Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

Let me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.What box?Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.In my experience people fulfill on their … Continue reading “Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?”

Life is funny and fun when it is not all about you

Life is funny… Funny as in tickles your funny bone. You chuckle.Anything is about you, says something about you beyond just being what it is and it stops being funny, and life stops being fun.Thank you to Wendy… one of the people who got the gene adjustment.These whole issue of checking if I did it … Continue reading “Life is funny and fun when it is not all about you”

Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck

Don’t believe your press… It will get you stuck, or even destroy you.In my observation most people who go bankrupt, or lose their job, or get demoted, are surprised… they believed their high, the press, will last forever.Follows my observations of people believing their press.Please note: I am not judging, I am observing and assessing… … Continue reading “Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck”

What is your PEP and why you may not have much?

I watched Dodgeball the movie yesterday.I am watching The School or Rock today……and I had a huge realization… It has been hiding under the surface…I had never seen this movie, and I didn’t think much of it, but today I am watching it, and I am looking at it from two unique vantage points: the … Continue reading “What is your PEP and why you may not have much?”

Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there

Do you hate to learn new things because every time you do, it somehow tells you that you have been wrong? Or not enough? Not good enough?Well, toughen up princess…But otherwise it’s normal. I know.As a child I lived across the street from my elementary school.I was nearly seven when I went to school, I … Continue reading “Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there”

Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…

If it has a name, it is no longer a feeling…I am a True Empath. What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? A whole lot. I feel feeling you have… you have the feelings, but you don’t feel it. You only feel what you said it means.Empathy, the ordinary … Continue reading “Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…”

Mistakes, errors, failures… and happiness

I like challenge.I believe that only failures, only mistakes teach me anything, so I make sure I set my life up, I set my business up to have a steady stream of failures.My counter-intuitive approach to life allows me to be happy.

Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room

Oscar Wilde wrote, ‘…one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.‘ The world demands that you always try to be the smartest person in the room…I saw something today that can be important to for you to … Continue reading “Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room”

Resistance to new: fear. Fear of the unknown. How to win?

Part of being a good coach is to experience the scary stuff the client is experiencing or will experience on their journey… so I can have compassion, and maybe some tools to ease their bad experience and help them through some obstacle.I am in the middle of exactly that… and I am quaking in my … Continue reading “Resistance to new: fear. Fear of the unknown. How to win?”

Do you have enough? Energy, knowledge, attention, love?

How do you set the price of your product or program? Or help. Or work. That was the question yesterday in my coaching program.I know you are probably not a product creator, or a coach. But yet you do have a product or a program… if you work for a salary, if you have friends, … Continue reading “Do you have enough? Energy, knowledge, attention, love?”