The holographic learning method in action

The best method of learning is not linear. It is holographic. Your picture always contains the whole picture… even if it is still fuzzy… so the context is already set. You know where and how things fit in the big picture.

Miko brings up a topic that can lead us to some useful learning practices, a more useful knowledge base, a life with direction, and maybe even to a life worth living.

Sophie, what I got from this article is that persistent hammering on a task is a way to raise my TLB score, and that it’s natural that it’s going to be fuzzy at the beginning, but that’s no reason to quit.

I’ve been studying philosophy, as an experiment of sorts, and I recently got a text to work with as a homework, where my experience is a bit like what you described here — I don’t understand half the words. But I’m starting to see that as I look some of them up, and re-read the paragraphs, some of the things are getting a little clearer.

So the thing for me to do is to go through the whole text again… and again, if I must.

Continue reading “The holographic learning method in action”

Spiritual Practices to get you out of your prison

Spiritual Practices to get you out of your prison

98575990_24_news_la_346792cThis article is 15 months old. I can track how far I have come in 15 months… And can celebrate… it’s new freedom day for me…

Few people are intelligent.

Intelligence is a state where you can see the sameness, where you see that life has no boundaries.

Of course it seems as if there were boundaries, but it’s an illusion… cells have walls, but it is permeable, you have skin, but it is permeable, you are a human, but you are just like everything else, built of cells, like most every living being, have genes, like every living being, and your body performs chemical miracles, every living moment.

But most importantly, you live as if you were an island.
You are locked into I, and you are locked out of life.

All your fears are a result of living as if you were threatened, the I.

You don’t want your carefully preserved separateness upset, and you know that the work I ask you to do will. Why? because you are NOT intelligent.
Continue reading “Spiritual Practices to get you out of your prison”

Become someone who is living a life worth living

Become someone who is living a life worth living

I have had people, ex-students, who tried the 67 steps and decided that it is not the way to learn… no matter what Sophie says… They knew better.

I could not put my finger on the attitude. I could see that it didn’t work, I could see that it didn’t serve them, but I didn’t have a word for it.

Until today, through listening to Step 4 of the 67 Steps.

This step, step 4 is about learning through mentors. Mentors are teachers, but not classroom teachers. One-on-one instruction where the teaching is tailored to you. Where you learn through osmosis. You emulate their whole being, how they approach issues… it is largely nonverbal.

By the way, it’s took me 16 months to seriously consider picking a mentor or two… to emulate. In every other area I had some results… in this one I just got to considering it… this is an 18 month schedule, not instant results…

Continue reading “Become someone who is living a life worth living”

Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you

Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you

Yesterday I listened to step 4 of the 67 steps. I heard something… and turned the audio off. I didn’t want to forget what I heard.

This is the step where Tai talks about the DNA that makes us able to learn, no, makes us have to learn to become human.

He uses language as an example.

Every human has the capacity to learn their mother tongue so they can communicate with the people around them. But there is no separate gene for English and Serbian, for example. There is the capacity to learn language.

And so is with hundreds of abilities. Continue reading “Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you”

An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

the-meaning-of-your-lifeAn easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

Gurus teach to look at life this way… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the kind and type of doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place of WTF does that mean?!

be – do – have

But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscletest for people if the actions they decided lead to self-growth, a better future, or not.

So, it is obviously not easy to see.

As any living thing, your first and main concern is you. What you have, how you feel, how safe you are, how happy you are.

Most people get stuck there: it is a “level of consciousness” thing… that is the level of consciousness where most people live. Really, 99.99% of humanity.
Continue reading “An easy way to get to the big picture so that…”

I am still working on kindness. And will continue until I get good at it.

I am still working on kindness. And will continue until I get good at it.

By the way, this is exactly how I “dealt with” the tens of spiritual capacities in the past 30 plus years: “chew” on one until I got all the juice out of it.

Spiritual capacities are a lot like a language: with each new one a whole new world, a whole new understanding becomes available. A whole new person. A whole new way of looking at the world.

I’ve read somewhere that schizophrenia and speaking several languages are intimately connected: the new language brings about as much change as if you were had grown a new personality… They probably should have written: multiple personality disorder… Disorder smisorder… Bah.

I am speaking about the miraculous switching ability of perspective, of understanding… the capacity underlying kindness. Where at a moment’s notice the “kind” person moves their perspective to include the place from where the other is speaking. Or in the parlance of the Partnership Course, they can change the field inside which to listen.
Continue reading “I am still working on kindness. And will continue until I get good at it.”

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

This is part 2 of the article “The crucial difference between people who are on the top and you

I will start with a confession: this is new knowledge. I myself have been part of the “not on the top” people…

Let me explain what happened.

About a month ago I read an article that had a list of 20 books that Charlie Munger recommends. Continue reading “If you can understand it, it is probably not true”

Seeing the big picture… wide cone of vision and a TED talk

Seeing the big picture… wide cone of vision and a TED talk

child learning vs adult learningFinally a TED talk that explains why seeing the big picture is such an amazing capacity. Why it can alter your life. Why it allows you to learn. Why it takes you out of the fear of making mistakes…

It also explains why “normal” adults stop being able to learn, experiment, be creative…

One student asks:

If I have identified something as worth having/knowing, when I set out to read a book or take a class, if there is an agenda there, what do I do with that agenda? How, if I could, would I abandon what I think I should be going after to pursue life as more of an experiment? Does the courage to walk away from what I think is the path, the missing piece?

The agenda he is talking about is the “economical” little (or big) piece you want out of your activity. And once you fix what you want, you’ll see nothing else, like a machine.

No creativity, no growth, no experimentation. Dull. Boring. And a perfect waste of a life.
Continue reading “Seeing the big picture… wide cone of vision and a TED talk”

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

struggling to make ends meetMarch is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) spending habits…

For people, the reason they don’t have money to spend in January, February and March, I think, begins by overspending in December. Then they scramble through January, February and March to make up for the Christmas indulgence.

Most people live hand to mouth, YOLO (you only live once), Epicurian… Continue reading “Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?”

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

Beingness does not respond to words.
  • Beingness does not respond to words. Not even “declarations!”
  • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
  • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
  • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

Continue reading “Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all”