A new approach to free your spirit permanently

According to google this is a big issue for people… and it is rightly so. Living with the spirit languishing, living with the spirit playing possum is no way to live. And yet, to one degree or another each of us has this issue.I have gotten through this issue… and my spirit is alive and … Continue reading “A new approach to free your spirit permanently”

What is beyond the ground bound existence of humanity?

I have been puzzled by the fact that people are literally unable to think up a context that would instantly transform their reality.As I have said before: context is decisive.That simply means that the context, the background alters how the foreground is perceived. The foreground doesn’t change, or not necessarily, but the mood, the attitude, … Continue reading “What is beyond the ground bound existence of humanity?”

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

I had a conversation the other day with my core group. They felt to me rudderless, directionless, low on energy… like a floater.What’s a floater, you ask? A floater is like stork sh!t… floats in the air and occasionally drops on the ground. Storks are known to poop while in the air… their poop dries … Continue reading “The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater”

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

I measure a ton of starting point measurements. People ask for their starting point measurements because they are experiencing something they don’t want.Lack of energy, lack of aliveness, lack of inspiration…

Starting Point Measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000):2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.:3. the number of spiritual capacities you have:4. your soul correction (your machine): https://yourvibration.com/sc5. do you have attachments?6. the level of your health: %7. the level of your cell hydration: %8. your relationship to feedback and instruction:9. The level of discomfort you are … Continue reading “Starting Point Measurements”

Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?

Are humans even interested in transcendence?Transcendence is growing through and beyond. And whether anyone says it or not, you always go beyond a stage when it is considered by you handled.I am reading a book by the same author who wrote about the predatory genes in another book of his.He is a novelist, a fiction … Continue reading “Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?”

Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?

Committed? Commitment? What are we talking about?I was in the Wisdom Course some 20 years ago. The leader asked us to open a new page in our notebook, and draw a vertical line in the middle, separating the page into two columns.In the left column, he said, write down what you are committed to.In the … Continue reading “Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?”

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?There are certain abilities, that are controlled by genes, that I don’t have, and I want.So I have asked Source to turn on for me self-control…Long term meditating properly turns that gene on… Causes an epigenetic shift. This is what is the reason long … Continue reading “How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?”

Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

Most people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The … Continue reading “Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look”