Some days my work is to work through issues that you, my dear reader, especially students and clients will need, so you can keep your capacities I activated active.
Self trust is not like confidence. It doesn’t say (add soothing eerie voice here) ‘You can do it.’ That is probably a lie.
No, it says something different. It says: ‘you can handle it‘. Namely, whatever happens to you, you can handle it. Good, bad, indifferent, you can handle it.
The ‘job’ of the capacity is to make you unstoppable. To allow you to take the actions you need to take so you can get where you need to get, without being stopped by the fear of the unknown… Stopped by what will, what may happen after the action.
But what is the range of what you can handle? Is it everything, or you are going to pick and choose what you can handle, and you are going to be stopped, again, by every thought of the aftermath. Continue reading “Activating self-trust, activating generosity…”
I am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁
I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.
Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.
Result: No abundance.
Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!
..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.
The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”
These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.
Correct Diagnosis is 50% of the Cure in any area of your life
In this article I am going to show an area of my life where diagnostic skills and tools have saved the day, and in fact proved to be 90% of the cure.
The process of growth is not linear. It is more like layer by layer. No matter where you are now, in order to get to the next level, you need to completely explore the level or layer where you are at.
How much voice do YOU have in the chorus of the voices that live in your head?
It’s Thursday morning, and I am starting a new experiment.
Yesterday I discovered that I have no idea what it is like to eat when you have an appetite. I observed myself, and I solely eat, have been eating, for taste. Texture. The mouthfeel.
But my physiology wants me to eat for appetite. 1 Bummer, I don’t know the first thing about appetite… 🙁 . I look at different languages to get a clue… In Hungarian appetite, the word, says “the desire to eat”. Hm. In other languages there are appetizers… that grow that desire to eat, or maybe to wake up the dormant desire? Continue reading “What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?”
A big winter storm is moving across America (I hear Europe isn’t doing better) and people are holding their breaths… Waiting for Godot A French nihilist play where people are talking waiting for some imaginary character, called Godot, someone who never comes, and yet you can spend your life waiting for him… Recognize yourself?
One of my favorite short movies is called Godzilla and Bambi… Bambi is grazing, Godzilla stomps him… the end.
or waiting for death… hoping…
How you do anything is how you do everything. If a snow storm makes you hold your breath, how do you think you are when you are trying to face yourself? Hold your breath… of course. You cannot face the tiger… because you don’t like to feel bad… anything bad.
The-powers-that-be teach you to keep your face to the light and avoid the darkness surrounding it. It eventually evolved to a slogan: Think Positive.
Result: a sissy humanity that is drowning in misery.
There are two kinds of lights: one light is like the Sun, life-giving and one light is like a fluorescent light or a candle… lets you see around you, but that’s it. It won’t give you satisfaction, it won’t give you anything… it’s small.
We are told to follow the small still voice within, but no one can check what we hear, no one can check if we are listening to the “right voice” out of the many voices within, and people I watch follow the voice within that tells them to withdraw, to shrink, to shrink away from what is hard, ugly, painful, or fearful.
One of the disciplines I immersed myself on my path to here is Kabbalah, the Kabbalah Centre version of it. Kabbalah is quite open to interpretation.
One of the most important things I learned in my five years immersion is that the Light, the life giving light is behind the darkness. The darker it seems the more Light it reveals when you have the courage and the know-how to go beyond it.
Another way it was said that the Light conceals itself with layers of buffer, as if you put layers and layers of bed-sheets on the window. First it filters the light, but put up enough bed-sheets, and you live in darkness.
Humanity lives in that darkness, and satisfies itself with inventing better and better light sources, like the newest I know, the led light fixtures. Ingenious.
The Dark Side, a group of people that revel in keeping people in darkness, in smallness, in quiet desperation, in slavery, just like the TV production kept Truman in the movie, The Truman Show.
When you look at your own life, don’t you experience asking yourself; “Is this all there is?”. Or don’t you ever wonder why your life seems repetitious, your money, success, happiness so limited and so small?
The Truman Show
This is a very interesting short video putting religious references over the movie: worth watching, even if you are an atheist, like myself.
Here is the trailer of the movie.
is one of the most, accidentally, truth-telling movies. Of course some parts of it are not how it is… but the fact that we live in a world that is isolated from all-of-it, that has none of the grandeur of Life, that our choices are limited, and our misery, longing, sense of lack is permanent, like an undercurrent, underscoring everything.
And of course there is no door on our personal wall… the access to something bigger and better is through the dark spots, the darkness that we don’t want to approach. The unknown, the bigger scares us and we choose, time and again, to live in the little limited world where we know (and hate) every nook and cranny, but it’s comfortable.
If you are like that, you don’t belong with me, because you are, to me, the enemy. The ballast that keeps humanity down.
You see, the Dark Side people could continue doing what they are doing, but it’s not personal, and it’s not a physical prison bar they managed to erect, and who keeps the rest of humanity from evolving into the beautiful Expanding Human Being society is you… with your voyeuristic fascination of what you are not doing, what you are not willing to do, but are titillated watching it.
I don’t kid myself that you will ever take that step. I don’t. Your entire life, your cowardice, your finding satisfaction in meaningless stupid things tells me the whole story, the ending: you are not someone who should even be given a glimpse at heaven: because you are the enemy. You’ll weaken it, and spoil it for the ones that have a big enough desire to move them past the fear.
I want to attract the Jim Carreys of the world, (Jim Carrey played Truman in The Truman Show.) not the do-it-yourself pretenders.
Not the 99% but the 1% that can make the world what it really is, for everyone. An exciting and dangerous place, but alive. Alive with pleasure and with grief. The whole enchilada, not just the “tasty” parts.
How you do anything is how you do everything. I can spend five minutes with you and can tell your chances for success, for love, for money… even without measuring your vibration. Just by observing you…
You can also watch your behavior. Observe it when you can, observe it when I ask you to.
Watch if your knee jerk reaction is to turn away from it.
MY knee jerk reaction is to tell you to go away. But I’ve noticed it, and I know that asking you to leave will want you to stay… so I’ll just shut up, and let you fall off by yourself.
Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work? Will it get me finally what I want?
One of the reasons people don’t like to try new things is because they cannot judge whether they can do it or not. Whether it will be easy or not. Whether it will be pleasant and enjoyable or not.
How come? Why is it so difficult? Life is complex, and most of us have no tolerance for complexity. Complexity, ambivalence, ambiguity are normal, but the capacity to hold them becomes available to you in only at a certain brain development age… If you got stuck in young child brain development, that is most people, you have never developed the capacity.
Can you develop this capacity now? Of course you can. What is preventing you from doing it? Your low TLB number… you are a Twitchy Little Bastard… and you can’t deal with complexity, confusion, or looking long enough to actually see something.
Some of my students, when they learned about my habit of looking long and more than just once… as a way to deal with my dyslexia, have started to practice the same… and their ability to hold controversy and ambivalence has increased… because of that practice. But if you fancy yourself smart, quick, etc. Looking long and hard is going to be difficult, because your precious I will tell you that only stupid people look long and hard.