What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?

What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?

When I watched that video on the Reddit method… it is an energetic method to disrupt negative energy… I have learned versions of it from a guy who used it as a ski instructor to remove clients’ fear… It works and it’s energetic.

So if that is the case, all the methods out there that are not energetic, claiming to do something with Tinnitus are B.S.

So, with the limited knowledge I have, let me look what I think “energetic disturbance” is.

For one: it is in the invisible realm. So when someone is told: it is all in your head… dismissing them and their complaints, the most likely cause is: energetic disturbance.

  • Tinnitus seems to be only in your head… it isn’t.
  • Fear… irrational fear. Seems to be only in your head… maybe it isn’t.
  • Schizophrenia… seems to be only in your head, though some claim that they can see it in an EEG… but, of course, EEG checks energetic stuff…
  • Many blockages are energetic.

Electrical, chemical communication… energetic. Continue reading “What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?”

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Some people’s health number first rises and then plummets again. One in ten, on average.

What do the people whose health number behaves like this have in common?

First off, let me say that they mean well… but…

They violate some basic ground rules of the system I suggest for well-being.

The system is based on the theory, that if you eat and behave consistent with what your personal genetics suggest, then you will be well. But it seems that a food list used in the 21st century way is not able to do it for most people.

What is the 21st century way? You have vegetables, supplements, spices, fruits from all the five continents. Many are hybridized. Many are GMO. Many are sprayed to stay fresh, irradiated, cooked, pasteurized… All of which was impossible for your ancestors, and only came about in the past maybe 50-100 years. The same time span that people are getting fat, getting chronic diseases, and human intelligence, creativity, and hardiness are diminishing.
Continue reading “Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?”

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

trump overextendedI have a few people in my sphere who admire Donald Trump and think him the highest IQ person nowadays.

One of my friends loves Donald Trump. He is not a smart man, and it is one of the attraction: they are similar.

I just watched a video on youtube that shows clips to illustrate the accusation that Trump can’t read well, that Trump probably has a low vocabulary.

So I am going to do a combo assessment of Donald Trump here… and then explain a few things:
Continue reading “Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review”

Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage

Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage

Statistics show that nearly 100% of the population is addicted to the approval of others, yet few of us are aware of it. And for average person with modest goals, it doesn’t really matter.

The problem arises when an ambitious person decides to build a career, business or pursue dream that requires substantial exposure to rejection. Studies show that over 80% of these people abandon their ambition within the first 12 months due to the pain of daily disapproval.

This is how Approval Addiction shatters dreams.

Approval addiction comes from the misunderstanding and the distortion of what the Tree of Life need, the need to meet the expectation of others tells you. Continue reading “Approval Addiction: the main symptom of no self, no core, no courage”

Afraid to make a mistake?

Afraid to make a mistake?

incoherenceThis past week almost all and every input scrambled my mind. Made me incoherent. Made me restless, and I ended up tired with nothing to show for my feverish-feeling brain activity. I even continued the activity when I slept… or when I couldn’t sleep, like last night.

Familiar? I bet it is.

You can only move forward if and when you are coherent. 1
Coherence is akin to driving a four-horse carriage… it’s powerful, and it goes where you want it to go. Continue reading “Afraid to make a mistake?”

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

I listened to step two 1 of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday.

The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow… personally. It’s also about being adaptable, it’s about adapting.

Adapting is very hard. Why? Because part of adapting is to say no to what you have been saying yes to.

So it is complete upset, confusion, fear, uncertainty, and personally, it feels to me that death would be preferable. That is my 50% TLB speaking.

I always bring the example of climbing the ladder, but it is not how it feels. It feels really jumping. And when both feet are in the air, you don’t know where you are going to land.

I am seeing that in every area of life all the yes’s I am saying are keeping me the same, and I am terrified of saying no to them and saying yes to something else.

It started with my health.
Continue reading “When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

I thought I would share something I haven’t talked about in a long while… And that is your memories. Your pain memories… specifically.

We all have it. And they are, for most people, packed away, in some fat, or some muscle, joint… like any other toxin.

Life is smart. You cannot be very effective with life, very present, if you have to deal with pain that can’t be resolved… emotional pain.

Many people go to classes to rid themselves of the pain, but these classes don’t work very well. Why? Because when you retell the story, you get caught in the story instead of feeling the pain. You feel the “marker feelings” the words awaken, but not the original pain. 1

The pain is NOT in the story… storiesĀ are words. But the pain is real, and the words, the story, push the pain further out of reach.

Continue reading “How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…”

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

It is said that awareness 1 , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success.

Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of what you see, hear, feel reaches your conscious awareness and triggers an APPROPRIATE response there.

That is quite a mouthful, right? So to make it easier, I am going to speak computer language… if you don’t understand, I am sorry. I use many different analogies later on in this article, so just hang in there… OK?

The brain receives all the signals the sensory organs provide, but is selective about bringing it to the conscious, because of bandwidth limitations. Continue reading “Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?”

Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony

Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony

If you look, carefully, now you know why you are not happy.

Here is another quote: People get married because they want their lives witnessed. When your life is witnessed you feel alive… I was par phrasing the Susan Sarandon character’s words in “Shall we Dance?”

The best way to make sure you are on the path to happiness… is actually to be in a coaching program.

In my 67 step coaching program I witness your life.

Obviously, if you don’t care what I see: if you don’t care that I see that there is no harmony in what you think, what you say and what you do, then it is not really doing much for you…

If you don’t care… Continue reading “Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony”