I had an interesting insight yesterday: you don’t know what it feels like to have courage available to you.
When you apply courage, it just feels like you are doing what you are doing, what you were afraid of. Normal.
Which indicates to me, that courage is a paradigm-shifter.
Paradigm is like a glass ceiling. A one-side mirror. When you are in a higher paradigm, you can see what is below you, but if you are still in a lower paradigm, you cannot see what’s above. In fact you don’t know there is something, anything.
In The Truman Show, Truman didn’t know there is a whole world outside of what he knew… He had to get to a point where he suspected, and then where he walked through that door. So it is a process in a way… not a moment.
So, like with everything, there is a period of getting ready.
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