The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

depression is a sign that you are unwilling to hit bottom. when you hit bottom, there is the beginning of coming upThis article, unintentionally, has two parts. They are loosely connected. One part is about hitting bottom, the second part is about getting out of the judgment, getting out of the systemic value paradigm where you have no future.

Depression Is A Sign That You Are Unwilling To Hit Bottom.

Continue reading “The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy”

Why those successful people became successful and not you?

Why those successful people became successful and not you?

You are Stuck…

Stuck without a solution, stuck in a tight spot, stuck in a relationship, stuck with an irrevocable promise, stuck in a job, stuck behind… Stuck. And stuck is stuck.

This is the landscape of our life. NORMAL.

Whether we verbalize it or not, we feel stuck. life seems to work against us, and we feel we are a poor match to deal with what we need to deal with. Continue reading “Why those successful people became successful and not you?”

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

70% of all people feel that they are stuck… And I guess, 100% of the people feel, at least occasionally, that they are stuck.

Feeling stuck is very unpleasant. I know because I know how it feels.

But being stuck is not real, unless it is something physical, and no one means that, when they say they feel stuck. Continue reading “The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…”

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

I will have a webinar for people who bought the Allowing DNA capacity…So, of course, I put my whole life into the context: what is allowing?

And it should not surprise me that life is showing up consistent with that. Consistent with: allowing is missing when something doesn’t go well.

What does that mean, Sophie?

It means: suddenly I need to allow a ton more things that under nearly any other context.

Examples: Continue reading “Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?”

The more we think the more disconnected we become

The more we think the more disconnected we become

Disconnected from what? Disconnected from reality. From ourselves. And of course from others… and maybe, likely, even from what we want.

I signed up to a mini course on how to create trust in animals so they will be OK, so they will be able to do what they normally can’t. They, the humans, somehow, reduce their own thinking, and the animals mirror it and feel safe. The fear response disappears. Continue reading “The more we think the more disconnected we become”

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews every worldview belongs to… Part 2: Comparing the two worldviews

If you haven’t read part 1, it’s here…

Like you, I want certainty. Like you, I want to be sure. And like you, I want to understand how the world works.

Why? Because we are coming from a personal worldview that Life is dangerous. Or something to that effect. Continue reading “Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two”

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

seeing rainbowsIf you are discouraged, read how I got myself out of the rut and see the rainbow again

I just read Roy H. Williams’ Monday Morning Memo.

It was just the thing for me to read… it was a mixture of feeling shamed and encouraged at the same time… Whaat? Yeah.

I woke up depressed. Not new, I have been depressed to some degree all my life. Continue reading “Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t”

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

One of the problems that humanity is dealing with is this: they are too quick to judge, and judge disfavorably.

No patience. No compassion. And definitely no kind eyes.

So what is this kind eyes thing?

It is letting go of judgment. Letting go of standards and ideals. And letting go of demanding perfection. Continue reading “Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?”

Self-trust… a linchpin capacity… can you develop it?

Self-trust… a linchpin capacity… can you develop it?

scared-to-take-the-next-stepHow do you develop yourself to be able to move forward? To grow?

Many of my coaching students are at a crucial point in their lives where unless something happens, they probably won’t move forward.

Fear, unclarity, self-centeredness, belligerence…

The main attitude is different for each person. Not one person resembles another in what seems to block their path.

A perfect example of the Anna Karenina Principle: a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms an endeavor to failure. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

All people who move forward are alike. All stuck people are stuck in their own way.

Continue reading “Self-trust… a linchpin capacity… can you develop it?”

A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t

A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t

Positive THINKING, negative THINKING… listen up: it is not all about THINKING!

Instead, it is deciding where to look, and where to go.

Don’t look backwards unless you are planning to go that way (Thoureau).

Or if you are climbing a rock… don’t look down. You can look after you are safe… but not during the climb.

This has been my mantra for many decades. With it I avoided law suits, blaming, vengeance, and probably depression. Continue reading “A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t”