Finding your niche where you can win… Creatively

Finding your niche where you can win… Creatively

theodore-roosevelt-quoteWant the good life? Use the Edge effect. Finding your niche where you can win. living life creatively

You want the good life… Creating the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, will require creativity from you…

This is the biggest difference between the age of The American Dream and today… then some work was enough… today just work is not enough.

The opposite of creativity is timidness. And cowardice, and complacency, and holding your hand out, and hoping that other people will do it for you. Am I describing you?

Creativity is living at risk… Existential courage. Existential Courage
is the antidote to the comfortable coma.

The other day I stumbled across an ad for a workshop helping you to release your intuition. It used the standard approach to selling these sort of New Age ideas: quotes from Einstein and Steve Jobs on the importance of intuition, vague promises of revealing secrets known only to the most successful and powerful, and an invitation to “let your life be easier.”

It reminded me of a quote from Barbara Ehrenreich in Bright-sided, her critique of the positive thinking craze. She says

“positive thinking is not the same as existential courage.” This might be the most important distinction we can make these days. We are constantly bombarded with messages from advertisers trying to sell us on the idea that our lives should be comfortable and easy.

Eventually, we start to believe them. We start to see hard work as a sign of failure and discomfort as a psychological illness. Even our understanding of spirituality is being corrupted by misconceptions of enlightenment as some sort of personal accomplishment marked by perpetual bliss.

As a result, we have become unbalanced, individually and as a society. Sure, comfort and ease play a role in a life well-lived: we need Hedonic pleasure and moments of pure enjoyment. But focusing almost exclusively on this kind of comfort addiction leaves us with a sort of existential hangover and a void that’s impossible to fill – a void that advertisers promise to fill with anything they can sell you.

Existential courage is absolutely necessary if we are ever to find a way out of this addictive cycle.

The roots of the word courage actually come from the French coeur, or heart. It was believed that acts of valor and bravery could only be inspired by connecting to something larger than oneself. And here’s the twist, because that connection, rather than comforting, often confronts.

It highlights our fragility. It points out how small and insignificant we are. That thing that we connect to calls into question the ego-self and creates what Pema Chodron calls the vulnerable heart. It forces us to confront our own demons and ask if “I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear? ”

…at the core of existential courage – letting our vulnerability make us strong, letting our incompleteness make us whole, letting the impossibility of the task inspire action.

Gandhi said, that “what you can do is insignificant yet it is vitally important that you do it.” Acts of existential courage are rarely grandiose – grandiose is the ego’s idea of courage. Existential acts of courage are usually small, humble things – things that require practically no real effort beyond the courage to actually do them.

    • So what is that one crazy little thing that you can do today?
    • What makes you a little uncomfortable and threatens your belief that you’re in control?
    • What is that awesome thing you can connect with that makes you aware of how small and incomplete you are?
    • What is that one thing that probably won’t make a difference anyhow but feels vitally important?


if-you-are-always-trying-to-be-normalYou want to color inside the lines… and get the good life? No chance.

Unless you are willing to shuffle and stir things up, you are among the dead, you are among those timid souls that never know defeat, but never know success either.

in-the-arenaIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while DARING GREATLY so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Why is that? Because coloring inside the lines, trying to be the best when playing by the prevailing rules, can only give you a life you didn’t choose, you didn’t design. All you can hope is that someone else will dig out the goodies for you… just like the Germans did in 1933, or half of the Americans when they elected Trump to office.

Without courage, all you can do is decorate. Make the ugly, the boring, the un-impactful pretty.

Why is it mandatory for you to be creative if you want the good life?

In a world with seven billion people, you cannot be successful at anything by coloring inside the lines. By being timid.

Tai talks about the edge effect.

If you are an absolute genius in your field, you can, maybe, do well.

95-percentBut very few people are on the far right side of the bell curve, in any area.

You may be good at your job at your particular workplace, but across the board? You probably aren’t.

I don’t have any students who are in that 5% range of humanity. Those 5% are busy raking it in… lol.

The edge effect is finding or creating a field that is so unusual, so not part of the coloring within the lines culture, that you, with your meager resources: talent, awareness, determination, work-ethic, etc. may be able to make a life for yourself. A life that is better than the sum-total of the qualities you bring to it.

In my own life, I showed some talent in many areas: music, architecture, mathematics, writing, but didn’t belong to the five percent.

My father did, but I didn’t. And neither did my brothers.

As an architect I specialized in designing buildings for steep hills… It was my attempt to use the edge effect. Very few people dare to go there… it’s not an easy task, and there are not many steep hillsides that can be built.

