How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…

I didn’t mean to write a fourth article today… but I was poking the box, and this is what came up.

How do you tell the vibration of a “modality” without having permission to muscletest?

If there has ever been a good reason to ban me from measuring vibration, this would be probably the best: turning all the power over to you.

Why? Because there should never be anything or anyone between you and Source. Not me, not a book, not a church, not anything. Why? Because that would be idol worshiping, that would be taking away your power, that would be turning you to sheep.

Now, my experience has been that people turn themselves to sheep: shame on you.

I understand: it is scary to take responsibility for your choices, for your questions, for your answers, for your direction. But…

You weren’t created to be sheep. You are made of the same matter as Source, thinking stuff, powerful stuff. Not sheep stuff.

Now, if you are sheep, you can stop reading here: you and I have nothing to talk about.

Continue reading “How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…”

An alcohol-free way for you to get your energy remedy?

clocks synchronize... their speed, not the time! My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it. Continue reading “An alcohol-free way for you to get your energy remedy?”

Money Grubbing Gurus. Money and Vibration

Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich?

Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right?

Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow? What should you do to actually start getting what you want and need to live a great and fulfilled life?

Continue reading “Money Grubbing Gurus. Money and Vibration”

Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy

I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my friend, Nancy.

One of the things I love about Nancy is that she always delivers the results I need, even when she is off. Continue reading “Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru”

What will happen in 2012? New Insights

alien invasion hoax: an attempt to enslave humanity 2012: new insights

I have been off-track, according to Source. I have fallen into the same trap as so many people before me: I started to teach people… Became this talking person… grrr.

It’s been both time-consuming, and it’s been ineffective.

So what am I really supposed to do? What is the big thing that will happen in 2012 that having a higher vibration, that being connected to Source could counter, for yourself, and maybe for the planet? That is the big question now.

Continue reading “What will happen in 2012? New Insights”

The Three Levels Of Connecting To Source

your tangerine spot You can connect on 3 distinct levels to Source.

Level 1: you concentrate and activate your tangerine spot. As long as you are aware of it being active, you are connected: you can receive light, some nudging guidance about what Source wants you to do, you can work, walk, exercise while this connection is on.

Continue reading “The Three Levels Of Connecting To Source”

Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?

Jesus Love: model after the behavior you see or the behavior of connecting? Is Becoming Like Jesus the same as becoming like god?

I need to state first, that I am not a Christian.

I have a Jewish heritage, grew up atheist in a Communist country. Had people been allowed to be religious, they would have been predominantly Catholic there. I attended one year of religious education in Israel. I left the school for irreconcilableĀ  differences in worldview. Have been studying Kabbalah for 8 years.

I am not religious. But I am very interested in the heritage of the world I am here to help connect, help ascend.

And in Jesus, and the tale, I was always interested in. I even read the bible in Hungarian… didn’t understand much, but I read it.

Continue reading “Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?”

Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two

powerless like a dry leave in the wind In this article I am going to teach you what it is going to take to take you through Phase Two of the Planetary Ascension. I am going to show you what will be the pivotal points to take you from where you are, to where you desire to be. It’s going to be new, so fasten your seat belts, please.

The first thing we’ll need to talk about, how come that the Original Design activation doesn’t include everything that you need to have all your desires fulfilled. It would be fair, wouldn’t it?

Unfortunately the Original Design is not dealing with your individuality.

What do I mean by that?

As you were born (and even before that) you gathered a lot of experiences that you dealt with, however you dealt with it.

The bad news is, for the most part, and most of you, dealt with the experiences that life offered you in a poor way.

Continue reading “Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two”

Dark Side Revealed. Can It Be Defeated? Ever?

Dark Side

Dark Side is a reality. I am gaining insights little by little, it is not like I can learn much about its motives: Dark Side doesn’t reveal its purpose, doesn’t reveal its strategies, moves, means of enslavement and assimilation, you can put the picture together, like a jigsaw puzzle, afterwards.

Afterwards? Yes. Continue reading “Dark Side Revealed. Can It Be Defeated? Ever?”

The Easiest Starting Point To Raise Your Vibration

I have been researching and investigating the many claims of raising your vibrational frequency.

There is an important distinction to be made here:

Although there is the map of consciousness, and there is the method of Abraham/Hicks, they are a feel good method and do not raise your vibration any longer than as long as you are willing to do those methods. Minutes.

Not bad, but it is a lot like having a job for a living. The moment you stop working you are poor…

Now compare that with being independently wealthy…

the money comes in like clockwork without you having to constantly work for it. Your money works for you, and it brings you dividends.

Obviously somebody had to work for that money originally, money doesn’t come from nothing, but once that money was earned, and invested, it is the money that starts generating more money.

It is the same way about vibrational frequency. First you need to raise it to a level where it start generating itself and is permanent, and then you can live your life, with just occasional attention to nudging it higher, or if there is a drop (there will be drops) nudge it back where it belongs.

It gives you how you feel in the moment, and you can count on a certain level of high well-being, clarity, peace and freedom.

Let’s go back to the methodologies others teach: they are temporary ‘solutions’ to the problem you experience from your low vibration.

Therapy, dance, music, yoga, entertainment, breathing, rubbing your hands together, finding your tone, sports, going to ashrams, following a guru, getting energy submissions from Tr….

None of these raise your vibration beyond a temporary rise. It is like a drug that the moment you stop taking it you are confronted with the reality: your low vibration with its miserable feelings is back, so you need another fix.

I watched another episode of Star Trek last night where two planets live in a symbiotic relationship. A long time before there was a plague. One of the planets developed a herbal cure to the plague. The plague was cured, but they forgot to tell the other planet, and those poor blokes kept on taking the drug thinking they were still sick. But the cure was a drug and caused dependence. So now they manufacture the drug, that is all on planet does, and the other planet buys the drug that they are addicted to, thinking they are sick.

The same is with this vibrational frequency thing: the spiritual teachers and religions, the same is with the medical establishment: they want you sick, they want you low vibration, so you buy their ideas, weekends, individual sessions, to feel better… while you could be cured with one earnest effort lasting not longer than a few months, maybe a year.

Repeat business is the name of the game, having power over you is the name of the game.

Keep you the same so you continue needing them.

What is the alternative to enslavement? Raise your vibrational frequency permanently
  • Step 1. I can teach you how to put yourself in a two way connection with Source. This is the fastest way to put yourself in the position to raise your vibration permanently.
  • Step 2. Then, I can activate the dormant circuits of your being that will, with practice and use, keep you in a higher vibration. It will be your new set-point, your new level of ‘normal.’

This simple method can raise your vibration to 395. That is higher than many of the high profile gurus’. 99% of humanity’s vibrational frequency is at or under 150.

It will provide you with dividends, like your investment in money provides you money.

No need to rub your palms, chant, scare the dog with your sirening with your voice…

  • 3. And from this new ‘earned’ level of vibrational frequency you can benefit from strong energies, like Tr.’s, from the therapy of Dianetics, from any high vibration modality you can find.

But until then it is ‘feeling good’ addiction for you… ‘drug’ that temporarily raises your vibrational frequency to leave you with the inevitable hangover, like any drug.

To learn the easiest starting point to raise your vibrational frequency permanently, read the instructions here; video will come soon.