Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?

Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?
Genetic determinism and the ego’s role in it.

Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.

  • I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or
  • your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

Continue reading “Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?”

Why removing money blocks, negative beliefs and other stuff won’t help you

ineffective method: release money blocksWhy removing money blocks, negative beliefs and other stuff won’t help you

I get a lot of “hits” from people looking for Christie Marie Sheldon, or Natalie Ledwell… but they are not the only gurus who fatten themselves from your cluelessness.

Removing money blocks, negative beliefs and other stuff won’t help you, neither will fanning your desire… On the contrary.

I’ll explain: I will start with examples from my work.

Please know that the Universe is holographic, and principles are principles, because they works across seemingly disparate, different domains.

  1. Example one: I offer a service to remove energetic attachments.
    Continue reading “Why removing money blocks, negative beliefs and other stuff won’t help you”

What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

man on the moon... what is possible?Sometimes a simple question can open up a whole new world of possibilities

In one of the 67 step videos, Man on the moon, the question is, at the end of the video: what was impossible before, and now it is possible.

I looked, down the page to see what other people wrote, and nothing resonated with me. I had no answer.

But this morning I kept on thinking about my favorite TV show, Lie to me… I have watched all episodes at least three times. I wasn’t sure why… but this morning it all added up.

In one of the episodes, Hal, the main character, pulls a long con.
Continue reading “What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?”

If you lost some of your new capacities over the holidays…

If you lost some of your new capacities over the holidays…

thank-god-its-fridayAlmost all of my students lost some or all of their new capacities over the holidays whenever their holidays were (Eastern Orthodox celebrate weeks after the Western Christian churches). Two of them got them back without much help. The rest are struggling.

What is it about the holidays that are so detrimental to your vibration, to your dreams and aspirations?

Here is a video on that… The meat of the article is below the video…

Continue reading “If you lost some of your new capacities over the holidays…”

Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.

What do I mean by that? Some people know that they are cowards, some people suspect that they may be cowards, but most people don’t know and don’t give a rat’s ass if they are cowards or not.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about humans’ delusional nature.

It takes courage to have a worldview where you are responsible for what you do, who you are being, what you say. Continue reading “Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?”

A breakthrough some of you should attempt

A breakthrough some of you should attempt

In this article I share a breakthrough method that will allow you to do the things you haven’t been able to do, so you can get to where you want to get to. In any area of your life… Not by changing what you think, what you believe, but by embracing it.

I mentioned in another article that I have had a real hard time throwing stuff away, whether it is on the computer, or in my space.

I paid attention to the emotions that rose to screaming level when I actually did throw something away. Given those strong emotions, no wonder that I am a pack-rat. Continue reading “A breakthrough some of you should attempt”

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.

Its purpose is survival.

The organism wants to survive, desperately.

We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it. Continue reading “Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies”

Your machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path

Your machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path

flowers for algernon... loss is more painful than never having itYour machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path: Life is a circle of repeating changes, rising and falling like the seasons.

Although all models are wrong, some are useful. This model is useful.

Robert Fritz, author of the book, The Path of Least Resistance, can offer a lot of information on the topic.

Fritz’s oscillating structures is a model and it is useful. Continue reading “Your machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path”

Swim or sink… do or die

to be in a sink or swim situation, you first need to jumpinto the waterThis morning my main computer quietly died.

Times like this are the real tests whether the capacities are working or not.

Suddenly I had no access to anything that is on that computer, not the data, not the software, and I had a few choices: go crazy, go out of business, or bring resiliency, aka mental toughness to carry the day.

It’s Tuesday, and a few minutes after the death of my trusty computer, I went downstairs and to my weekly outing to the chiropractor and to the grocery store.

These excursions, the conversations with Sarah, the woman who drives me, and my chiropractor, could have been opportunities for complaining, and although I shared it with both, and both offered their help, I said thank you, and continued with the day like nothing happened.

I managed not to drag the issue to areas where it didn’t belong.
Continue reading “Swim or sink… do or die”

What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…

building-resiliency-raise-your-vibrationPeople ask: what is the spiritual practice, the spiritual work that allowed me to climb up to the skinny branches of the Tree of Life, and allowed so many spiritual capacities to turn on? To raise my vibration…

All these years I’ve been asked, and all these years I didn’t know what to answer. I didn’t know what to suggest that you do, that I did, until this morning.

This morning, while and after I was leading the workshop “What’s missing” I realized something profound:

Life is not set up to challenge you to turn on new capacities. The box you live in has no room for new capacities, and offers no challenges.

So how are you going to grow?

You can learn to swim by being thrown to the deep end of the pool, and it’s life or death… sink or swim. Not a pleasant experience, and will probably scare you away from swimming again, for life.

This is when the need for a new capacity is thrown at you. You are unprepared, and you are not at your best… because of fear. Incoherent, and reactive.

It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty… and it is too late to summon empathy, or courage, or resiliency, or other capacities when you need it, unless you already have it.

This is how it works with capacities.
Continue reading “What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…”