How to make decisions the majority doesn’t make?

I am republishing this article so you can see how much my truth value have risen in the past 10 months with the current Playground… It is not just you who grows… I grow too.

In the noise of the world, an orgy of misdirection, it is hard to feel, see, hear the guidance…

Awareness, especially Self-awareness is missing…

You have been methodically and systematically trained to be unsuccessful

Who trained you? Other unsuccessful people. Your parents, your teachers, your PhD’s, your blog writers, your youtube Heroes.

And of course you buy their b.s., lock stock and barrel, as if it were the god honest truth.

I was somewhat lucky: my parents didn’t talk to me… so they could not mislead me. My teachers didn’t talk to me, there were no blogs…

But, unfortunately, as an empath, other people’s feelings that felt like mine, did mislead me and I paid for it dearly. Continue reading “How to make decisions the majority doesn’t make?”

Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated

I see this time and time again: if and when you need it, there is a triple amount of chance that you will actually do what you need to do to learn it, engage with it, read it… do it.

Triple is still small for most people… but it is, hell, three times more than you would do if you just wanted it. 1

Want what? Growing, practice, spiritual capacities, healing, courses, coaching… transformation, living on the vertical plane, in reality, where nothing is wrong. That is what I “sell”…

I have been struggling to get through to this one client to be able to support him in using and keeping the activation of the capacity “causing.” Causing your life, to own what belongs to you, to own what you are doing, what you are feeling, even what you are NOT feeling.

Causing is a very high capacity, dependent on your capacity to own what you can own. What belongs to you.

I can feel that most of the time he is on his computer, reading articles. Continue reading “Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated”

Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…

self-confidenceI watch, I observe people’s behavior and the emotions that go with it.

Unless I can see what you did, your emotions and much of your behavior don’t make sense.

And occasionally I get the opportunity to see both the actions and the emotions…

  1. The most frequent behavior is you acting without looking.

Promising without looking. Saying/answering a question without looking.

What’s the emotion? Anxiety… afraid of the future… Rightfully

Much like a drunk jumps into an empty pool… expecting it to be full.

You buy something. You are on the payment page. You assume you know what’s there… you are not looking. You don’t even suspect that you are signing up to a monthly program as well… and that you need to “un-tick” the box if you don’t want it.
Continue reading “Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…”

Want to know why you can’t be happy?

Is it worth it? Will the effort pay off doing it?

Whether you are conscious of it of not, you ask this question every time you consider buying something, or doing something. Something that has some effort component… and most things do. Even if they don’t quite seem so.

I bought an equipment to massage my aching, rock hard calves about a year ago… I asked that question. I would have to sit tied to the electric current, while the massage thingie was working away on my calves.

When you do something, there is something else you aren’t doing. And the price of most things is giving up that thing that you are not doing.

Giving up, for humans, is the hardest thing of all. Even if what you are giving up is what has kept you an underachiever, a less than whole person… Continue reading “Want to know why you can’t be happy?”

What you do habitually is what gets into trouble

The power of “instead of”

Consider that it is not what you don’t do that gets you into trouble, but what you do do… or what is the meaning of the strait and narrow method of going to heaven, whatever YOU call heaven.

Every article, every book that deals with procrastination, with being an underachiever, with being an unsuccessful person concerns themselves with what you are not doing… and not with what you are doing that makes you unsuccessful, unhappy, etc.

But what if that attention, that focus is misplaced? What if what you ARE doing is what really creates the consequence of an unsuccessful, unhappy life?

Continue reading “What you do habitually is what gets into trouble”

The reason 999,999 out of a million are underachievers

man with a visionHappy Gilmore is one of my favorite movies.

In it a hockey player, Adam Sandler, has a vision of earning enough money to save his grandmother’s house from foreclosure… in a, to him totally unfamiliar sport: championship golf.

In 50 First Dates he has a vision of creating a relationship with the Drew Barrymore character, who forgets everything when she sleeps… She develops methods to remind her… and they succeed.

When I ask you what is your vision: you have none. Continue reading “The reason 999,999 out of a million are underachievers”

Can you fully recover from depression from a drug?

You should consider reading the novel, Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes

Not the movie, the book.

Why, you would ask… Because it shows you what happens when you get to unearned heights.

In the book, Charlie undergoes an operation that makes his brain perform at beyond genius level… only to go back to become mentally handicapped… again.

Because a living being is an organism, you really cannot gift it a higher level than the whole organism. It cannot carry the weight… and it collapses to where it was before the “gifting” or below. Continue reading “Can you fully recover from depression from a drug?”

The 3 great mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish…

The three great mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to itself.

But how do you look beyond yourself when you’re so… you? How does the fish recognize water when it’s all it has ever known? How does it even learn to question: the great invisible breath of life?

I have no answers, but maybe like the bird diving from the tree’s edge for the first time, we have to return to something similar to our youths to find ourselves. To find the answers to the mystery that is us maybe we have to go back and visit a time when we never were so sure, a time when we were not so certain in ourselves. A rebirth of sorts.

All power comes from the invisible reality. The hard to see, the hard to pinpoint, the hard to communicate to others, reality.

My whole work, my life’s work is to dig out what is invisible with the eyes, what is difficult to sense with your other sensory organs.

I have trained myself to become as close to laser sharp as possible. I read books for that purpose, for the vocabulary. For the context. For how others think, feel, choose. Continue reading “The 3 great mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish…”

Unless you can lose, you can never become a winner.

Unless you can be with being knocked out, you’ll never become a boxer

Talking, reading, listening to someone talking doesn’t cause transformation. In 99% of the cases you hear what you have always heard… and nothing shifts.

I keep my Hungarian (my mother tongue) fresh and alive by listening to Dr Popper, in Hungarian.

He died a few years ago, but there are hundreds of hours of live videos, and many books, I haven’t counted, but many videos.

If they could use the video to cause themselves a transformation… I would be really happy

Continue reading “Unless you can lose, you can never become a winner.”

You don’t have to change yourself… nothing wrong with you

The conclusion I came up with in yesterday’s article: you don’t have to change, so you can rest in peace about that. But if you look at the memes, the memes say: nothing wrong with the: something is wrong with the world. And that is a worldview that the memes disseminate…

There must be something wrong, because I don’t fit in, I am not loved, I am not doing what I should be doing, I am not succeeding.

And yet…

There is nothing wrong with you… You don’t have to change. You are enough…

But being enough doesn’t mean your actions, your attitudes are a match to reality…

If you want a different life: you don’t need to change: your worldview has to change.

In a wheat field, a rose is a weed—even if that rose is voluptuous and vibrant. Translation: it’s your sacred duty to identify the contexts in which you can thrive and then put yourself in those contexts.

Continue reading “You don’t have to change yourself… nothing wrong with you”