The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death

When I do the health measurements for people, the last step is to see what causes or will likely cause big troubles if nothing changes.The first of such causes (thinking/emotional errors, attitude) is what I want to talk about in this article… because I am just going through, or have just gone through something that … Continue reading “The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death”

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

We are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.Why are we even trying?Because unless and until … Continue reading “The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?”

How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?

When I teach you, have you learned? How would I know?Unless you do life the way I taught you to do it, you didn’t learn.Unless you understand that the power of knowledge is in what it enables you to do… because only action matters. Only action will get you what you want..

There seems to be a certain order in the Universe.

There is a certain order in the Universe.I know it looks random and capricious, but it looks that way because of your lack of respect, lack of looking again.Human nature is to think that what you do in one area, like fixing what you think is wrong, doesn’t effect the whole, and it will be … Continue reading “There seems to be a certain order in the Universe.”

My most influential teachers teach new expectations

My most influential teachers teach new expectations through invalidating the ones that create a life of misery.Ben Settle is one of those teachers.I subscribed to his newsletter and then quit it after a year or two. Why? because for a time he was more interested in world building and world domination than what concerned me … Continue reading “My most influential teachers teach new expectations”

In life you get what you negotiate… or win…

In life you get what you negotiate. Not what you need. Not what you want. But what you successfully negotiate.Some truths pop out when you least expect them.None of my students know how to negotiate. My students are a microcosm… A mirror of the whole damn world.

Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become

Seeing what is missingYou think it is other people, circumstances that define your life. What if it is you? WHO you are, that does all of it. In that case you would want to be able create yourself, change yourself to be someone who can have a great life… wouldn’t you?It is the hardest thing … Continue reading “Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become”

If the who doesn’t change, nothing can change

If the who doesn’t change, nothing can changeThis morning I opened an email from a dude who reads my emails, reads my articles, and says he resonates with what I say.In his latest email he said that we should talk. That we are the world’s two smartest people… so we should talk.

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant and thus mislead to one degree or another. It is on the scale of 1 to 100 like most things in life.Ignorance, ignorant simply means: lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing… often most things to be precise.Ignoring, the verb, interestingly, means: make … Continue reading “The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant”