Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?

One characteristic of the 99% is that they don’t heed Alexander Pope’s warning:“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” This behavior even characterizes the 99% of the One Percent.Why is being a taster, a dabbler, a person who samples, tries out, but never drinks deep from … Continue reading “Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?”

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than the average, if you are better than the other guy/gal then you are OK…If you knew how others view you, if you knew how you rank as a human… really, you’d be up in arms, shouting “bloody murder!” because you are delusional. You can’t see the other, … Continue reading “The myth that if you are better than… better than who?”

Witnessing = noticing. Noticing = giving value. Appreciation

Without witnessing nothing happens.Witnessing is noticing. Noticing is giving value. Giving value is appreciation… The word comes from precious: valuable.So witnessing is giving value.Why does something need to be GIVEN value?

Did you feel what you felt?

When you think you are an insomniac… or when you are always tired and you suspect your sleep has issues, what “scientists” do is hook you up to “feelers” to see to what degree reality matches your experience.I have heard of people who have sleep apnea and wake up hundreds of times a night, just … Continue reading “Did you feel what you felt?”

Your fixed emotional response to anything and everything

You probably haven’t realized that you have a fixed emotional response/reaction to everything.I identified it a few years ago. I only realized that it is everywhere just this morning… Why not before? Because to identify it, one needs a self-awareness number higher than 30%.Is that possible for a homo sapiens? I doubt it.OK, what is … Continue reading “Your fixed emotional response to anything and everything”

Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life

Emotional Intelligence is a buzz word, an expression, that no one explains, and yet, everyone pretends that they know what they are talking about.No such THING as emotional intelligence… it is made up.And yet: some people maneuver life better than others, have less upsets, upheavals, self-hate, than others.They take obstacles differently than others. They are … Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life”

Is desire really the Everyman’s Superpower?

I don’t remember why, but I signed up to Simpleology, Mark Joyner’s program. He created a new comic strip, the everyman’s superpower, and, of course, sold it with the same thing he advocates in the comic strip: whipping up your desire to a feverish pitch.

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, the ability and willingness to look within and see accuratelyPeople with intrapersonal emotional intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are quintessentially introspective. They analyze themselves and seek understanding. People with intrapersonal intelligence are intuitive and usually introverted.A year or two ago I … Continue reading “Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see”

What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?

What is consciousness?Is it the mind?Here is from the Wikipedia entry: Consciousness is the state or quality of sentience or awareness of internal or external existence.

Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

One of the clues I have for proof that I am taking the idea of soul correction seriouslyMy soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… meaning: I believe that I am the alpha and the omega, and that anything and everything other people say has to be filtered through MY genius, my experience, or it is not … Continue reading “Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…”