Why clueless people don’t see themselves clueless?

Why clueless people don’t see themselves clueless?

I am fineClueless

When we say we are clueless, it means that we don’t know. We feel like we are in a fog where every direction looks equally bleak… we don’t start, because we want to go in the right direction.

Now, is that clueless, or is that feeling clueless?

Let’s look at an example:

More than 100 thousand pages talk about DNA activation. Thousands on thousands of people look for that.

They are promised instant enlightenment, whatever that is.

Now, the truth is, there is no instant enlightenment. There is nothing instant, neither healing, nor DNA activation.

It is true that the light can be turned on with the flick of a switch, but you won’t see anything for a little while…

Even hearing is not instant… it takes the sound to go through filters until it reaches the mind and comprehension results.

Now, the question is: the person who sells this, and the person who buys it: are they clueless or do they feel clueless?
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Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

purple chick strategy... beware of the dark sideDNA capacity activation is all about activating the resources of hidden and dormant in your DNA… capacities that mean the difference between a so-so life, and a good life, like resourcefulness and seeing the big picture.

All of the capacities are attitudes and emotional abilities… how you do things, not what you do.

Here is an article I saw that shows a good example or decision-making that uses capacities most people need but don’t have:

The “Purple Chick” strategy:

So what can chicken farmers in the rural district of Nakuru, in Kenya, teach us about resourcefulness?

Well it’s like this:
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New webinar to help you grow one step at a time…

open-micIn January I will continue the weekend webinars.

I am switching gears… and the next few webinars will be workshops. I will still work with each and every person, individually, but the structure will be different.

In this free webinar workshop, we’ll look at your life and find an area of your life that is not up to par, that is not working as well as you’d like it to work.

  • Relationship
  • Health
  • Money
  • Business
  • Job or work
  • Your home
  • Your looks…

Any one area you wish to work on.

The magic of this process is that you can do it anew every week, and every time you do it, life becomes easier and more manageable.

Why? Because the process drives up the invisible, where all the magic comes from. The “Don’t know you don’t know” in that specific area of life.
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Courage is a capacity to call on when you notice fear…

Courage is a capacity to call on when you notice fear…

courage-symbolCourage… courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. Look at the symbol: it seems to walk to the right… but look at another thing: it is sturdy. It is hard to remove it from upright… It stands on two sturdy legs… stocky… Without the ability to stay standing, no courage will be enough.You need to use it… do you use it? Or do you run? Hide? Play poop hiding in the tall grass?

Courage is a DNA capacity. It needs to be turned on for you to have it…. When you need it it is available.

But you are the boss… you can use it, and continue in the face of fear, or you can shrink, run, hide… the things people do to evade a threat.

Some fear is a wake up call… you better run. Like if you are on the train tracks and a train is coming. Get out of the way.

Other fears are an indicator that you are walking on uncharted territory, and you need to pay attention.

And yet other fears are ego fears… they come because you are rocking the boat.

This is the kind of fear you’ll experience when you attempt to grow.

It’s the what-if fear. What if I am not going to like it? What if people won’t like me? What if I’ll be alone?

The capacity “being deserving” has put one of the participant into that fear just now.
Continue reading “Courage is a capacity to call on when you notice fear…”

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

perfect-geometric-patterns-in-nature-22__880I am about as religious as a teacup… and that is actually one of the freedoms that allow me to experiment, to allow myself to be guided through torturous paths, to use my life to discover law-like phenomena, to read everything and the opposite, to allow myself to go from despair to elation and back…

Life, the Universe is largely unknowable. You can, by the way, call it “god” if you wish… and please do that if that will allow you to follow this discussion.

This article will be a little bit hodge-podge, given that I have to gather a lot of disparate stuff to make sense in the end. So bear with me.

Your ability to bear with me will be consistent with the number of capacities you have active on your DNA… If you, like most of humanity, have seven capacities active: you’ll have to hang in there, and maybe read it a few times.

OK, let’s begin:
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You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving

agnosticLet me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?

No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.

Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.

But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.

I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he deserved whatever, emphasized for me that I didn’t. He said he did, and I said I didn’t. It bothered me. A lot.

People around you will tell you what you deserve, but they are lying. They are playing god… Deserving comes with Life.
Continue reading “You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving”

DNA capacity: Deserving… Being Deserving…

bing deservingSome 12 years ago I was in a training program to lead introductory seminars… in essence sell a program in live 3-hour seminars.

The woman who trained us had a steady 80% effectiveness, meaning out of every 10 people, 8 shelled out $500 dollars to do a 3-day course.

The average number for the hundreds of introduction leaders in the world was about 20%… two out of ten attendees.

When we asked what was her secret, she said: I have an attitude: “Of course they register”.

Now, depending on where you are on the deserving scale, this probably sounds to you entitled, arrogant, or stupid wishful thinking.

Even then I knew she was onto something. I felt it. I felt that she was deserving of spending her time effectively with people who hear her. And I felt that she included every single person in that being deserving… the attendees of her introductions, and myself.
Continue reading “DNA capacity: Deserving… Being Deserving…”

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

possibility-of-being-lovingPossibilities in Landmark Education equal DNA capacities… but does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

The Landmark Education shortcut that doesn’t work:
“the possibility I declare for myself and my life”
“the possibility I invent for myself and my life”

the words that follow are: the possibility of being prosperous, happy, powerful, free, happy, passionately happy, blah blah blah… inspiring for a moment. A moment. Not even a day. I checked google and a grand total of 4 pages had the exact words… don’t you think it’s telling? I do… Continue reading “Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?”

More on why you can’t succeed alone: process, followup

More on why you can’t succeed alone: process, followup

follow through aka systemsI just realized something: following an already established process, going step by step, is a whole different capacity than creating one.

I am weak at both, but I am literally unwilling to spend my limited energies to create a process.

The resistance is so strong, my neck and shoulders are hurting.

What is that about?

There are a lot of ways to analyze humans and their behaviors, and one of them is through conation, which is a, I guess, Latin word for inclination, or inner nature.

Kathy Kolbe created a few tests and she says that the amount of initiative, the amount of energy to start something is finite, and everyone’s can be divided to 20… so far so good, I hope.

The four drastically different ways to approach something, to initiate something are
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The process of going from hopeless to energized and in action: limbering up, becoming flexible

hopeless man... as bad as being homelessAbout 50% of mornings I wake up depressed, hopeless, and regretting that I woke up at all.

Why would that be? Because my view of my life is stuck in a particular vantage point, you could call negative.

And those mornings, with the exception of a few, I look around for ways to unstuck myself. Not because I believe I can… but because I learned to do that.

This morning I read the Monday Morning Memo… and was inspired to write my own based on the same general idea.

I had no idea that I can do it, I had no idea if it would take me anywhere: I had the flexibility to do it.

Did I know it was going to unstuck me? Not really. And it did…

Something similar I do every morning. Sometimes I have to do it over and over and over, sometimes I get swept away by the joy of expressing myself…

And rarely, nowadays, I indulge my hopelessness for a day or two.
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