If it looks easy, and yet…

What comes after the dot dot dot?

You cannot even repeat the sentence…
You cannot do what it explained to do…
It doesn’t do what you were told it would do…

It happens all the time… and it leaves you puzzled, dumbfounded…

If that is you, you MAY belong here. MAY… Continue reading “If it looks easy, and yet…”

Your vocabulary number is a predictor of your abundance… or scarcity

This post, this audio is a little on the choppy side, because you are witnessing me entering the invisible and making new connections, connecting some dots. Brilliant if I may say so myself… 🙂


Okay. alright, it’s Saturday. I just finished listening to today’s installment of the 5-Minute Mentor Series. This is one of the things I signed up to carry my consciousness around 360 degrees, and alter, with the help of consciousness, what it is that I do about my finances.

Why do I trust it? Because it’s done by the same person as the 67 Steps. The 67 Steps, whether it’s good or bad, it has revolutionized my life. I did all 67 for eight times. I have been doing it since February, two and a half years ago. Because of some slight lifestyle changes, I now prefer to do the five minute a day version.

So in today’s installment, Tai talks about how to pick, or unpick people we associate with. His filter is, are these people going to abuse us, use us, take advantage of us, cheat us, or not? It’s a great way to look at people. Continue reading “Your vocabulary number is a predictor of your abundance… or scarcity”

Are you planting enough seeds so that you can have a rich harvest come fall?

If we took an inventory of your life… If I followed you around for a day, a week, a month… How many of your actions are planting seeds for the future you desire, how many are planting seeds to no results, or undesired results?

Most people plant no seeds. Some plant seeds but then forget about watering them, and the weeds or the dryness kills the seeds before they can even sprout.

Most people think that the world rotates around them, should play according to their rules, and their rules are: give it to me now, because I want it.

Manifestation, the law of attraction, mind movies, instant healing, the “bars”, incantation, shamanism, and thousands of fraudulent abusive modalities all capitalize on this warped worldview to make it all right for you.

But they are lies, frauds, intentionally misleading you. And you are willing. It turns my stomach. Continue reading “Are you planting enough seeds so that you can have a rich harvest come fall?”

Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article

What would put you into the vibration of money? Or why are you repelling money?

Summary: 90% of what keeps you in money, or what repels money from you are you attitudes towards people, including yourself.

It is not vibration, per se… but people feel it. And they refuse to give you money.

The solution is to develop attitudes more conducive, more attractive, more inviting to money.

Most of my courses are about that… Changing your attitudes…

The article below may be too scholarly for most of you…

What is blocking your ability to abundance? To making money, to accepting money, to do things worth money?

Continue reading “Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article”

I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true

What you don’t know that you don’t know

If you are like me at any point you think that what you know is how it is. And that makes you stuck.

Here is what happened that woke me up from this seductive illusion that what I know is so.

I have been fascinated with nut butters. OK… nothing fancy in that…

I bought a machine to make nut butters, and it was a tedious job: 90% of the time was scraping the wall of the bowl… or the machine would run as if it were empty. Continue reading “I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true”

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner… Continue reading “What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?”

What you say and what you do when it comes to your children

What you say and what you do when it comes to your children

What you say and what you do… when it comes to your children becoming educated, productive people

One of the signs of the overwhelming inauthenticity and low level of integrity is the gap between what people say and what people do.

My definition of authenticity is that there is nothing in the unsaid. Nothing in the unsaid that isn’t consistent with what is visible…

In essence, no lying by omission.

Authenticity is one of those big words that no one knows what it really means… so they go by feeling. The simplest way to define authenticity is that there is no pretense, no façade, no game playing. The person is the same through and through. When they are seen and when they are not.

Most people smile a lot in their pictures, but I can feel their anxiety, their fear, their inner trembling. An inauthentic smile.

One more thing that I haven’t said before, but given that we are working with memes and affirmations: if you obey memes, if you repeat memes, if you try to fit in with memes, you cannot be authentic.

Because your inner you, whether you know who it is or what it is, knows that what you are saying, what you are doing is not you… you are trying to fit in. Fitting in is not authentic.

Werner has a saying about authenticity: he says we are always inauthentic, so we can only be authentic (tell the truth) about our inauthenticity.

more videos at

One of the measures in the Starting Point Measurements is the inauthenticity measure.

Get your Starting Point Measurements

Inauthenticity… examples

I have been surveying mothers and fathers of children to find out to what degree they care about their children’s future.

Life wants more life… so one would assume that both men and women will want their children to become all they can become.

And when it comes to lip-service, this is often what they say.

But when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is… the truth is vastly different.

