One size does not fit all… or How do you know what spiritual practices to cultivate to get the most results?

One-hand-slapping-the-waterSome people want me to give them answers, give them a spiritual practice for growth, to raise their vibration, without allowing me to know anything much about them.

I am an empath, but that doesn’t mean I know your date of birth, or I know your education, your job, your aspirations, your ethnicity…

These are important, because one size doesn’t fit all.

The reason you get more from me than from buying a course, because I give you answers that are a perfect fit to who you are.

But of course the “egalitarian” culture of today… that we are all the same, needing the same food, the same way to exercise, the same thoughts, if you believe it, will mess with your mind.

We may have the same rights… but we are not the same.

We each have the right to demand respect, to ourselves, to our culture, to our beliefs. We have the right to receive respect… but it is not up to rights to actually get them.
Continue reading “One size does not fit all… or How do you know what spiritual practices to cultivate to get the most results?”

Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being

well-beingWhat is the biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being?

And under well-being I include health, emotional health, relationship health, your whole existence.

I bet you can’t even imagine being well.

I remember when I tried, years ago, all I could see is running on a field and the wind blowing in my hair.

So, going towards well-being is not easy, because well-being is an experience that is empty. To the degree it is empty, to the same degree you are well.

Let me explain: wouldn’t you say that financial well-being would be and experience where nothing is missing, nothing is lacking?
Continue reading “Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being”

More money Part 4: your relationship to money

Relationship-with-MoneyWhat is your relationship to money?

For the most part, your relationship to money, your attitude about money, is the same or similar, as your attitude about life. It is either powerful or it isn’t… and of course everything in between.

Raising the quality of your relationship to money is the exact same thing as raising your vibration. The moves are exactly the same. The higher vibration relationship will effect your money, your personal relationships, your success in any area of life, your health, and your experience of life: your level of fulfillment, purpose, joy, and happiness.

Of course, your understanding of what I just said is on the level of your current vibration… you want more stuff… right? You’ll see what it really means as you raise (increase) your vibration by climbing the Tree of Life, from branch to branch to branch, to as high as you can manage in this lifetime.

Continue reading “More money Part 4: your relationship to money”

Each anchor-to-doom pulled can activate an inactive DNA

Each anchor-to-doom pulled can activate an inactive DNA

resist-rebel-reclaimThe civilized world is sheeple walking meekly into slaughter…

There is no incentive, there is not much room for independent thinking, growth, in today’s world. But how it is is deadly, both on the individual level, and on the level of world politics.

You need to become not politically correct… You need to reclaim your right and abililty to become a human being, who isn’t completely enslaved to the status quo, of doing nice-nice… Getting killed in the process… or just simply dying.

Now that the site is squared away after the crash… We can get to work on making the Epigenetic shifts, the activation of certain DNA in your genome, permanent.

Each anchor-to-doom pulled has a chance to activate an inactive DNA.
And as we have said before, actions, small actions, consistent with an active DNA are needed to make the shift permanent.

The list is long, and I don’t have it… This is why I recommend that if you have had your anchor-to-doom pulled, you participate, at least for a little while, in the Reclaim coaching program. There I and the coaches I train, will be able to pinpoint the type of actions you need to take to cause this permanent change.

Just one more aspect: your actions are very often, correlated to your soul correction, which is the main way you avoid becoming an expanding human being, by insisting on desire to receive for the self alone.
Continue reading “Each anchor-to-doom pulled can activate an inactive DNA”

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear

Fear is a LiarThe “Therefore” is: I am afraid, I feel fear, therefore I should run, hide, resist, do nothing.

Fear is universal, and we all feel afraid some of the time, and a lot of us most of the time.

I never considered fear as a “thing” until I was in a seminar, back in 1988? called Creativity: Living at Risk.

The leader of the 10-session Landmark Education Seminar was hollering: Move towards the fear, call it excitement.
Continue reading “Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear”

What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?

What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?
selling your dreams for penniesExchanging the dollars for pennies…

This is a second article about procrastination and it deals with an aspect of not doing what you said you would do. This is something that needs to be talked about:

choosing something easy to do instead. Continue reading “What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?”

Soul Correction actions series Part 1

soul-correction-pendantWhat are the typical small actions that are missing in different soul corrections…

As I have been saying, raising your vibration happens through small constructive actions.

We could also say: raising your vibration happens through doing, effectively, the soul’s work.

The Soul is the part of you that is interested in you becoming an expanding human being who contributes to the Light, instead of the Dark Side, aka Evil.

Each soul correction is centered around one aspect of Desire to receive for the Self Alone, which is another name for Evil.
Continue reading “Soul Correction actions series Part 1”

Can giving be evil?

desire to receive for the sake of sharingWhat is desire to receive for the self alone?

I have a client who is a do-gooder. Actually I have quite a few like him. He volunteers in a nursing home, pays for people’s attachment removal, giving is never far from his mind.

So when I told him that his dominant belief that he needs to be a giver, a do-gooder, and after I pulled this dominant belief he needs to start taking care of himself, and start growing.

Now, this flies in the face of what society tells you, what the church tells you.

Society is not interested in you, it actually prefers that you are anaemic, weak, tired, and stagnant. Society doesn’t like giants.

But LIFE does.

The distinction I borrowed from Kabbalah because it feels right is “desire to receive for the self alone”.
Continue reading “Can giving be evil?”

Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…

Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…

According to Kabbalah 1 (I studiedĀ  at the Kabbalah Centre. Most Kabbalists disagree with the Kabbalah Centre’s take on Kabbalah… ) you EARN your light.

Light is everything that keeps you alive, everything that you enjoy, everything you value. Sustenance, sex, pleasure, fulfillment… everything.

Obviously you want more of it, and obviously you don’t want to work for it… unless you enjoy work…

Work here doesn’t apply only to work that you do to earn money. Anything that you have to do consciously against your own laziness, ego, dark side, is considered work in Kabbalah.

The Soul Corrections are a list of types of work, one can do to earn light. Tell the truth, face the tiger, reveal your dark side, let go of superiority, circulate money, honor, respect, care for and about others… lots of them, and you probably have heard at least most of them. You consider them virtues…

Now, like all useful systems, it works on checks and balances, and it can be rigged.
Continue reading “Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…”

The truth about erasing negativity – Updated

erasing negativity in your life is like picking sand burrs off your clothesIf you are like me, you want to feel free, at ease, full of energy, loving life. But…

The journey to freedom has been fraught with controversies…

Of all the things I’ve ever done, (outside of personal coaching), it was removing attachments, cords, curses and spells, and removing the gaping wounds of the soul fragments… that proved to be the most effective thing to turn people around, and raise their vibration.


Everyone and their brother talks about removing negativity, but they talk about this, and go about it waving a magic wand. Nothing they say works to remove negativity actually works.
Continue reading “The truth about erasing negativity – Updated”