How and what can move you out of not moving?

Isaac Newton was very famous… he invented the concept of gravity, he created laws of movement, and a lot of other things we consider laws… blah blah blah.Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.The most important laws he … Continue reading “How and what can move you out of not moving?”

Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?The other day, on my Sunday call I talked about my next house neighbors who are both PhD students at prestigious Syracuse University. Mike, the guy I talk to every Sunday asked the question: But are they street smart?It’s not a bad … Continue reading “Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?”

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?

No Efforting **Efforting describes times that you are not in the flow of either your  business or your personal life. It’s when you are slugging through the day and dreading tasks that you don’t feel connected with. It’s when you are pushing yourself to do things that you aren’t ‘feeling’. It’s the Have To list … Continue reading “What is the difference between forcing and certainty?”

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

I define someone who has that, Inner Authority, is this: they don’t need an outside force to entice them or to threaten them with some kind of punishment or doom to do what they have to do to get things done.So, the year was 1987, and it was the end of an 8-year run of … Continue reading “Inner authority? What does it mean really?”

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash

Have to, need to, want to, and should: you are on the leash 24/7.I woke up this morning and noticed that I haven’t been very busy. not much to do. I mean I am writing my articles, doing the services I promised, but not busy. I didn’t feel on the leash… delicious.I wonder what I … Continue reading “The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash”

Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?

Guy goes to his doctor. The doctor says, look, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you just got to stop masturbating. Why? asks the patient? So I can examine you, answers the doctor.OK, but all jokes aside, it is not easy to be a doctor, or a ‘spritual teacher’… So many things … Continue reading “Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?”

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Yesterday I spoke about the human condition, where moral rules, codes, and such are masking the predatory nature of humans…Predatory simply means: me at your expense… and it is mostly, among animals, at the expense of another species, but there are exceptions.I live on nuts, nuts are about 40% of the nutrition I take any … Continue reading “Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?”

Increase this number and all other numbers will rise with it

Your attention span is a reliable indicator of how well you’ll do in lifeIf you are not where you want to be, one possible way you can improve your lot is by increasing your attention span.Most people have a lot of aspects to their behavior and thinking that are at odds with being happy, successful, … Continue reading “Increase this number and all other numbers will rise with it”

Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about

Actually, the original Ben Franklin quote is: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing (about). Leave the world a better place than it was before you were born, because of your actions.I didn’t think it was in me… so I settled for something small. I decided to plant a tree every year… … Continue reading “Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about”

Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?

My only friend who doesn’t keep to staying home, and still does errands for me and for other old people like me, just picked up a package from me to take it to the UPS store for me.She was crying… everyone is on her case… including her daughter. I was on her case even yesterday.Today … Continue reading “Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?”