  • Less than one percent of women spend money on their children’s future. Education, skill building, music lessons, language lessons, educational toys, etc.
  • 30% of men do.

If you listen to memes, you are now surprised.

Memes tout women as more caring, but these numbers talk against the memes.

Actually, in my experience, what women see as caring makes their children dependent on them, and makes their children a TLB-1…

Having barely any chance of making it in life.

TLB 1 people want me to be nice to them, to protect them, to be like a mother. But the whole field of mother-child is bankrupt when it comes to helping children become strong adults.

The words ‘caring’ and ‘love’ mean different things to different people: there is barely any agreement about any of it.

But we can agree to disagree… how women hear the words love and caring, I am guessing from their behavior, is being loved and being cared for.

To women it means Receiving. Desire to receive for the self alone.

While men hear it, maybe, as a giving, as an earning, as something that allows them to function in the world better, given that their sexual needs, and maybe some other needs can be taken care of.

In my occasional conversations, women behave like this 80% of the time, or maybe it is 80% of women 100% of the time?

I don’t know.

But the number of women who don’t recognize what ‘deal’ they entered when they got married is staggering. The deal the man thought was made, what the man thought the deal was is that the woman will help their spouse make a living. That the will become mothers to the future generation so the man’s genes will get expression.

This is not only true about talented, high earning women: this is true for women who are not high earning, not learned, not highly skilled.

And of course between parties who didn’t spell out the ‘deal’, and now they are at odds, the children are a burden, or mere negotiating chips.

I do see exceptions, when the woman is exceptional.

And occasionally I do see role reversals as well.

This is not genetic. This is meme based.

  • The genes know what is important.
  • The memes say what is profitable for the meme creators.

Don’t be mistaken: memes, the meme creators have a profit motive, and they may also have an overwhelming desire to create a zombie consumer society where they can sway popular opinion at will.

All you need to do to create a zombie consumer society is to keep people be interested in some vague ideal that they need to fill, be pretty, thin, crave sex, and to harass the men so they can never feel at peace and in balance.

Or be a career woman who fights for equal income, even if she can’t focus at work with sick children at home. To have the children be a burden.

No matter which direction the memes sway you, you are not on the side of life.
All the shoulds and all the should nots are memes. All of them. With one agenda: to keep you out of balance, to keep you buying stuff… to be needy and wanty.

For many centuries it was only religion with its memes. But today… with the social sites… ugh.

With more and more memes every generation of humans is less sturdy, less hardy, less willing to be a self-starter when it comes to educating themselves… because there is hardly anyone who cares about it… other than caring to give lip-service.

The Reality Challenge will be ongoing… so you can sign up if you are at all interested in weeding out the memes… so you can start being the driver of your life.

Reality Challenge

Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

What are the first signs that your vibration number went up?

The average vibration of all people on the planet is 130. That is a level where people are low of energy, so low that even anger, or saying no takes effort.

Recently I witnessed as two of my students raised their vibration from 130 to 200 and then fell back the next week.

I don’t remember what it was like for me… because at the time I didn’t know i could measure my own vibration.

But I do remember that there was a markedly different way I saw the world.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble,  It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, It's what you know for sure that just ain't so“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”.
~ from the movie “The Big Short”

Why is it that people don’t like this quote? Can you guess?

I see it all the time. People are quite certain that what they know is true, and are puzzled by the fact that they don’t feel good about themselves, about their place in the world, about their lives.

This includes smart people, and this includes people who are not that sophisticated.

We, as a species, are full of knowledge that just isn’t so. And when we build theories, actions, futures, arguments on those untruths, then things don’t work. Continue reading “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”

How a collage is a diagnostic tool

How a collage is a diagnostic tool


the field of admirer-admired collage“What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?” French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan posed that question. I invite you to put it at the top of your list of hot topics to meditate on. In doing so, I trust you won’t use it as an excuse to disparage your companions for their inadequacies. Rather, I hope it will mobilize you to supercharge your intimate alliances; to deepen your awareness of the synergistic beauty you could create together; to heighten your ability to be given the universe by those whose fates are interwoven with yours.

In the current live course, from Upset to Communication we have come to the last of the four non-elevated fields of communication, Admirer-admired. My horoscope, above, for the coming week reflects that.

One of my students has already sent me her collage. It has given me a glimpse into her internal conversations that is deeper than I have ever seen… and I have known her for almost six years now.

Collages, where you go through pictures in magazines, or memes on the internet, are the best way to reveal to yourself your relationship, opinion, attitude about the world, about others, about yourself, about effort, ambition, etc.

Making collages has two parts:
Continue reading “How a collage is a diagnostic tool”