Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.

On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.

So, how do you get to the answer without first asking that whiny question?
Continue reading “Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?”

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

You are always, every moment, are on the verge of limbo or in limbo… so learning how to reinvent yourself to move out of limbo is a good skill to learn

But change, I teach, is not good. It is mostly fixing, and every change carries in itself the seed level of what you didn’t want, what you wanted to change.

So now what? Another way to have something more, better, or different is through reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… But can you do it? How do you do it? Continue reading “Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…”

When you are looking for and find things to be angry about

When you are looking for and find things to be angry about

I have a student who seems to be looking for reasons to be unhappy, angry, frustrated. And not surprisingly she finds something. Always.

She is working on her health and well-being, and part of that ‘work’ is to document every breakfast, lunch and dinner what she eats, what she drinks, what she does, what she feels like, and whether she had a bowel movement or not. These are all indicators of her well-being and progress.

This morning I realized something: her diary says: bowel movement: small. She doesn’t say: bowel movement: yes (or no, whatever is the case.) No she says: small. Continue reading “When you are looking for and find things to be angry about”

Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.
Continue reading “Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness”

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

What happened to humanity, starting at the beginning of the 20th Century is a big tragedy.

Success literature happened.

And success gurus, success writers, motivational speakers, and the whole industry of the Lottery Approach.

The same thing happened in spirituality and in healing. Even religion had been kinder to people… Even religion had robbed them less that this new wave of success literature. Killing Life… for most people. Continue reading “The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century”

Activating self-trust, activating generosity…

Activating self-trust, activating generosity…

hungarian national treasureSome days my work is to work through issues that you, my dear reader, especially students and clients will need, so you can keep your capacities I activated active.

One of these capacities is self-trust.

Self trust is not like confidence. It doesn’t say (add soothing eerie voice here) ‘You can do it.’ That is probably a lie.

No, it says something different. It says: ‘you can handle it‘. Namely, whatever happens to you, you can handle it. Good, bad, indifferent, you can handle it.

The ‘job’ of the capacity is to make you unstoppable. To allow you to take the actions you need to take so you can get where you need to get, without being stopped by the fear of the unknown… Stopped by what will, what may happen after the action.

But what is the range of what you can handle? Is it everything, or you are going to pick and choose what you can handle, and you are going to be stopped, again, by every thought of the aftermath.
Continue reading “Activating self-trust, activating generosity…”

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepI am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁

I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.

Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.

Result: No abundance.

Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!

Even how you laugh: hahaha… but I hear you holding back. Scarcity shows in every movement, everything you do. Continue reading “What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

what's the truth about you? why are you making mistakes?Correct Diagnosis is 50% of the Cure in any area of your life

In this article I am going to show an area of my life where diagnostic skills and tools have saved the day, and in fact proved to be 90% of the cure.

The process of growth is not linear. It is more like layer by layer. No matter where you are now, in order to get to the next level, you need to completely explore the level or layer where you are at.

I have been relative successful for a while now, and like any other “normal” human being, I had the illusion that I have arrived to the place where it is smooth sailing from hereon. Continue reading “I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me”

What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?

What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?
How much voice do YOU have in the chorus of the voices that live in your head?

It’s Thursday morning, and I am starting a new experiment.

Yesterday I discovered that I have no idea what it is like to eat when you have an appetite. I observed myself, and I solely eat, have been eating, for taste. Texture. The mouthfeel.

But my physiology wants me to eat for appetite. 1 Bummer, I don’t know the first thing about appetite… 🙁
I look at different languages to get a clue… In Hungarian appetite, the word, says “the desire to eat”. Hm. In other languages there are appetizers… that grow that desire to eat, or maybe to wake up the dormant desire? Continue reading “What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?”