Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff.

Clothes Do Not Make the Man

Wisdom comes to us clothed in illusion. If we want to be wise, then we must see into a situation. Just like we don’t judge a person only by what they’re wearing – or do we – we have to look at every little incident and ask why. Why did this good or bad thing happen? Why?

Sometimes we will not know what the reason is, but keep searching, because the clothes do not make the man. There’s always something underneath.

In raising your vibration, you are fighting a losing battle if you are trying to maintain a facade, if you are trying to bring people’s attention to your successes, and keep mum about your failures, shortcomings, and character defects.

There is no way you can raise your vibration if

  1. Your actions are outward directed, if your attention is on the effect, instead on the action. Just like multi-tasking is an illusion, you can only have your attention at any one place at any one time. Why? Because the laws of physics is a law: your attention is physical, and it cannot be somewhere else if it is here… can it?When you multi-task, it is easier to see the ineffectiveness of the strategy: your intelligence is 50-70% reduced, and you either make mistakes or you never finish what you started.I once had a teacher who swore to multi-tasking. She was a self-diagnosed ADD, and she said that for ADD multi-tasking is heaven. Except… except that she is a veritable underachiever. For a guru, that is a very bad thing… but even for you, you’d hate to be called an underachiever, wouldn’t you?

    So, when your attention is directed on the effects of your action, your power is not fully behind your actions, and you are weak, a limp d… as we say it in our courses.

    One of my students admitted yesterday that she tries to do as little as she can and get the most. That is the path to diminishing returns: and her results show it. She is going backwards.

  2. If you look at the world out there to give you guidance, or if you look into your mind to give you guidance to understand, accurately, what is going on, to understand the hidden motives of people, you are closed, you are poised to repeat past performance. If it was miserable, or poor, that is what you are going to repeat. If it was good, you’ll use actions that were appropriate then, but aren’t appropriate now, and you are going to fail, or at least not succeed to the degree you could.

Only when you hang back and approach incidents from your intelligence (which doesn’t live in your mind, by the way) that you will be able to see the big picture, the cause and effect, and act appropriately.
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Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar

pinocchio the liar Radical Honesty: the truth about you if you are human and breathe: you are a liar. 1

Did you notice that in American spoken English, people don’t lie down, they lay down; things are not underlying, they are underlaying. The culture of withhold, the culture of hidden lies is so strong: it is changing the language.

You can call a person an s.o.b., but don’t call him on a lie: he will kill you, or at least sue you. Lol.

Someone recommended that book, the Radical Honesty, to me. I had to put it down after about 30 pages: I could not stand the amateurish writing style, the long convoluted sentences, the self-promotion angle of it.


I just hung up with a friend. He started, with my help, a business that so far built him a mailing list of about 700 people: not a bad start. He also got three consulting gigs out of it, that isn’t bad either.

I am managing his mailing list for him, and I feel that his people need to get an email today, or they will not remember why this guy is writing to them.

Normally this guy calls me every day, but I haven’t heard from him for more than two weeks.

So I called him. “What’s up? Your people need to get an email… what do you want to tell them?”

From the other end of the line this sheepish voice came, shame mostly. “I don’t know why I can’t do it. I have so many ideas and then I just don’t want to do it…” he was squirming.

This has been his attitude with any growth opportunity he had in the past 12 years: that is how long I’ve known him.

So, what’s up with that, WTF, right?

He is a Landmark Education graduate, he did Dianetics, he worked with Tony Robbins, he went to India a dozen times, how come he can’t control himself when it comes to success?

He is impeded… he is using most of his energies to hide stuff… that if he goes to uncharted territory, where all the moves are unusual, he may slip and let up and some of that ugliness spills out.

liar, cheater, pretender How do I know it? because that is how humans are… use most of their brain power, and 99% of their will to stuff what they NEED TO STUFF, to maintain the status quo… and interestingly, there is nothing nice or lovely about the status quo: most of the people I know are dissatisfied, bored, lost, hoping, trying, but none of them are living, passionately, nothing held back, full out, like they could.

Is it courage that’s missing? Yes. But not the courage to go for it, the courage to tell the truth about the lies, the pretenses, the disloyalty, the gossip ping, the ugliness.
Continue reading “Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar”

Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article

Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article: How Can A Yarmulke Help You To Get Rich?

I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews Mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being.

This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulke or kipa.

Continue reading “Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article”

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboard Raise your vibration, 19 ways, 22 ways, eat this, do that, breathe this way, visualize that…

The misinformation of what raises your vibration proliferates. It’s a popular topic. People want to feel better. People want to be part of the new humanity. People want to survive 2012.

So what is vibration, for god’s sake? Continue reading “Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?”

Can’t feel anything, anger, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

suppress-emotion, anger, -with-eating Can’t feel anything, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

You are a Pressure Cooker

I had a real transformation a few years ago, but because it disappeared stuff, I am just noticing.

When anger disappears, you barely notice it.

I used to be an angry person. You wouldn’t know it, because for reasons of my own I suppressed my anger.

Anger not expressed cripples you. But expressing anger can be dangerous: you need to be out of control, or so it seems.

Continue reading “Can’t feel anything, anger, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?”

Things are not always as they seem… in fact, almost never

Let me start with a joke, ok?

Jim and Edna are both patients in a mental hospital.

One day while they are walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumps into the deep end. He sinks to the bottom of the pool and stays there.

Edna promptly jumps in to save him. She swims to the bottom and pulls Jim out. When the hospital director becomes aware of Edna’s heroic act, he considers her to be mentally stable. He goes to tell Edna the news and says, “Edna, I have good news and bad news.

Continue reading “Things are not always as they seem… in fact, almost never”

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Yesterday, the theme in my 2nd Phase Activator Class was compassion: That compassion is not for the other person’s sake; just like love is not for the other person’s sake.

Compassion (and love) is for YOU!

When you can transform hatred, pity, or anger, resentment, or regret to compassion, you become free. (Not even mentioning the fact that love and compassion is only felt by the giver, never by the receiver. It warms up the giver, maybe shines on the recipient, but no nurturing there.)

Continue reading “Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?”

Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Ever since I was a little girl, I could be sent into a deep depression with any story about scams, conspiracies.

The idea that I was duped, or could be duped, that we are walking on a minefield only safe for a moment and can be blown up any moment sent me hurling into depression.

I know that my wording is dramatic: I can be very dramatic about certain topics, to my own detriment.

Where is this from, this sudden “interest” in this topic again?

Continue reading “Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim”

Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize

energize your water... life giving. 70% of all is waterEnergize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water

Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

Continue reading “Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize”