Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican? a democrat?

Why is there such a sharp and irreconcilable difference between the right and the left in the world? The answer is in the invisible realm of reality…There are many things I can measure in a human… while I am connected to Source. The language between Source (aka All-Knowledge, or the Zero point field) is muscletesting. … Continue reading “Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican? a democrat?”

Assumptions of gratitude, appreciation, abundance

What the f… are you talking about. Sophie?Because 99% reality, 99% of all-there-is is invisible to most of us, we all developed some way to cope with that… and of those the most damaging, the most harmful is assumptions.You assume you know. Youe assume the context. You assume what is wanted and needed.Asking questions is … Continue reading “Assumptions of gratitude, appreciation, abundance”

Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?

If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a worldview, a worldview that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, … Continue reading “Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?”

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.If the Bible is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave … Continue reading “Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses”

Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

I just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck Even the brief is worth reading…Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?What Manson says is the essence of … Continue reading “Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be”

Memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of

Last night I spent a lot of time looking at a deluge of memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed ofI just slashed my finger for the third time this morning. I will have a hard time muscletesting for a bit… Here is what happened:Last night in bed I spent a lot of … Continue reading “Memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of”

What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…

What are good questions to ask of me? tons, actually, but here are a few I just thought off looking at some of the pictures customers send me:What is the cause of the bumps/blemishes on my face?What is the cause of my bad breath?What is the reason I have plaque on my teeth? In my … Continue reading “What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…”

You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse

Darn, these power outages… I lost a whole article I didn’t name, didn’t save. It was a stream of consciousness…. then oops, the power went out… and with it the article disappeared as if it never existed.And now the inspiration is gone as well… let me see if I can re-generate it.OK here you go: … Continue reading “You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse”

Either everybody counts or nobody counts…

20 years ago I had my first entrepreneur value profile done.It was some 30 pages long… too much English. But somewhere it said something like: You don’t work well THROUGH others…Bummer…A year or two worth of training later I got my certification to become a value profile consultant. Then I learned to see all that … Continue reading “Either everybody counts or nobody counts…”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.The whole program, the 67 steps, … Continue reading “Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?”