My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?

My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?

learning-styles-posterSummary: In this article I examine different teaching styles in the area of spirituality, consciousness and transformation, and I explain why I teach the way I teach.

I got an email from a student of mine yesterday. I quote the whole letter Continue reading “My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?”

Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One

I was first introduced to Landmark Education it was called something else, Werner Erhard and Associates. I was a new immigrant in Israel, worked for the City of Jerusalem as an architect, in the Town Planning Department. I was lonely and miserable.

I left Hungary hoping for a family. I left Hungary hoping for a better life. Instead I brought my misery with me and got loneliness on top of it.

One day a woman I barely knew by sight stuck her head in the door of my office and invited us, 4 girls, to a thing at her home. I said yes, I would have gone anywhere at that point.

My Hebrew was good enough to work, not too good to converse at that point.
Continue reading “Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One”

Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?

Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?

Jesus Love: model after the behavior you see or the behavior of connecting? Is Becoming Like Jesus the same as becoming like god?

I need to state first, that I am not a Christian.

I have a Jewish heritage, grew up atheist in a Communist country. Had people been allowed to be religious, they would have been predominantly Catholic there. I attended one year of religious education in Israel. I left the school for irreconcilableĀ  differences in worldview. Have been studying Kabbalah for 8 years.

I am not religious. But I am very interested in the heritage of the world I am here to help connect, help ascend.

And in Jesus, and the tale, I was always interested in. I even read the bible in Hungarian… didn’t understand much, but I read it.

Continue reading “Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?”