot of coherent energy. When your energies are incoherent, you are troubled, are in a hurry, or are afraid, creativity is impossible.

Just imagine yourself a juggler… because that is what creativity is: being able to keep and move around multiple objects ‘in the air’ at the same time, so you can see new connections. Really… Continue reading “Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?”

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

heart coherence Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.

Incoherence is like herding cats… hopeless.

I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose. Continue reading “From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?”

The only way to affect real change: change the root cause

The only way to affect real change: change the root cause

the three great mysteries of lifeThe Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself
~ Hindu Proverb

We live in an age where, we could say, are poised to move our inquiry into areas where it could make a difference. Not yet… obviously.]

I say in every area of the mystery that we call life and Universe.

In health. In well-being. In climate change and caring for our planet. In evolution, genetics, and feeding all these people. In psychology. In human growth and self-actualization.

We are still on the surface, and everything you buy, everything you read, everything you can think is still not cause, and doing it won’t make a difference… except…

Some ideas, some theories are closer to the source than others. Continue reading “The only way to affect real change: change the root cause”