In Landmark Education I specialized in coaching people who were still struggling with the remnants of incest: not a pleasant topic, and not an easy task to return these people to happiness.

I also specialized in coaching introduction leaders about their emotional blockages, their posture, their voice, etc. I could do it over the phone…

I had some edge effect.

In publishing I went to the edge of bringing education, compassion, a woman’s perspective to an area that is traditionally a man’s pleasure. Edge effect.

In personal development I am bringing the perspective of Tree of life v. Tree of Knowledge. I am bringing my finely honed ability of distinguishing, recognizing emotions, and my connection to Source.

Edge effect.

When someone asks me what I do for a living… I don’t have one answer. I have ten… When you work on the edge… there is no box that you fit in. That is what gives you the edge.

The word, the expression “edge effect” is a term in ecology: In ecology, edge effects refer to the changes in population or community structures that occur at the boundary of two habitats. Areas with small habitat fragments exhibit especially pronounced edge effects that may extend throughout the range. As the edge effects increase, the boundary habitat allows for greater biodiversity.

The edge is neither water, nor dry land. It is neither forest nor meadow. It is neither a desert nor an oasis… it is on the edge of those… having one foot in each.

existential-courageYou can translate biodiversity to this: more people can thrive there… even people with less than perfect knowledge and skills.

If you look at the bell curve, the number of people with less than perfect knowledge and skills is actually 97.5% of everyone… and although most everyone (68%) who was asked about their abilities, will say they are above average, most everyone is delusional about their own abilities.

Even being above average will not buy you the good life. Life actually doesn’t care about averages. Life rewards courage. Life rewards exceptional. Life rewards real creativity… Living on the edge.

Given that in capacities and abilities you can’t compete, you need to compete in the edge effect… be more and more creative in finding unexploited edge effects.

When a course is written, a program is sold, a push-button software hits the market on making it big, it is already mainstream… and you will not win with it, unless you excel in your capacities and your abilities.

Most of you have only two to five intangible capacities. The people who can make those programs work have ten to thirty…

You have been wasting your time and your money trying to find something ready… but when something is ready, you are too poorly equipped to perform and make a living there.

I am writing this article because my students are not getting it… and they don’t even look for the edge effect.

positive-thinking-and-existential-courageWhy? Because to find and create a niche for yourself where you can shine requires courage and creativity. And looking, and recognizing.

Capacities… you see where life is a series of Catch 22’s?

Tai has 10 intangible, spiritual capacities. Even 10 capacities open and active don’t put you into the top 2.5% of any field… With 10 capacities you still need the edge effect… so he chose to create it around the topic: mentoring, book learning, and principles learned through mentoring and reading.

No one else does that, so he created a niche that is not easy to break into. I have read a lot, but would never be able to match his ability to make it a business.

The moment you copy someone’s niche… you are not in the edge effect.

  • Is it difficult? Hell yes.
  • Do you need a lot of looking, talent, imagination, etc? Hell yes.

So how are you going to do it?

With guidance.

You see finding the edge effect for yourself is the hardest.

Even if you have talent… it is hard to see your own. You can be the best edge-finding coach in the world, you still need a coach to do you…

I have a process where I help find people integrate their life around what gives them juice in life.

I used to train three people to be able to do that work… We were all on a conference call, when we had a client.

One time we had no client, and they insisted that they do the process with me. Nah… I resisted, but then I relented.

The conversation, off the start, starting with the first question, went in a direction I wouldn’t have thought it would go… and it took us, reliably, firmly, unquestionably, to what gives me and have always given me juice: Bringing the Divine to Everything.

Now that I know I can see it in all my history. And now that I can see it, I can and do organize my life to integrate it around it.

For example: my exercise class. You see, exercise can be mundane, repetitive, blah. But I bring the Divine to it, and it is a celebration, it is a party. Even when it hurts like hell… You can bring the divine to hurting… lol.

Does knowing what gives you juice help creating your niche, your edge effect?

Honestly, a lot of you has no juice, has no fun. So for you: no.

But if you can have serious fun (not ha-ha fun, but fulfilling experiences) then yes.

And until then: you may need to create your tap-root, your Sequoia root system…

Or you can continue subsisting in the tiny box you have been decorating all your life.

  • -I am very picky who I work with.
  • -I don’t take private coaching clients…
  • -I do offer the Juice session to some people… it’s an hour long, and it’s at my regular rate $250.
  • I do offer Health evaluation and coaching… because unless you are well, full of vitality and energy, you don’t have energy to have courage, or to be creative.
  • -Through my 67 step coaching process I coach and support people
    • —to find themselves
    • —to develop and activate capacities that are needed for the good life: health, wealth, love and happiness
    • —develop the edge effect where they can shine
    • —prepare them to be their best even when life turns sour, or against them
    • —become a full person, an expanding human being

The coaching conversations are in email. .

You need at least two hours a week to participate. No time? No problem. Don’t apply.

The cost? At present time it’s $15 a week.

You put in eight hours plus a month… The best students put in tens of hours…

You do the work, I just nudge you, spot you, or guide you.

Your results always come from what you do, and not from the coach. Your work. Your insights. Your awareness.

P.P.S. Here is an example of using creativity to gain an edge… the edge effect

PPPS: Tomorrow at 4 pm (May 20, 2020) We’ll have a webinar to create a purpose for your life. Once you have a purpose, everything falls into place. It makes sense… it is clear what’s missing.

It’s beautiful

Register if you want to participate. I prefer participants who have done the Starting Point Measurements

Register in the webinar

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea

Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea

Everyone says that you create your own reality. They fancy themselves creating wealth, health, a loving partner… out of thin air.

But they don’t get that they have already created their own reality… unconsciously, and now they are just stirring muck… ineffectively. Continue reading “Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

My advanced students are now focusing in on soul correction.

My advanced students are now focusing in on soul correction.

climbing the tree of lifeWhat is soul correction and why would the “divine” part of you need correction?

Let me explain:

The Universe has three energetic components: the positive, the negative, and the neutral.

This repeats itself on every level, the micro and the macro…

On the macro level the positive, giving component is The Force. The negative, receiving component are the souls, and the neutral/restrictive component is the individual’s consciousness.
Continue reading “My advanced students are now focusing in on soul correction.”

The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction

The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction
A purpose is not automatic… or if anything can be called automatic, it is always bad… or inappropriate

We, humanity, are more attuned to danger, bad feelings, than we are to good feelings… And it is natural, given our size and defenselessness in the natural world.

In order to get anything done, you cannot rely on your natural inclination, it won’t be helpful. Your natural inclination is to do nothing much, reserve your energies, unless you are hungry, you are horny, or you are in danger. Continue reading “The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction”

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

There are, in my experience, three thinking brains, at least potentially, in every human…

The first thinking brain

The first thinking brain, the mind, that is in cahoots, in collusion with the selfish gene, works against you. That is what creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it. Continue reading “The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery”

If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration

If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration

When you energize your cells, you energize your whole body… including your brain. You get stronger, more resilient, and fare better in life.

The method that is easiest to use is to drink coherent water, water whose vibration is raised to 653… not an easy feat. You have to start with additive-free water that you cannot find in nature… so you have to find water that you can filter down to energizable level.

Filters are factory made, and are made with chemicals… so they may add chemicals to your filtered water rendering it not energizable. I have found only one company’s filters that both filter and are not leaking too much chemicals into the filtered water… DuPont’s whole house filters.

But put two of DuPont’s debris filters… and suddenly the water won’t energize: too much chemicals…

In addition to the trouble with making your tap water energizable, there are a host of other hurdles you need to overcome… 1

The process, after your base water is energizable, is to wrap your container with headphones playing the energizer audio… or alternatively use a high quality mini speaker in small closed place, like a refrigerator, with walls that don’t absorb the energy, but reflect it.

Using just the Energizer Audio is a relatively slow method of energizing your water.

There is a saying: watched pot never boils…

It’s an idiom, but there is a lot of truth in it.

When you watch the pot waiting for the water in it to boil, you don’t have a lid on it, do you?

If and when you put the lid on, suddenly the water starts to boil. Continue reading “If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration”

Seeing Wide and Far plus seeing Reality is the key to the Kingdom

Seeing Wide and Far plus seeing Reality is the key to the Kingdom

This are the rarest human qualities, rarest capacities of all. They require high level of consciousness… that is why.

Of course no one is high consciousness or low consciousness… we are all on a scale of consciousness.

For example I discovered, doing the experiment with the candy yesterday, through glimpses of my behavior and thoughts, that side by side the high vibration, high consciousness person there are remnants of callousness (showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, cold hearted, unfeeling) that I wasn’t aware of. It includes me, it includes my health, it includes everyone.

I woke up at 3 am from a nightmare… a tiger was licking my dog (I don’t actually have a dog, I have never had one) before it would eat it, and it was all my fault… I was scrambling for some weapon, until I stumbled onto a rake, and stabbed the tiger with it and it let go of the poor dog. Continue reading “Seeing Wide and Far plus seeing Reality is the key to the Kingdom”

Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…

A filter is like a pair of glasses…

A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…

But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.

We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

Continue reading “Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love”