Why Did Jesus Choose To Die Rather Than Live?

why did Jesus choose to die? Because the alternative would have been failure We had a revolutionary meditation this morning. (I started this article on February 4… five months ago)

Revolutionary comes from the word, revolve, and it means something that was up goes to the bottom, and vice versa.

Our meditations are not visual, no visualizing at all. You connect to Source, I download some activators, I witness what Source and the Light does, I report, and when the spirit so moves me, I comment, I report, I am like the game announcer… I tell you bit by bit what’s happening.

This is what was going on this morning.

Another little bit: I am connected to everyone on the call, but I am always connected more intimately to the people I have a relationship outside of these calls: there are only a few of those.

And I use their emotional reactions to gauge what is going on overall… across the board.

Today’s meditation was not soothing. It was the Light working hard and the people blocking it hard.

Once the meditation was over, I was starting to feel the feelings of my two people I was strongly connected on the call… not fun, not fun at all. They didn’t receive what was said too well. I felt that we may lose at least one of them.

What was said on the call was an important milestone: it was much like breaking the bad news to a sick person: unless you do this and this, you are going to that and that…

Continue reading “Why Did Jesus Choose To Die Rather Than Live?”

Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff

Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff

Hidden stuff, suppressed stuff, when it has a chance to spill out, has a tendency to reek (smell bad) and wreak havoc.

I am reading a book that heals by digging out such stuff… it doesn’t stop there, you’ll see.

Anyway, I am reading it, and obviously the mind has a tendency to dig along with the clients, dig along with what you read… no, my mind has the tendency to dig along, after all, I know the value of digging. Continue reading “Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff”

The Martyr Syndrome: do you have it?

squeaky wheel or martyr syndrome There is a new insight I have gained from my recent experience on the connection calls.

Some people (maybe all, at one time or another) have a breathtaking, breath blocking, experience, a feeling, or better said a bundle of feelings, that the Heaven on Earth (HOE) can’t eliminate.

I have been wondering what it is. Why is it so recognizable, almost like a signature: I can recognize from the “feeling” the person who has it. Same location in the body, same type of pressure, or sharp pain, or a gnawing sensation. Continue reading “The Martyr Syndrome: do you have it?”

Who Has The Power? It might change moment to moment.

Who Has The Power?

I had this deep deep, who knows where it came from feeling, from the time I was conscious of my thoughts, that the problem with the world is that people’s power is kept away from them.

When I observed people, I saw that they had very little control over what they did on any given day.

It seemed that their day was scripted, and most of what they did, I would not choose to do.

In my family, for example, it seemed scripted to wait for my mother to come home, bring groceries, cook them while we were hanging out, eat and then watch TV.

On Sundays we would go out to eat, often, or eat at home, but go out for dessert.

I was born with an imperfect digestive system, maybe because I was a preemie, was born with a two-pound body weight, less than a loaf of bread, a bottle of milk, tiny.

Then my mother refused to feed me by holding me to her breath, though I did get pumped breast milk…

I had colic, I vomited, I was an overall pain in my mother’s but. I weighed under normal weight till I was 9~10… I ate only when I was hungry, and I was not hungry for meals. I picked in my food, picking out a particular thing, like the peas, and left the rest.

I also spent a lot of time alone, contemplating. I haven’t changed a bit, though returning to my eating that way has been a challenge: after all even I got socialized in my 65 years.

My recollection of my first conscious thought of humans being enslaved was around age 9. The school system added religious education to the curriculum, but I was exempted, because I was Jewish. There were a bunch of Jewish kids in the class, but I refused to participate in religious education.

Just like an innate knowing prevented me from eating what was bad for me, an innate knowing prevented me from being programmed to be a bio-robot, a slave, a serf.

The exact thought I had was this: I think that the religion serves one main purpose: that people are too busy doing what they are supposed to do so they don’t have any time to look and think of what they want to do.

And that is true for every area of life, not only religion. You are supposed to do what everybody else is doing.

