What can my recent anger teach you? Let’s look…

What can my recent anger teach you? Let’s look…

dance-vs-struggleI have said before: What you see is the most important element in your life. In this article you’ll see, that what you see is also directed by where you are looking…

You can look at one thing or you can look at another ting… and your actions will be sharply different.

For completeness sake, where you are looking from is also an important factor… where the ‘where’ is not a place, it’s an attitude, expectation, or an already knowing. Continue reading “What can my recent anger teach you? Let’s look…”

One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration

What is the difference between a worker and a manager?
What is the difference between the leader and a manager?
What is the difference between leading your life and managing your life?
What is the difference between working in your business and working ON your business?

The answer to all of these question is: the position from where the actions come.

By position I actually MEAN an almost physical position: where are you looking FROM when you make your decisions about what to do.

A lot of my students are stuck in a situation an earlier decision got them into. A bad marriage, bad health, bed relationship, bad job.

There are surprisingly few principles for a human being, which is the next evolutionary level after human. Applying the same principles, honoring them, will also take you to the new evolutionary level.

One of the principles is to make decisions from the whole. Continue reading “One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration”

More money Part 4: your relationship to money

Relationship-with-MoneyWhat is your relationship to money?

For the most part, your relationship to money, your attitude about money, is the same or similar, as your attitude about life. It is either powerful or it isn’t… and of course everything in between.

Raising the quality of your relationship to money is the exact same thing as raising your vibration. The moves are exactly the same. The higher vibration relationship will effect your money, your personal relationships, your success in any area of life, your health, and your experience of life: your level of fulfillment, purpose, joy, and happiness.

Of course, your understanding of what I just said is on the level of your current vibration… you want more stuff… right? You’ll see what it really means as you raise (increase) your vibration by climbing the Tree of Life, from branch to branch to branch, to as high as you can manage in this lifetime.

Continue reading “More money Part 4: your relationship to money”

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?
All you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration.

I got this email this morning:

Hello Sophie,
I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising vibrations meant inner transformation, less ego and more kindness. Sorry, but to me Your Message does not seem truthful. I do not think it is Your intention, but I have to quit.
Regards from K

A lot of visitors have the same opinion: higher vibration means more kindness… Continue reading “What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?”

How to use context to be more astute, and feel better?

the-dark-side-of-the-moonWhen I have an unexpected feeling or emotion, I look for a context, because context is decisive. 1

This morning I had heart symptoms.

When you have a symptom, it is important to know what is causing it, because your actions will be different with different causes. Same symptom,different action.

Turns out that it was a Dark Side transmission.

Feelings are energies, and they can be duplicated by someone more advanced in energy sorcery than I even strive to be.

Had I been you, I would already be in the emergency room, racking up a huge bill.
Continue reading “How to use context to be more astute, and feel better?”

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

water-energizer-setupI have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.

Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.

The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,

Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?

Continue reading “Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer”

What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?

It helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see…

let me knock you consciousBut it is you who needs to do the looking.

One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article asks you to look at yourself, and if you told the truth, if you looked, you would see something ugly about yourself. If not, then you are lying. Those of you that got stuck at a relatively low vibration, in spite of your participation, are unwilling to look. So you lie. Continue reading “What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?”

What is Vibration?

what is vibration? how do you measure vibrational frequency?What is vibration? What is the vibration that is the vibrational scale of 1 to 1000?

In this article I’ll answer the questions: what is vibration, and what that means. I’ll also tell you how to measure vibration. And in the end I’ll let you know how to pick a teacher or a guru who is the best vibrational match to you, so you can start raising your vibration with their teaching. Continue reading “What is Vibration?”

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

lack of confidence

Lacking confidence?

Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.

A confident person can do almost anything. Confidence is not a belief, confidence is a certainty, a KNOWING, and it is a very high consciousness level… it is the capacity to see what isn’t there… because that is what it takes to KNOW that you are a match to anything, and if you fail, you’ll learn from it… just another way to be a match to life.

We could call the process of becoming confident the Path to Enlightenment…

Enlightenment is a process, that could be called becoming an Expanding Human Being… And the path to confidence… the process to become an Expanding Human Being, is finally ready.
And not surprisingly, this is the same path to a higher vibration, all the way from the puny vibration you have now, to the rarefied height of the 900’s, and anything in between.

Continue reading “Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!”

Become a match to your dreams

worth-itWhen I google this phrase, “become a match to your dreams” all the sites I find talk about the Law of Attraction or manifestation… so I have to suppress my distaste for the misdirection those sites and those teachers carry… and just relate to the sentence itself.

Most of the people, when I ask them what they want, talk about stuff that they have no business talking about. Most, I say, because I do have some, a few, exceptions.

When you consider that you have to work for everything… that the Law of Attraction, if there were anything valid like that, would say: when you are ready, when you have done your work, fully and without cutting corners, then the results will follow.

That is the REAL Law of Attraction. The law that tells you that you can earn what you want with work, that is complete, and thorough.
Continue reading “Become a match to your dreams”