An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

the-meaning-of-your-lifeAn easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

Gurus teach to look at life this way… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the kind and type of doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place of WTF does that mean?!

be – do – have

But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscletest for people if the actions they decided lead to self-growth, a better future, or not.

So, it is obviously not easy to see.

As any living thing, your first and main concern is you. What you have, how you feel, how safe you are, how happy you are.

Most people get stuck there: it is a “level of consciousness” thing… that is the level of consciousness where most people live. Really, 99.99% of humanity.
Continue reading “An easy way to get to the big picture so that…”

You see only what the mind allows you to see

You see only what the mind allows you to see

perspective-3This is a four years old article. I am rewriting it to include fixed mindset, the distinction from Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset.

When the mind takes over your perception you see what your mind wants to see.

We have all experienced how the mind tricks us into believing that something other than what’s happening is happening.

When you are dizzy, sea-sick or drunk: the room seems to be spinning. When someone tells you skinny is good, you start liking skinny. When someone tells you you are ugly, you start seeing ugly.

Here are some examples:

1. You are not allowed to see what your mind doesn’t allow you to see…

…this is why Japanese soldiers could not see, till the end, that they were beaten.

drowned-japanese-soldiersMore than that: Japanese soldiers enlisted into the Japanese navy, but never considered that they should learn to swim: the option that their vessel would sink never occurred to them: after all their emperor was invincible. They would not even make any moves to get a life preserver when they were under attack: their mind told them that nothing can, nothing could happen to them… and they died by drowning… victims of the mind hiding reality from them.

You are that Japanese soldier, you just don’t know it.
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Are you a person or are you a role? Are you a person or ego?

Are you a person or are you a role? Are you a person or ego?

No sense of humor? You just answered the question in the title..

What does it mean about you what you know and what you don’t know? or how much you know…

It means nothing about you. And yet we all pretend to know stuff… stuff we don’t know. Stuff we can’t know.

It is, to me, the most counter intuitive behavior, but I must be a freak, because I would never pretend to know something I don’t know.

There must be a mistaken belief that if you know something you are better. Smarter.

This is one of the detrimental results of living on the Tree of Knowledge, where you don’t enjoy life, where you don’t experience fulfillment, love, happiness, because it is impossible to experience on the Tree of Knowledge. Continue reading “Are you a person or are you a role? Are you a person or ego?”

When we talk about fields of communication…

When we talk about fields of communication…

When we talk about fields of communication, we actually talk about energy fields.

They look innocent, but they are energy fields… and some things can happen in an energy field, and others can’t.

You have a “homepage”, that, in my experience, is predictable by your soul correction plus your Zodiac sign.

Why? I don’t know. My guess is that those are energy fields too.

What is an energy field? I’ll repeat what I have said three lines above: some things can happen in an energy field, and others can’t.

I know this is way beyond rational, and way beyond what any sane person would be willing to see… but lots of evidence points to the fact that fields are energy fields, and they are obvious from what can and what cannot happen inside them. Continue reading “When we talk about fields of communication…”

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

your self is what keeps you straightLet’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality… and Self that is more important than balance

First off: about the Tree of Knowledge.

The purpose of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you from doing your own assessments, to take ready ideas and swallow them whole. Ultimately the aim of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you in sheep state.

If you ever visited a mental institution, you have seen the zombie-like patients, that whenever they started to act as people, they were injected with chemicals, to make them comply.

The Tree of Knowledge is the larger than a psychiatric ward solution to the same “problem”. The Tree of Knowledge controls you with words and words that carry emotions.

Easy peasy… Continue reading “Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…”

I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…

I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…

Something interesting happened to me this morning: I got scared.

What’s so interesting about that, Sophie? Good question. I don’t normally get scared. Last I got scared when Trump got elected. That was four months ago. That was also interesting. 1

You can say that I get scared twice, maybe three times a year… nowadays.

So what happened that scared me this time was a request to “read” someone’s vibration. Not the whole ten measurements, the starting point measurements, just their vibration. That is always a warning sign, by the way. It means, I feel, that there is no curiosity, it is just checking ME against what they KNOW.

Of the 10 measurements the vibration is the least useful and you have the least amount of chance to effect directly. So when someone only asks for that, my warning signals go off… Either they are too stupid, or too arrogant to know what is up. Continue reading “I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…”

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Building Bridges

Update 4/4/17: New insight: Building Bridges (BB) is quite slothful by nature… I am changing the picture to an actual bridge… because it is a more apt illustration: you want to get to the other side, and you need to do a ton of work to get there… and you have no skills… but to build skills you also have to build a bridge between the thought and the action that builds skills… So most Building Bridges never actually do anything. The only BB I have ever seen do something is a guy who has undertook reading… and following that method, he is now adding skills to his toolbox. He may amount to much.

So what is the trick?

I recommended that he starts reading not worrying if he understands, or if he enjoys it. He trusted me and started to read that way. After a while comprehension imperceptibly grew, and now he enjoys reading.

Once a BB experiences how learning a skill works, they grow wings.

It takes a lot of skills to build a bridge, but each bridge is the same: you have to start with no visible results plus faith. Faith that the investment will work out, even though they can’t see it.

Without this a BB will just live randomly, thrown about like a dry leaf, never amounting to anything.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated”

Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage

Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage

Statistics show that nearly 100% of the population is addicted to the approval of others, yet few of us are aware of it. And for average person with modest goals, it doesn’t really matter.

The problem arises when an ambitious person decides to build a career, business or pursue dream that requires substantial exposure to rejection. Studies show that over 80% of these people abandon their ambition within the first 12 months due to the pain of daily disapproval.

This is how Approval Addiction shatters dreams.

Approval addiction comes from the misunderstanding and the distortion of what the Tree of Life need, the need to meet the expectation of others tells you. Continue reading “Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage”

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

I thought I would share something I haven’t talked about in a long while… And that is your memories. Your pain memories… specifically.

We all have it. And they are, for most people, packed away, in some fat, or some muscle, joint… like any other toxin.

Life is smart. You cannot be very effective with life, very present, if you have to deal with pain that can’t be resolved… emotional pain.

Many people go to classes to rid themselves of the pain, but these classes don’t work very well. Why? Because when you retell the story, you get caught in the story instead of feeling the pain. You feel the “marker feelings” the words awaken, but not the original pain. 2

The pain is NOT in the story… stories are words. But the pain is real, and the words, the story, push the pain further out of reach.

Continue reading “How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…”

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

I have been watching youtube videos and movies for a few days now… The focus is becoming more and more on being who you are… being true to that… and inside that seemingly limited “arena” be the most you can be, the best you can be.

One of the great evils perpetrated on us humans is the dogma that we are all one, and that was also made to mean sameness.

Don’t get all out of shape… I do believe we are all human. I do believe we are in this together. I do believe that only if we cooperate we can save our race and our Earth… But I also see that people who preach this are intolerant, uncooperative, and hateful. And I suspect if you got bent out of shape, then you are one of those..

Horse shit.

I am not same with you… I am the end of a blood line of thousands of years of persecution on one hand, sharpening the skills to live in a hostile environment on the other. A tradition where what is in your head counts… because it cannot be taken away. Everything else can be taken away, but who you are, and what you know cannot.

How could I be the same as you when you only care about your money. When you think you are your money…

This is just one example… but as you can tell, my pump went up.

In my coaching practice, the most successful are the people who are able to reach deep down and become proud and guided by their ancestral heritage.

Continue reading “One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.”