The art of being well, being unphased, and impervious… for real.

I had an interesting unintended experiment this afternoon.

I have a loud burr coffee grinding machine.

I was ready to make some coffee (I drink cold dripped coffee) and ground the coffee beans while I was doing something else.

I found out that I am much better ignoring memes than ignoring loud noises. I could not hear myself thinking. I was making mistakes… I pondered what I was doing…

This gave me an opportunity to put myself in your shoes. What it must be like to be living in the constant jarring noise of the memes…

Here is what I have seen so far: Continue reading “The art of being well, being unphased, and impervious… for real.”

Forget superbugs… worry about supermemes!

We live in a culture where we are supposed to live at others’ convenience. Where we are all supposed to dance to the same tune, march to the same drummer. Get excited about the weekend, even more excited about holidays. Want to be with our families, eat a big meal, and complain about indigestion afterwards.

Thanksgiving is a great example. The holiday preparation has taken over everything already a week ago. Everything. You drop life, you drop your projects and like a good soldier, you do the thing that is expected of you, talk about the holiday, think about the holiday, shopping, cleaning the house, inviting people or being invited… Nobody home. Just a machine. Continue reading “Forget superbugs… worry about supermemes!”

The methodology of making the invisible visible

The methodology of making the invisible visible

All mischief and all power comes from the invisible. Invisible to you, and maybe invisible to society.

It’s not hidden. It is just not obvious to the untrained eyes. What your eyes need is training and guidance.

My methodology, observing life through many distinctions, is a winning one.

It drives up, and makes visible what has thus far been invisible.

Racket, frame, memes, voices, states… the distinctions are all opportunities to see another aspect of the invisible, and gain control over yourself, so you can start moving in the direction of the good life, whatever good life is for you.

For example, your soul correction. It is a distinction to look through and see some formerly invisible stuff. Continue reading “The methodology of making the invisible visible”

Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?

I did the first session of the Muscletesting course, version 2 yesterday.

There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.

Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.

What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscletest for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?

The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.

That nothing happens until someone does something… The law of cause and effect. Continue reading “Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?”

How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?

It’s Saturday. The only reason I know it is Saturday because tomorrow I’ll have the first session of Version 2 of the muscletesting course.

And I am afraid. Normal. Anything new, anything threatening with unexpected unknowns creates fear. Normal.

So I stayed in semi-sleep mode an hour longer than my normal getup time… Looking.

I looked at all the relevant invisible elements of my life, to see where I can influence this fear… and how. Not that fear is bad… but I prefer life with less fear. Continue reading “How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?”

Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

This article is about personal evolution… going from where, how, who you are today to a higher level, a higher organization where you can be, have, do more.

Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations… from Wikipedia

As I am browsing the many pages of many self-proclaimed gurus about the topic, what is most striking is this: all think that they are there… up there… And looking from that imaginary height, they claim what the levels are.

That is the problem with imagination. You can only imagine things on your level, inside your paradigm. The higher paradigms cannot be imagined. Bummer, eh?

So you need to trust, and move into the invisible, the unknown, the maybe unfriendly… 🙁

Fear is normal. In fact, fear is healthy. If you are not afraid, you live in your imagination… and will wake up with your hand in the chamberpot… as we Jews say.

So what this means is this: you don’t know where you are going. I don’t know where I am going. I am, at best, taking you to where I have been. And then, if I am lucky, walk with you, trembling with hope and fear… with you.

Recommendation: when you see a website that has a graphic that names the levels: leave. They are lying to you. They are taking you on a ride. They have something to sell you.

Here are a few examples. Click on the pictures to view them full size.




It’s November 10, and the ground is covered with snow where I live. My hands are cold, I am contemplating putting on my typing gloves: gloves that the tip of the finger is cut off so I can type.

I started to keep my house cold in the winter a few years ago, but went all hogs with it last winter: my thermostat is set to 47 degrees (9 degrees Celsius) day and night, and I have a heating pad under my desk and a heating pad on the wall about two meters from my right shoulder on the wall in my office. I also have a heating pad in the bathroom that I turn on when I plan to take a shower.

Why am I doing this? Continue reading “Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?”

Reframing: our tool for creating

You’ve heard of the expression: like a deer caught in the headlights syndrome: frozen, seeing the world one way with no escape route.

Most people live their whole lives in that state: see the world in a fixed way.

To one degree or another we are all are like that.

The more of your life is lived in that state, the more powerless you feel, the less options, the less choices you see.

You can examine any two people with different results in life and you’ll see that they are stuck in one view of the world, but their view is different.

Obviously, having new choices, having new options, having different actions available to you is a good thing if you want to have a life worth living.

People who feel out of control, people who feel that they don’t have a say in what happens to them, are people with depression.

Continue reading “Reframing: our tool for creating”

What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…

And context is the ultimate life hack.

Most people don’t understand the distinction: context

Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.

So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.

Now you are interested, I hope.

Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing? Continue reading “What makes life worth living?”

How do you catch what you can’t see? How do you change into someone who can?

Last night I spent a few hours (3, to be exact.) listening to Jim Rohn, famed self-development coach. Funny, entertaining, brilliant.

He said all the right words. He made sense to a lot of people.

But I bet if we scratch the numbers, he made just as little results as everyone who is trying to cause individual human evolution.

I’ll tell you in a little bit why… but first let me tell you what he says: Continue reading “How do you catch what you can’t see? How do you change into someone who can?”

Are you teachable?

you must become teachableI help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?

This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable. Continue reading “Are you teachable?”