What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?

sports don't normally activate any higher capacitiesThe currency of life are capacities and distinctions.

The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.

What? The bottom of what?

The bottom of the power pyramid. Where personal power, personal authority is the currency.

Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it. Continue reading “What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?”

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

You are always, every moment, are on the verge of limbo or in limbo… so learning how to reinvent yourself to move out of limbo is a good skill to learn

But change, I teach, is not good. It is mostly fixing, and every change carries in itself the seed level of what you didn’t want, what you wanted to change.

So now what? Another way to have something more, better, or different is through reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… But can you do it? How do you do it? Continue reading “Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…”

Learning and growing through simulation, like doctors

We all live in a little box, and it seems that we are stuck here forever.

Life would work best if it were like a Freecell game: you lost the game? so what?! Or if it were like a University: learning to become a surgeon or a nurse.

Future surgeons don’t learn, don’t practice on live patients… they practice on dummies or on cadavers… They would certainly cause some damage while they learn otherwise. Continue reading “Learning and growing through simulation, like doctors”

How is the human DNA is like a Christmas tree

activate dna capacitiesThe Human DNA is like a Christmas tree

It has lots of light on, the active genes, and even more lights off, the inactive genes.

Some genes are supposed to turn off at a certain level of individual development, others are supposed to turn on, but most genes need to be needed by the person’s activity to turn on or even to stay on.

A light on is a human capacity that is active. It signifies that the organism considers it worthwhile and needed to keep it on… Because it produces a benefit commensurate with the energy expenditure the body needs to put out to keep it on.

A light off is a human capacity that is not active. Continue reading “How is the human DNA is like a Christmas tree”

Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated

I see this time and time again: if and when you need it, there is a triple amount of chance that you will actually do what you need to do to learn it, engage with it, read it… do it.

Triple is still small for most people… but it is, hell, three times more than you would do if you just wanted it. 1

Want what? Growing, practice, spiritual capacities, healing, courses, coaching… transformation, living on the vertical plane, in reality, where nothing is wrong. That is what I “sell”…

I have been struggling to get through to this one client to be able to support him in using and keeping the activation of the capacity “causing.” Causing your life, to own what belongs to you, to own what you are doing, what you are feeling, even what you are NOT feeling.

Causing is a very high capacity, dependent on your capacity to own what you can own. What belongs to you.

I can feel that most of the time he is on his computer, reading articles. Continue reading “Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated”

How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness?

I wrote this article more than four years ago. I assigned this simple exercise to about a hundred people, and to my dismay, all failed.

I discovered two days ago why… and now I can start teaching it again, and see if it is a lack of capacity, or a lack of intention that causes the failure. Continue reading “How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness?”

The Producers, The Takers, The Waiters, The Hopers, The Wanters… Which One Are You?

In this article that i started seven years ago, I looked at what it is that separates from Producers from Hunters and gatherers

I had a conversation with my friend, Nancy F., yesterday. The topic of the conversation, after some wild twists and turns, settled on what is the secret of Jewish people’s success.

Nancy F. has always wanted what Jews had, without having to be a Jew or doing what a Jew does… lol.

Much like my next door neighbor.

She want to be an Israelite without becoming an Israelite.

Here is an example: I look out the window between our houses. I mostly look to see if the mailman has been here so I don’t have to go downstairs and climb back a few times a day. Our mail comes at unpredictable times. Continue reading “The Producers, The Takers, The Waiters, The Hopers, The Wanters… Which One Are You?”

How a collage is a diagnostic tool


the field of admirer-admired collage“What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?” French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan posed that question. I invite you to put it at the top of your list of hot topics to meditate on. In doing so, I trust you won’t use it as an excuse to disparage your companions for their inadequacies. Rather, I hope it will mobilize you to supercharge your intimate alliances; to deepen your awareness of the synergistic beauty you could create together; to heighten your ability to be given the universe by those whose fates are interwoven with yours.

In the current live course, from Upset to Communication we have come to the last of the four non-elevated fields of communication, Admirer-admired. My horoscope, above, for the coming week reflects that.

One of my students has already sent me her collage. It has given me a glimpse into her internal conversations that is deeper than I have ever seen… and I have known her for almost six years now.

Collages, where you go through pictures in magazines, or memes on the internet, are the best way to reveal to yourself your relationship, opinion, attitude about the world, about others, about yourself, about effort, ambition, etc.

Making collages has two parts:
Continue reading “How a collage is a diagnostic tool”

You are trying to eat soup with a fork…

entraining-you-for-stupidityIt’s perplexing to watch humans trying to eat soup with a fork.

Because while industry, science have advanced, humans, the race, has gone backwards.

As a race.

Backwards in intelligence… intellect, emotional, social, relationship, etc.

And obviously in vibration. Continue reading “You are trying to eat soup with a fork…”

Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?

ZSvideoMEMRIEgyptianClerics1-viThis article is politically incorrect, and somewhat philosophical…

Not up for it? Spare yourself frustration, and don’t read it.

OK… now that only the eleven or so readers that are up for it remain reading, I can be blunt, and use some six letter words… lol.

Of course, this is, at least partially tongue in cheek…

OK, I am going to, first talk about a new insight I have on religion, then about Jews, capacities, genetically smarter… and other politically incorrect subjects that are keeping me busy pondering today.

Continue reading “Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?”