Liar liar pants on fire

redpill.bluepillSome people lie more than others. But all people lie… Lying by commission and lying by omission.

Facebook is nauseatingly full of lies and liars. You lie to your loved ones and you lie to yourself. You lie because it seems the kind thing to do, you lie because it is no big deal… but it is… to your inner self… and then you pay the price. This article explains how.

It’s obviously not my article… but it will do…

The Law of Honesty

Recognizing, accepting, and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty; only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary.

Live according to your highest light and more light will be given. PEACE PILGRIM

Within the context of our life purpose, as we explore the bigger picture and meaning of our lives, the Law of Honesty points to higher laws and inner consequences that are instant, inevitable, and inescapable. It includes, but does not focus on, external codes of behavior.
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Happiness is wanting what you have

happiness-challengeIn my efforts of activating DNA capacities, I have seen that I cannot get away from teaching you stuff: having a lot of wrong beliefs will prevent you from holding onto the new capacities long enough to benefit from them.

This is one of the things I haven’t seen anyone teach… So here you go.

I have taught it on live webinars but this is the first time I am attempting to do it in writing: it may not go well… Let’s see…

Many people are in search of truth. Many are activists. Many are into self-improvement.

What is in common with all of us, humans, living in society, is that everything we do is to fill in a void, to fix what’s wrong, and get away from what’s bad.

Prescription for unhappiness: deny, resist what is, and strive to get to something that isn’t.

This is rich, so please don’t nod: it will be a pretense if you do. There is no way you actually got what I said… no way.
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Are you disconnected from All-of-it and beg for knowledge from others?

inner-lightOne of the horrible costs of living in your mind, trusting your mind, going for Tree of Knowledge, is that you cut yourself off from your inner knower… and hand your life and destiny over to people who are not your friends, who are not on your side, who have their own agenda in saying anything.

I am observing the few high capacity producers in my circle, and this is one of the big difference between you and them: they may take hints… but then they do their own thinking, their own process.

The missing capacity, self-trust, or as Dan Millman calls it Faith, of course needs to be based on other capacities: cannot stand alone. And you also need to build some reality to it, some solid foundation. That is why you don’t have it: you life has been, and likely will be a life of turning to other people for all your thinking.

This is Dan Millman’s “article” from the book “The Life You Were Born To Live”. He knows a lot, sees, a lot, and doesn’t know and doesn’t see a lot more. But the article may awaken the desire in you to be your own person…

The Law of Faith

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In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…

do-you-see-that-i-am-brokenIn search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is blocking your evolution

In this article I will talk about DNA capacities activation.

Let’s talk about the failures, people where in spite of my effort, the capacities did not activate…

Let me start with the accusations a commenter threw at me/us: that the positive results may be due to time spent with me, instead of DNA capacities getting active in you.

I would ask the same question, and have.

Some results are definitely placebo.

Continue reading “In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…”

Locked in? locked out? limited?

we feel locked out from most nice things in lifeIn Hungary, in some high schools, you can choose, at age 15-ish to pursue “real” or “humanities”.

Real is sciences, reasoning, math, physics, geometry, chemistry heavy.

Humanities… lots of words, I think. I chose “real” for myself.

I was bad at everything that talks ABOUT stuff, and great, sometimes exceptional in the non-verbal subjects.

Architects don’t talk either. Don’t listen either. So, in that regard it was a good match, and yet, I wasn’t happy.

I guess I wanted to think with words too. In every project I was chosen to write the written stuff… I was good with words.

Why am I sharing this? Because pursuing one thing limits us to the capacities that are needed to do that one thing.

Limited. One of the least favorite of words in the dictionary.

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Could you learn to be an investor like Warren Buffet? If you had the time, the teachers, the money?

I shared a few bits here and there today with my chiropractor… He has 13 capacities used.

The conversation was an utter and total failure.

Capacities, abilities, is a whole new concept, and he wasn’t even getting a glimpse of what I was talking about. Very interesting.

It seems that the mistaken belief is that you can learn anything… including being an investor like Warren Buffet… that is a total illusion: you cannot learn anything that you don’t have the capacities for.

Most types of learning, like classes, coaching, etc. don’t take you to a place where the capacity missing would turn on, because you are ready for it and need it, It is not deep enough water, so the sink or swim would apply. Especially if you think you should be able to do it…

Big mistake.
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Does having more capacities raise your vibration too?

Does having more capacities raise your vibration too?

presidential-election-2016Superiority… The word comes up a lot in my coaching. Mostly in the context of your soul correction.

But in reality, some things are superior to other things… because all exists on many scales.

On the DNA capacities “scale” someone with 30 capacities is superior to someone who has 29, 20, 10, 7.

I haven’t found anyone with less than seven capacities, though I am sure there are.

So superior is not the issue. Acting superior is the issue.

It attacks people’s egos, the part of a human that makes sure the person survives. And as in any competition, it can get ugly. 1

People tend to cultivate the capacities that they consider an unfair advantage in the competition for survival.

In politics, it is mostly lying convincingly, trashing the other, promising, and such. In many areas that is physical strength.
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How words really effect you? And how positive thinkers are stupid

spanking-disciplineIf you had a childhood trauma… what is the best way to deal with it now, so you can grow?

Some of you were abused as a child.

Now, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as abuse in reality. Abuse is a particular interpretation of something that happened. If I asked a visiting Martian what happened, he would say things like one person hit the other, or one person yelled at another, or one person tied up another, pushed them down, maybe even put one part of their anatomy into the other… but not abuse.

Abuse never happened… or it happened only if you said so… for you. In your mouth. In your interpretation.

Some things don’t exist outside of language… they don’t exist in reality. Abuse is just one of these. One other “thing” that doesn’t exist in reality is lack… In reality only things that are there exist.

New age gurus talk about the importance of the words you use. Of course, either because you are dumb or they are dumb, this gets generalized.
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The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world

The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world

the illusion that love heals the worldThere are many approaches to fix a problem, but all fixes are more harmful than the original problem.


Because fix come from the same level of consciousness as the problem…

and ultimately that kind of solution: a fix, is the root of the next problem. Like marriage: a fix for loneliness, and the start of more and bigger problems… yet it doesn’t stop loneliness… (Marriage is two people combining efforts to solve problems that would not exist without the marriage…) Continue reading “The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world”

Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally.

Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally.

benders bend energies... in a certain spectrum. avatars bend all the spectrumsWhen I put the word “energy” into the search box on google, most listings are about electricity, and the rest are about woo woo sites.

People still don’t understand energy. Why? Because our receptors for energy are not differentiated enough, and not connected to the conscious mind enough for us to have more words… and without words there is no understanding. 2

I have always been weather sensitive. You know those insufferable people that know what weather is coming, where the wind is coming from, the pressure and the magnetism, and don’t stop talking about it.

I didn’t talk about it, but that’s it. The rest has always been true to me. I’ve felt it, I’ve known it. Insufferable for myself… lol.

And I paid attention, so I wasn’t merely an “I am suffering” type of insufferable, suffering from the bad feelings that others could not believe I was feeling.

If I can feel it, you can feel it, but you have no distinctions, the building blocks of perceived reality, and I do.
Continue reading “Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally.”