Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Imagine that you find yourself in Los Angeles… and then you find out that your meeting was in Seattle… and you took the wrong plane.If it happened, you would hop on another plane, or in the worst case rent a car and zoom up parallel to the Pacific Ocean, and voila you would arrive to … Continue reading “Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.”

Starting Point Measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000): 2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.: 3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: 4. your soul correction (your machine): https://yourvibration.com/sc 5. do you have attachments? 6. the level of your health (1-100): 7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100): 8. your relationship to feedback and … Continue reading “Starting Point Measurements”

When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument

When you blame other people… When bad things always happen to you… When you won’t be happy unless… When winning is the goal…Why is it that some people consistently choose being right… when the question is being right or being happy?The underlying dynamic is invisible to the naked eye. It is like an iceberg: only … Continue reading “When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument”

If you can’t beat them… join them… Turn into a high producer…

If you can’t beat them… join them… Or what it takes to turn yourself into a high producer…Warning: lots of footnotes in this article!I am Jewish…Jewish people are not genetically smarter than non-Jews… In fact, no ethnic groups are genetically smarter than others. And yet, certain groups test better both on tests and in life. … Continue reading “If you can’t beat them… join them… Turn into a high producer…”

Stuff we see we solve, the stuff we don’t see kicks our ass

Turning the impossible possible…. results in flowI have been listening to a podcast… two and a half hour long, so I can take only a half hour here, a half hour there…The sentences above are from that podcast… a conversation about how to get into your flow state.Because I have client with a half-done Juice … Continue reading “Stuff we see we solve, the stuff we don’t see kicks our ass”

Empath Services

–Start your relationship with my by getting your Starting Point Measurements Report.It includes some frequently asked numbers, like your vibration, your emotional intelligence, how many spiritual capacities you have, your health number, your cell hydration, your soul correction, and whether you have attachments/cords on you.1. your vibration (1-1000):2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, … Continue reading “Empath Services”

Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view

Reality can only be seen from the sideways view…And therein lies the reason why humans, the species hasn’t evolved for tens of thousands of years.The inability for humans, for homo sapiens to grow, evolve, is a fact because 98% of all humans can’t or won’t even attempt to look from the sideways view.

A symbol of restriction is a chimney. And Forrest Gump

The best symbol of restriction is the chimney. And Forrest GumpThey are, I say, the symbol for growth… Only one way… up.There are nations like a lake, a stream, a river, a puddle, and nations like a chimney. Most nations devolve into a puddle-like environment for the individual. No growth inspired, no growth encouraged, no … Continue reading “A symbol of restriction is a chimney. And Forrest Gump”

How words create and sustain emotions… EQ Part 3

Unfortunately for you, your emotions determine the quality of your life.If you haven’t, please read part one and part two first…‘They’ teach you to try to only have positive emotions, but guess what… you only try to have positive emotions on the top of negative ones…The less emotions you have the higher the quality of … Continue reading “How words create and sustain emotions… EQ Part 3”