The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.

The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.

some people never learnIt’s been coming up with more and more frequency:

We don’t know what it looks like to be good, to be kind, to be independent, to be happy, etc.

I wrote recently about my quest to become a kind person.

I am 70 years old. Why now? why so late in life?

When I look back at my childhood, when I look at my brothers, their wives, I see no kindness. EVER.

I am now able to be kind except right now, today… I am irritated, and out of balance… I don’t want to share the “story”, but please know that there are innate capacities and learned capacities. I will never be as patient as a saint… especially when I am out of balance… Kindness and patience are intimately connected.

Spiritual virtues, like kindness, goodness, love, forgiveness… etc. you only learn when you see it in many situations. We could be simplistic and call it learning by osmosis. Continue reading “The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.”

I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…

I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…

Something interesting happened to me this morning: I got scared.

What’s so interesting about that, Sophie? Good question. I don’t normally get scared. Last I got scared when Trump got elected. That was four months ago. That was also interesting. 1

You can say that I get scared twice, maybe three times a year… nowadays.

So what happened that scared me this time was a request to “read” someone’s vibration. Not the whole ten measurements, the starting point measurements, just their vibration. That is always a warning sign, by the way. It means, I feel, that there is no curiosity, it is just checking ME against what they KNOW.

Of the 10 measurements the vibration is the least useful and you have the least amount of chance to effect directly. So when someone only asks for that, my warning signals go off… Either they are too stupid, or too arrogant to know what is up. Continue reading “I got scared this morning. My stomach is still in a knot…”



New insight:

As you may have noticed, one of the spiritual capacities that can raise your vibration is willingness.

But I am a lot more interested in unwillingness… because no amount of desire to be willing will counter unwillingness in its many forms, with its many causes.

One of the reasons for unwillingness to be so ubiquitous, is that it is counter intuitive.

When I say “intuition” I don’t mean real intuition. I mean that if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, then what is intuitive to you is what makes sense… on the Tree of Knowledge.

And about 70% that makes sense on the Tree of Knowledge is actually useless, untrue, falsehood, and damaging.

Being willing does not make sense on the Tree of Knowledge. What makes sense is to resist. Continue reading “Unwillingness”

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

energize your body while you are doing other things water energizer audioUpdate 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.

What is the difference?

When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.

Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?

I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.

Regardless, I tested it.

Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.

How did I test it?

I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.

My cell hydration number was 30% when I started, and it rose to 70%.

Continue reading “Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?”

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

trump overextendedI have a few people in my sphere who admire Donald Trump and think him the highest IQ person nowadays.

One of my friends loves Donald Trump. He is not a smart man, and it is one of the attraction: they are similar.

I just watched a video on youtube that shows clips to illustrate the accusation that Trump can’t read well, that Trump probably has a low vocabulary.

So I am going to do a combo assessment of Donald Trump here… and then explain a few things:
Continue reading “Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review”

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

struggling to make ends meetMarch is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) spending habits…

For people, the reason they don’t have money to spend in January, February and March, I think, begins by overspending in December. Then they scramble through January, February and March to make up for the Christmas indulgence.

Most people live hand to mouth, YOLO (you only live once), Epicurian… Continue reading “Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?”

No coach has helped you to become happier

No coach has helped you to become happier

There are tons of coaches, coaching companies, transformational coaches, etc.

Bloggers teaching you tools of success, tools of happiness, etc.

Tons of books… courses… programs.

I have known for a long time that when people followed what was taught they would end up unhappier than they were before. I have tested it, observed it, and have pondered it. Continue reading “No coach has helped you to become happier”

The ground of your being comes from where you live

The ground of your being comes from where you live

life on the 14th floor: words and more wordsWhen you live on the 14th-15th floors of your being, the ground of your being comes from there too.

Let’s first look what is the ground of your being, the floor on which everything is built that is compatible with that floor.

On the 13th floor the ruler is Life. Nature. The Universe. No interpretation. Life, nature, the universe gives you your actions, your attitudes, your interpretation of events.

Virtues live on the 13th floor, because virtues are a Yes to life. Anything gets evaluated by that question: is it a Yes to life or a no to life.

Is it part of the flow, or is it a blockage to the flow. Blockages need to go. Attitudes, needs, wants, habits, activities that are a no to life, that don’t fit the flow of life, Nature, the Universe, must go, because it is evil. Against life. Continue reading “The ground of your being comes from where you live”

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

It’s Tuesday, and my Rob Brezsny horoscope arrived this morning.

It addressed something I wanted to address, because it is important: treating yourself well by providing yourself with what you need to be well, to do well, to feel well.

You treat your pets better than yourself.

If you were only judgmental and stingy with others, that would be one thing. But you are stingy with yourself.

You judge yourself harshly, you treat yourself badly, and you skimp on yourself first.

Consider yourself your own child, or your own pet? And your relationship, your treatment of it public.

A lot of people, in private, abuse with impunity, but would not dare do the same in public, or when someone can see it. They fear judgment. Continue reading “Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?”

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, capacities

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, capacities

Note: this is an important article… please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you… and what you can do about it.

I really enjoy the work on people’s hydration.

I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusement. Continue reading “The size of your foundation, your astuteness, capacities”