Learning and growing through simulation, like doctors

Learning and growing through simulation, like doctors

We all live in a little box, and it seems that we are stuck here forever.

Life would work best if it were like a Freecell game: you lost the game? so what?! Or if it were like a University: learning to become a surgeon or a nurse.

Future surgeons don’t learn, don’t practice on live patients… they practice on dummies or on cadavers… They would certainly cause some damage while they learn otherwise. Continue reading “Learning and growing through simulation, like doctors”

Seeing value and validating is a facet of The Sight capacity

Seeing value and validating is a facet of The Sight capacity

Why is having The Sight important to you? why is seeing important? You are not blind after all!

Religions that talk about the Third Eye are full of crap, by the way. Here is the Wikipedia entry:

The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight

They make it sound a woo-woo thing… but the sight capacity, seeing what you can’t see, what is beyond ordinary sight is available and important in your day to day living. Continue reading “Seeing value and validating is a facet of The Sight capacity”

How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?

How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?

One of my principles is from the TV ad for the HairClub for Men.

The man talking says, I paraphrase: I so much liked the company that I bought it. I am not only the owner, I am also a client.

I am also not just the teacher but also the student. Not just the owner but also a client.

And, of course, when you are a student, as your status, and use what you are given, recently The Sight, and the Whole Brain Method, you get insights, results, ideas that stun you… Well, they stunned me.

There is a lot of talk about emotional intelligence, the keyword and some images bring a lot of people to my site. They all leave without ever buying anything, ever really learning anything. Continue reading “How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?”

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

Yesterday I had a session of the Playground.

The Playground has been my favorite program where I attempted to take people from wherever they were to Heaven’s gate… and maybe beyond.

It’s main principle is that you made up stuff at an early in life incident, stuff about yourself, about people, about life, about what you need… and what you didn’t get.

You called that wrong… and you have been trying to fix it all your life. So your life is still about that thing. That injustice, that unfairness, that thing that happened to you, that was done to you, that was wrong.

So this last Playground has been going on for almost two years. Continue reading “You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better”

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead of what everyone says I should read: non-fiction, someone talking ABOUT something?

In my recent conversation I have realized something important: people not only have a narrow cone of vision, they don’t even know where else they could be looking other than where they are already looking.

I realized that looking is a skill.

It comes from someone taking you by the hand and takes you to places you would not think to go, and maybe even point out what you could look at, what you could get curious about. Continue reading “Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?”

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?
A minor miracle happened yesterday morning…

I found that one of my students who had willfully turned off The Sight capacity, unexpectedly allowed it to stay on. Or maybe it was a major miracle… we shall see. Continue reading “Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?”

Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results

Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results

A teacher/coach can have two kinds of attitudes about a student’s success or failure.

  • One is: I take credit for your success, and blame you, the student, for your failure
  • The other one is the opposite: I acknowledge you for your success, and take the blame for your failure. And then proceed or not, to provide what may have been missing… which can be many things

Both attitudes are made up… Continue reading “Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results”

How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck

How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck

I have been looking at the traffic that comes to my site… and 99% of the people who come, leave empty handed.

Most people want to make more money. I don’t have what they want… I could only have what they need… so I have had nothing to offer them. I have thought of doing a money course… but have discarded it… It feels inauthentic for me to teach about money, given how mediocre my income is.

What you don’t know that you don’t know is really your blind spot. I have, must have, a big blind spot that I can’t, don’t want to, am afraid to make more money than is necessary to survive.

It’s not necessarily a lack of knowledge, or lack of work. It is that something stops me when the going gets good…

So I don’t consider myself worthy to teach something I don’t do myself. Continue reading “How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck”

The only security in life is your ability to produce

The only security in life is your ability to produce

There is no such thing as security.

Neither financial, nor health, relationship, none.

  • Your computer will crash in the middle of your work, when you are doing something important and you haven’t saved it. or just before you would sign on to your favorite webinar you paid for.
  • Your neighbor’s cat will use your flower beds as a potty… and your flowers no smell cat poop.
  • Your country, your business, your livelihood is shut down by some pandemic or the excuse of it.
  • Your innards start to grow cancerous growths, and you can’t eat, can’t poop, can’t move… it hurts and you see that you are now probably incurable.

No such thing as security. Continue reading “The only security in life is your ability to produce”

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see one’s way through, without the need to muddle through is possessed by about 1% of humanity.

It is the same capacity that can clearly see what your current actions will result in if you continue them.

It is the same capacity that can see what changes you need to make in your attitude and in your behavior to effect lasting change.

It is the rarest capacity… but it is also the hardest capacity to make work for you if you don’t have the habit of looking.

In a Landmark Education seminar, Inventing Yourself, there was a session where you were asked to stand in front of what you have never seen, what you can’t recognize from memory, and keep standing there until you see it. Continue reading “The capacity to see the consequences of your actions”