When I was in Israel, I saw this even clearer: every minute of every day is scripted and commanded for Jewish people, and I would not have any of that.

I knew that someone somehow benefited from people not having time to think, or just be, but I didn’t quite know who, and how, and why…

When on that fateful night, sitting on the stone steps in front of the Western Wall of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, I asked the Creator to reveal itself and it did… I was not the only person on that huge square: there was an Orthodox person swaying back and forth by the wall.

I knew that he had never experienced directly talking to the Creator: instead he was “praying”, reading some prescribed words in Hebrew: none of your own thoughts, none of your own words, none of that.

I have tons of experienced of “secular” churches and schools doing the same thing: Landmark Education, Peak Potentials, all the Internet Marketing gurus: keep them busy so they don’t have time to think.

The internet, cell phones, email, text messages, youtube, all designed to keep you busy so you can’t think, can’t contemplate.

But why would you want to think? Right?

When I look at my students, 99.99% not thinking, I look how come I turned out to be a thinker.
Continue reading “Who Has The Power? It might change moment to moment.”

A World Asleep And A World Awakened… Can you help?

A World Asleep And A World Awakened… Can you help?

Dear Reader, I need your help.

I am finding that the Spirit is shackled in my students, it has even stopped dreaming about soaring.

Much like as if you had an eagle, and it would choose to stay grounded, no roof, no cage, just enough food for the eagle to not go hungry, and it would say:

“I have enough. Soaring is not my job, it’s a lot of work, let someone else do it.

“Maybe the government. Maybe the doctors. Maybe the demonstrators, charity organizations… but I am OK with where I am, I have food, I have a home, I have everything I need.

“So what, that I was borne to fly? That doesn’t mean I must. Freedom? Highly over rated, if you ask me. It doesn’t call to me at all. Because freedom would mean I have to get my own. I’d rather stay and be given what I need.

“I could see far and wide? Naaah, who needs that. I can watch television. I don’t need to see it from there. There are enough adventurous people that do the flying for me: I’ll just watch the video they made. Maybe on youtube, it’s good enough for me!

“You want to wake me up? You want me to find the inspiration within? OK, I am game, I’ll dream for you!

“Here, how about frozen fish from now on, not canned. That would be much tastier… That’s been a dream of mine for quite some time. Not like I have to have it, but it would be nice!”

The eagle, of course, was just an analogy, eagles don’t talk. Eagles fly. Eagles soar. Eagles are in love with soaring.

My main concern is humans.

Human Being was created to be a Creator. To co-create with its own Creator. To approach and maybe even pass its creator in his speed of thinking.

Human Being creates with his thought. Everything that you can see around you is first was a thought. Then someone went and made it. Alive or not alive, it was a thought.

A house, a fence, a car, a bomb.
Continue reading “A World Asleep And A World Awakened… Can you help?”

Is The Law Of Attraction on your side? Or on the Dark Side?

Is The Law Of Attraction on your side? Or on the Dark Side?

Paint With Your Words: or Are the Law of Attraction and its teachers on the light’s side or in cahoots with the Dark Forces?

The question What is Dark Side needs to be answered before we can answer the question in the title. Continue reading “Is The Law Of Attraction on your side? Or on the Dark Side?”

How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth

How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth

muscletesting yourselfMuscletesting Yourself accurately… the truth method of applied kinesiology

OK, I’ll tell the truth: muscletesting on yourself is easy, but muscletesting about yourself is not so much.

I teach the art and science of muscletesting in the muscletesting course, because this is the best tool ever to know things to do and not to do, to pick supplements, to do the right thing, for you.

But it is not easy, and I have never known anyone who does it right, or can teach it to others. Without the proper guidance you have a gun that fires all at the wrong time… misleading you. Continue reading “How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth”

Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff.

Clothes Do Not Make the Man

Wisdom comes to us clothed in illusion. If we want to be wise, then we must see into a situation. Just like we don’t judge a person only by what they’re wearing – or do we – we have to look at every little incident and ask why. Why did this good or bad thing happen? Why?

Sometimes we will not know what the reason is, but keep searching, because the clothes do not make the man. There’s always something underneath.

In raising your vibration, you are fighting a losing battle if you are trying to maintain a facade, if you are trying to bring people’s attention to your successes, and keep mum about your failures, shortcomings, and character defects.

There is no way you can raise your vibration if

  1. Your actions are outward directed, if your attention is on the effect, instead on the action. Just like multi-tasking is an illusion, you can only have your attention at any one place at any one time. Why? Because the laws of physics is a law: your attention is physical, and it cannot be somewhere else if it is here… can it?When you multi-task, it is easier to see the ineffectiveness of the strategy: your intelligence is 50-70% reduced, and you either make mistakes or you never finish what you started.I once had a teacher who swore to multi-tasking. She was a self-diagnosed ADD, and she said that for ADD multi-tasking is heaven. Except… except that she is a veritable underachiever. For a guru, that is a very bad thing… but even for you, you’d hate to be called an underachiever, wouldn’t you?

    So, when your attention is directed on the effects of your action, your power is not fully behind your actions, and you are weak, a limp d… as we say it in our courses.

    One of my students admitted yesterday that she tries to do as little as she can and get the most. That is the path to diminishing returns: and her results show it. She is going backwards.

  2. If you look at the world out there to give you guidance, or if you look into your mind to give you guidance to understand, accurately, what is going on, to understand the hidden motives of people, you are closed, you are poised to repeat past performance. If it was miserable, or poor, that is what you are going to repeat. If it was good, you’ll use actions that were appropriate then, but aren’t appropriate now, and you are going to fail, or at least not succeed to the degree you could.

Only when you hang back and approach incidents from your intelligence (which doesn’t live in your mind, by the way) that you will be able to see the big picture, the cause and effect, and act appropriately.
Continue reading “Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface”

Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar

pinocchio the liar Radical Honesty: the truth about you if you are human and breathe: you are a liar. 1

Did you notice that in American spoken English, people don’t lie down, they lay down; things are not underlying, they are underlaying. The culture of withhold, the culture of hidden lies is so strong: it is changing the language.

You can call a person an s.o.b., but don’t call him on a lie: he will kill you, or at least sue you. Lol.

Someone recommended that book, the Radical Honesty, to me. I had to put it down after about 30 pages: I could not stand the amateurish writing style, the long convoluted sentences, the self-promotion angle of it.


I just hung up with a friend. He started, with my help, a business that so far built him a mailing list of about 700 people: not a bad start. He also got three consulting gigs out of it, that isn’t bad either.

I am managing his mailing list for him, and I feel that his people need to get an email today, or they will not remember why this guy is writing to them.

Normally this guy calls me every day, but I haven’t heard from him for more than two weeks.

So I called him. “What’s up? Your people need to get an email… what do you want to tell them?”

From the other end of the line this sheepish voice came, shame mostly. “I don’t know why I can’t do it. I have so many ideas and then I just don’t want to do it…” he was squirming.

This has been his attitude with any growth opportunity he had in the past 12 years: that is how long I’ve known him.

So, what’s up with that, WTF, right?

He is a Landmark Education graduate, he did Dianetics, he worked with Tony Robbins, he went to India a dozen times, how come he can’t control himself when it comes to success?

He is impeded… he is using most of his energies to hide stuff… that if he goes to uncharted territory, where all the moves are unusual, he may slip and let up and some of that ugliness spills out.

liar, cheater, pretender How do I know it? because that is how humans are… use most of their brain power, and 99% of their will to stuff what they NEED TO STUFF, to maintain the status quo… and interestingly, there is nothing nice or lovely about the status quo: most of the people I know are dissatisfied, bored, lost, hoping, trying, but none of them are living, passionately, nothing held back, full out, like they could.

Is it courage that’s missing? Yes. But not the courage to go for it, the courage to tell the truth about the lies, the pretenses, the disloyalty, the gossip ping, the ugliness.
Continue reading “Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar”