What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding stuff you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

A few weeks ago, every time I ate eggs I would get symptoms of stomach ache, and skin issues.

I decided that it was my childhood egg white allergy… but the symptoms continued when I just ate the yolks.

Then I watched that youtube video… and today, I finally forced myself to check if the “eggs” I have been eating were fake or not. 1

Every single egg in the boxes I bought at my favorite local supermarket were fake eggs, fake one way or another.
Continue reading “What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?”

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

Beingness does not respond to words.
  • Beingness does not respond to words. Not even “declarations!”
  • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
  • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
  • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

Continue reading “Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all”

You are trying to eat soup with a fork…

You are trying to eat soup with a fork…

entraining-you-for-stupidityIt’s perplexing to watch humans trying to eat soup with a fork.

Because while industry, science have advanced, humans, the race, has gone backwards.

As a race.

Backwards in intelligence… intellect, emotional, social, relationship, etc.

And obviously in vibration. Continue reading “You are trying to eat soup with a fork…”

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead… While you are alive life is ups and downs, good feelings, bad feelings, neutral feelings.

The fact that you can’t feel your feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there…

Yesterday was a weird day.

First I fell victim to taking things personally. I’d like to say it was funny, but taking things personally is not fun.

The whole day passed without a single email, and also without most of my regular clients and students visiting my site. I was checking. Continue reading “Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…”

Soul correction: 27. Silent Partner… ‘I’ll take it

Soul correction: 27. Silent Partner… ‘I’ll take it

This soul correction is difficult for me… And somehow people with this soul correction come to my like bee to honey.

Something about me being overly generous, over-eager to give you what I have is very attractive to a Silent Partner.

A new insight is that the Silent Partner person refuses to allow their soul and their ego to form the “tumbleweed” that can take them to a life that is worth living.

The soul and the ego, the white wolf and the dark wolf. Continue reading “Soul correction: 27. Silent Partner… ‘I’ll take it”

Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

arrogance is weakness disguised as strengthThe most popular image I have on Instagram says: Arrogance is weakness disguised as strength.

Now, why this is worth writing about?

Because it is the tip of the iceberg of something really important.

We have spoken about the selfish gene. For the gene you are a survival vehicle only. And a person, who is not related to you, is competition, rival… standing in your gene’s way to make more copies of itself.

I know this is unfamiliar territory, but please bear with me, because where it is taking us is worth going to… so patience… you don’t have to understand the genes… unless you really want to.

I don’t want to add another worthless article to the already millions of worthless articles on human nature. Continue reading “Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?”

Energy healing, coaching, nutritional consulting

Energy healing, coaching, nutritional consulting

preacher1Yesterday I had an “energy healer” type of person on the Open Mic aka Talk to Me webinar.

Normally these webinars are really fun: we talk. Students ask questions, some great, some simple and to the point… they have fun, I have fun, and our relationship deepens.

Yesterday was a different kind of session: there was this “energy healer” guy… and he was into arguing, debating, talking about what he thinks, what he learned, blah blah blah.

He considered my webinar his forum to disseminate his wisdom. His learning. His take on the world.

Continue reading “Energy healing, coaching, nutritional consulting”

How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

grow-some-balls-2As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.

Signing up opened a can of worms.

Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.

Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.

It is like being in a restaurant,
Continue reading “How to grow some balls… at least seemingly”

Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

light-a-fire2Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

This question has never been asked of me, so I am asking the question, for you, on your behalf.

Because we are starting to see that keeping spiritual capacities on is not the easiest thing to do… unless…

I’ll talk about that unless later on in this article.

So, what is the answer?

The answer is surprising: you can have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity.
Continue reading “Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?”

Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization

Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization

coherence4Thank god, I can relate to this… I didn’t know myself, didn’t even begin to know myself until 1988 or so. It’s a stumbling block I myself had to go over… and it wasn’t a walk in the park, so I see your hesitation.

And it isn’t the easiest stumbling block either. It takes courage. Man of Fear won’t even go there. Man of Courage… hell yeah… once he finds out that it is missing.

It’s a difficult stumbling block, because knowing means: accurately. And knowing means: sober eyes. Not critical, not judgmental, not apologetic, not justifying. And not running away. Continue reading “Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization”