Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Our current worldview is as if we are backseat drivers, at best driving next to the driver.

All we can do is

  • observe
  • react
  • hope
  • suggest
  • protest
  • resist

but ultimately we feel we have nothing to say in the matter of where this life is going. That is our current view of the world.

Continue reading “Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence”

Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence

I originally wrote this article in 2017. Not much has changed since then, but I had new insights. So instead of writing a new article, I am updating this one.

In your starting point measurements, 37 out of the 48 measures depend on your emotional intelligence, and if I want to be quite truthful, even your health number largely depends on your EQ as well. So in a roundabout way, in the Starting Point Measurements I test your emotional intelligence and all the ways it manifests. Continue reading “Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence”

People Who Are Better At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money, and have a better life

recognizing emotionsThe better you are at recognizing emotions, identifying them accurately, the better you are in life… the less mistakes you make, the more success you can have

Recognizing emotions for what they are, accurately, is an art forgotten by humanity.

Everybody writes about recognizing other people’s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions… but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands on thin air… They write about what they know… because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn’t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary… And the science is valid. Read the books.

The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore.

No one teaches it, because Continue reading “People Who Are Better At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money, and have a better life”

What level is your emotional intelligence? Your EQ…

I was lead to an old article of mine. Controversial, and I bet not very useful for most people…

I wrote it in 2012. I have grown a lot since then.

In the article I was attempting to guide you to detect truth value, estimate the vibration teachers and products… without muscletesting.

In the article I was making the same mistake I have been making, all my life: supposing that you can see patterns, that you can see behind the curtain, that you can see more than you actually can.

Emotional intelligence, the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically, seeing emotional patterns, being able to detect lies, not by rigid made up rules, like in law enforcement, but to actually see something that another is trying to hide, or someone trying to make airs, or such… requires a lot higher emotional and overall intelligence than most of us have.
Continue reading “What level is your emotional intelligence? Your EQ…”

Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?

My first breakthrough in emotional intelligence came when a number of years ago I identified the emotion that curled down the corners of my mouth. It was familiar… and it was the first time I had words to wrap around the emotion: “I am personally offended.”

The key word there is ‘Personally’…

Of course, every time you are offended, you took something personally, as if it happened to you, as if it were directed to you, personally.

Rarely, if anything, is directed at you personally.

In fact the offending party is so wrapped up in their own ‘stuff’ that they scarcely took notice of you… at all. Continue reading “Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?”

How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?

One of my principles is from the TV ad for the HairClub for Men.

The man talking says, I paraphrase: I so much liked the company that I bought it. I am not only the owner, I am also a client.

I am also not just the teacher but also the student. Not just the owner but also a client.

And, of course, when you are a student, as your status, and use what you are given, recently The Sight, and the Whole Brain Method, you get insights, results, ideas that stun you… Well, they stunned me.

There is a lot of talk about emotional intelligence, the keyword and some images bring a lot of people to my site. They all leave without ever buying anything, ever really learning anything. Continue reading “How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?”

Changing your emotional state… to emotional intelligence

Causing yourself or another to change their emotional state

I say all emotions are caused by some words, written, spoken, or thought… the little voice…

But changing the words requires a higher level of self awareness, and therefore this article will talk about an easier method, many speakers, course leaders, coaches use in their practices, as a shortcut to changing your emotional state. Continue reading “Changing your emotional state… to emotional intelligence”

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

This is part two of an article I started yesterday

I have a client whose soul correction is Fear/Fearless. She asked me how to get rid of that fear.

She is young, she is impressionable, and she acts fearful. She will have a lot of problems in life from that: it will keep her a child needing protection, someone else to look out for her.

Not what Life wants her to be.

Your soul correction is a particular way you lean away from Life, you turn away from Life: you don’t take responsibility and accountability for yourself and your life.

Life whats what Hillel the elder said some 2100 years ago:

If you are not for you, who is for you?

In this article we’ll examine what is ‘being for yourself’ means… be prepared to be surprised, my students were when they found out. Continue reading “The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two”

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor

Once you distinguish something, you start seeing it everywhere… not only where you expect it, but really everywhere. This is done by something called the reticular activator or reticular activating system.

I teach distinctions, distinguishing, and my students are reluctant to learn and start seeing… Until you see it everywhere, everything is still about you… and no transformation can take place.

The new distinction I have learned from a set of books by Hungarian engineer, Gyozo Margóczi, is that all emotions are created by words, even though feelings are not… Feelings are a little pressure here, tightness there… no meaning. There is a feeling and then you add a word, and you get emotion. Depending on the word you add, the emotion changes.

Here is the map-of-feelings-translated-to-emotions2020 with the corresponding feelings… Continue reading “Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor”

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else…

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else is better than this… Someone else has it better than meYesterday, still recovering from my strenuous weekend, lol, I watched TED talks for a few hours, all on Emotional Intelligence.

They were all profound, and nice, and useful… and yet.

Emotional intelligence, measurable in percentages, is the ability to be appropriate to life, to dance, to get stuff done, to rest when it is time to rest, and work when it is time to work, and to love, and appreciate, and say what you need to say, when it is appropriate.

To look at things from more than just one fixed point of view, to be able to empathize, have compassion, express instead of stuff it…

You see why emotionally intelligent people get ahead in life… they are easy to be around because they are OK with themselves.

What people, psychologists, writers, etc. teach is surface.

Much like telling you to cover up chicken shit and enjoy the praline… Praline is an expensive candy… for those of you who don’t know. Continue reading “Somewhere else is better than here… Something else…”