Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, your DNA?

I’ve participated in Landmark Education’s programs, on different levels, for 26 years.

In all of those years, there were two sentences that made a difference:

  1. Your actions are correlated to the occurring world. Meaning: your actions depend on what you see. Not your mind… on what you see.
  2. You live in a world of your own design.

The two sentences are intimately connected, though I learned them 19 years apart.

There is a sudden proliferation of programs that claim that they change your DNA… in the area of money, love, or some other concern that you have.

Their truth value is 0%, their attractiveness to you, given that you don’t know how a human machine works, is 100%.

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The natural law that prevents you from growing

The natural law that prevents you from growing

scarcity-behaviorsWhat is the natural law that prevents you from having human being capacities while preserving the seed of right and wrong.

Just like the seed needs to die, before the plant can grow, a new version of humanity depends on the seed dying.

The seed level characteristics of the new version of humanity that prevent evolution are all behaviors, attitudes that are based in scarcity.

How do you recognize scarcity?

There are many, all fear based, but one behavior I just recently discovered, that in fact the behavior comes from a scarcity way of being.
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How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

I am not ready to grow upI am using Rob Brezsny’s words here… maybe his English communicates better than mine:


Exaggerate your flaws till they turn into virtues Pretend your wounds are exotic tattoos. Refuse the gifts that infringe on your freedom. Shun sacred places that fill you with boredom. Keep in mind it’s bad luck to be superstitious. The official story’s always fictitious. Pump up your karma with idiot laughter. The promised land’s here, not in some hereafter

We are searching for the answers so we can destroy them and dream up better questions

Here are two attitudes that will be useful, invaluable, and mandatory if you want to grow through my programs

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The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity

alberteinstein118979I am reading a book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. I am reading it because I want to be able to teach my students better, so they can leave behind the level of ordinary school learning, the pedestrian learning that always produces pedestrian result.

Amateurish performance, amateurish life. 1

The DNA, the blueprint that heralds the evolution of humans, the inactive 160 spiritual capacities, don’t become needed, and therefore won’t turn on, or won’t stay on, in a pedestrian, amateurish life where one doesn’t go consistently beyond their limits, intellectually, spiritually.
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break out of the life the selfish gene allows you to live?

break out of the life the selfish gene allows you to live?
god-manHow does mind serve the ego, and ego serves the selfish gene… Evolutionary view of ‘team you’

Tuesdays are my days to interface with people who are neither my readers, nor my clients.

Ordinary people. And although it is very frustrating to me, and maybe even them, I learn a lot from these unpleasant interactions.

Ever since I read The Selfish Gene, a book, and even more since I read the book ‘Why beautiful people have daughters’ a look on life through evolutionary psychology, I am trying to match what I read with what I see, hear, and feel.

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More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference

quote_slowWhen you ask the question why you are reading my articles, your answer will be saying what you want.

More, better, different.

You may say: you want to raise your vibration, so you can have more, better, or different. What…

You may be prepared to do different, maybe even more, but you surely aren’t thinking that it is NOT what you do, it is how you do it.

When I talk about beingness… you think it’s a what. But it’s a how.

When I say “love,” you hear “what”. but I mean “how”. When I say generous, you hear “ugh, I have to give” which is a what, while generous is a how.
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What do people want when they come to my site? What do YOU want?

find what you needFor a while I have been cut off from what YOU want… you, who just came to my site. I don’t know what you want, I don’t know if I can serve you at all. I have been busy with my students… creating success after success, helping them raise their consciousness, activate new spiritual capacities… amazing…

Looking at my log files, this is what I see…

40%, maybe even 50% of my site’s visitors want to manifest more money
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You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving

You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving

One of the reasons the 67 steps coaching is wonderful, is because, done the right way, it leads consciousness on a trip that is both wide and deep. Wider than deep, by the way.

But even if you remain on the surface, but go where the steps take you, you can raise your consciousness by a lot.

The insight came to me while sleeping… I was taken somewhere, and I consistently refused to go down a certain ‘tunnel’…

And that is the life of a human. You and your is defined more by the places you don’t go than by the places you do. Literally. Continue reading “You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving”

The Flow… Life… The Light… how do you block the flow?

emotional-intelligence-by-daniel-goleman-1-638Psychologist Daniel Goleman, personal vibration: 200, 10 capacities active, 7% truth value, talks about the flow as a state, when things seem to go just right, when you feel alive, and fully aware…

And they say: it alters your consciousness…

What they don’t see, can’t see, that flow is the “state” when you, for some reason, stop blocking the flow… when YOU, as your identity, are not there.

What am I talking about?

Soul corrections, the names and categories I borrowed from Kabbalah, seem to be 72 ways that you can block the flow and live a life of scarcity (and lack of intelligence).

The psychologists don’t see it, but each moment that there is no flow, your stingy self is there blocking it.
Continue reading “The Flow… Life… The Light… how do you block the flow?”

The Chess Master OR how can a smart person be so stupid?

chess-finch…or what is the secret ingredient in The Machine that a chess master has or doesn’t…

I have been observing, for no reason, chess masters. Haven seen movies, read books, watched videos… for no reason… other than to allow consciousness to see.

WTF, right?

It is normal to do things for a reason. For fun. For research, For learning. But to take consciousness, like a baby, to the zoo? Who has ever heard anything like that before?
Continue reading “The Chess Master OR how can a smart person be so stupid?”