What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

Originally posted 2008-12-17 11:30:07.

What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

I know the word sharing gets thrown around in these emails quite a bit. Sometimes we become numb to the word. To get back to basics,

sharing means giving something of ourselves.

It can be sharing with someone we’re not used to sharing with. It can be opening up with someone we’re not used to opening up to. Or it can be calling someone with whom we’re holding a grudge and wishing them well and saying something nice, some words of wisdom. It can be anything. It just has to be an unconditional stretch.

As a Landmark Education junkie, I have heard the urging ‘Share, share share.’

In Landmark Education they mean ‘Bring more chumps like you so that Landmark Education can become a World Class Organization, here to stay.‘ They mean: do our selling for us. No please, no anything… Maybe they don’t, but that is how it lands for people. It didn’t land that way for me…

In multilevel marketing companies (network marketing, MLM) they say the same thing, but mean, definitely, selling. Continue reading “What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??”

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness
You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See or Activators Are Not Magic Bullets

I have been doing the Daily Connection for 10 days: one major activator a day. It’s quite new to me. Before September 27 I only activated individuals. Since then I am only activating groups.

It’s a whole different ball-game. I need to be aware of every single person’s energy at the same time: they are all in my head. Also, each person resists an activator download in a different way: I need to say the right thing for each to allow it through.

Continue reading “You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness”

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

greatness as potentialEach great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness as potential only.

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little.

About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Each great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness, as a potential only.

Most didn’t look like the start of something great. Many times it was a comedy of errors and their correction that took someone to something big. Continue reading “Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential”

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date.

I am not alone. If I wanted to be cruel, most people living on this planet are.

The moment you stop contributing to the planet, your expiration date is in the past. And if we look closely, that means 50% of all living humans…

Younger people may not have come to age where they can contribute, etc.

And even though from Life’s point of view, this is the hard fact, that unless you are contributing, you are just taking… Using up what you didn’t contribute to creating. Continue reading “I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking”

What is the number that most predicts how effective you are

What is the number that most predicts how effective you are

Theory induced blindness

I like to call the phenomenon of not being able to see what doesn’t agree with your theory of life: theory induced blindness. A more popular and better known label for it is “confirmation bias”.

You only hear what you agree with. Or more precisely, you only see what you recognize. And you only consider what you recognize as agreeing with your worldview. Continue reading “What is the number that most predicts how effective you are”

Your world is dominated by the invisible. Get to know it… or else…

Your world is dominated by the invisible. And the invisible is like muddy water, every shyster has their hand in it, stirring it. 1

But this article will be about you. About your chances of being able to live a life worth living. Largely. I mean worth living most of the time.

Why not all the time? And why not gloriously?

It is too much to ask. But compared to the tasteless, joyless, have-to life you now live, a life worth living, for most of the time, is an amazing thing…

So what is the invisible part, the muddy water, that dominates your life? That makes you not enjoy life, that makes you want to go to sleepwalk, to not feel, to not be present?

It is the memes, partially, and it is you, partially.

You have no distinctions…

Let me give you an example that will shed light to what distinctions are, and why they are important.

Let’s imagine that you prepare for heart surgery. Continue reading “Your world is dominated by the invisible. Get to know it… or else…”

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

I am on my eighth round of the 67 steps.

Obviously I am following what I learned when I was nine: you can spend a whole vacation reading a book, a lifetime listening and working with 67 audios and not get bored with it.

Or the way Bruce Lee says the same thing: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I have grown more in these 19 months than in any similar period in my life.


Most people I watch are not present to what they are doing: it is habitual, which means mindless, stuck, plateaued. Continue reading “Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners”

Master your emotions by mastering the Amish Horse Training Method

If we didn’t have words, we would have no emotions. All emotions come from words… some are yours, some are not…

The Amish Horse Training Method is to be able to hear all the words that create emotions… and hear them in a way, that gives you a choice to honor them or not, depending of the source of the words, the relevance of the words…

The Amish Horse Training Method returns you to the driving seat of your life…

Not surprisingly, for most students the first step towards mastery is mastering their attention. Unless you can control your attention, you are a putz… and are controlled by someone or something, but not you. And for you to be you, you need to call the shot.

The luckier students admit that they have a difficult time sticking with a book… because they can’t pay attention to it, they can’t understand, or they can’t remember what they read. Or the do a narrative, argue with the book, agree, disagree… but have no idea what they actually read. They remember the arguing. Continue reading “Master your emotions by mastering the Amish Horse Training Method”

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…

One of my students gave me a kindle book for my birthday.

It’s a book about practicing, for teachers. 1

The gift book came right on the heels of an insight I haven’t shared with you.

I finished my third reading Ayn Rand’s 1500 page philosophical novel. I still don’t have my own words to say what she says.

I have one sentence, that is now mine, that I own, and the sentence is “A is A. If you wish it to be something else, then you are delusional.” This is the cornerstone of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, objectivism.

I am able to own one distinction. From the 1500 pages of dense philosophy.

I am OK with that. It’s a process.

Continue reading “If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…”

Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision

Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision

It is starting to dawn on me that the intellectual action of seeing the forest, in spite of the individual trees is not something everyone has been able to do.


Some people, when they are asked to say what is the forest, in our conversations: what is the principle, what is the context, they use jargon… like integrity, or responsibility, the word.

They remember it.

But remembering hearing it doesn’t mean that they actually saw it.

Seeing the forest for the trees is 90% from the DNA capacity: Seeing the big picture, and 10% habit.

After courage, it is the second most missing capacity in humanity.
When activated, it adds 20 points to your IQ.

Continue reading “Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision”