Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

second windEveryone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions. Continue reading “Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort”

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

life-is-either-a-daring-adventure-or-nothing-5What is the bane of your existence? What kills your life? Your joy, your fulfillment, the love in your heart?

It is everyday arrogance.

What is everyday arrogance? It is simple, and so everywhere, all the time, that it is invisible.

You see something. You hear something. And you know what it means. Continue reading “What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?”

More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference

quote_slowWhen you ask the question why you are reading my articles, your answer will be saying what you want.

More, better, different.

You may say: you want to raise your vibration, so you can have more, better, or different. What…

You may be prepared to do different, maybe even more, but you surely aren’t thinking that it is NOT what you do, it is how you do it.

When I talk about beingness… you think it’s a what. But it’s a how.

When I say “love,” you hear “what”. but I mean “how”. When I say generous, you hear “ugh, I have to give” which is a what, while generous is a how.
Continue reading “More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference”

The path to truth

You_Dont_Know_What_You_Dont_KnowThis article has three parts: truth in science, truth in growth, and truth in hindsight…

There are two ways to “do” science:

  1. you have a theory, and you set out to prove it. You ignore everything that doesn’t prove it, and consider only what does.This is how current science works… especially when the livelihood of the “scientist” comes from a concerned party, like a drug company, or like the government.The eye movement of this type of “scientist” is a narrow cone of vision, glued to what he wants to prove.
    Continue reading “The path to truth”

Updated: Does Meditation raise your awareness? Your ‘worth a damn’ factor

awareness-meterDoes Meditation raise your awareness?

There are lots of interpretations of meditation, so I am going to share mine.

Meditation is a practice to increase awareness.

Awareness is a transitive word: it has a direction. Awareness of what? And therein lies the mischief when people use the word.

  1. Awareness is always directed.

    When some of my students meditate, they go into la-la land… they literally become unconscious. Although after a long life of busy mind that is blissful, it is not useful.

  2. Awareness, and therefore meditation is useful.

    Continue reading “Updated: Does Meditation raise your awareness? Your ‘worth a damn’ factor”

How does your mind stop you from freedom, grace and ease? From feeling good about yourself and your life…

first-sipHow does your mind stop you from freedom, grace and ease? From feeling good about yourself and your life…

This article is about some more bad news about the mind, on the mechanism it uses to make your prison tighter by the day… and about the simple, elegant, and inexpensive solution to set yourself free
Continue reading “How does your mind stop you from freedom, grace and ease? From feeling good about yourself and your life…”

What do people want when they come to my site? What do YOU want?

find what you needFor a while I have been cut off from what YOU want… you, who just came to my site. I don’t know what you want, I don’t know if I can serve you at all. I have been busy with my students… creating success after success, helping them raise their consciousness, activate new spiritual capacities… amazing…

Looking at my log files, this is what I see…

40%, maybe even 50% of my site’s visitors want to manifest more money
Continue reading “What do people want when they come to my site? What do YOU want?”

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down.

All people have two inside attachments:

  • your dominant belief’s therefore: a behavior or attitude that, like an attachment, ties you to the dominant belief.
  • And your anchor to doom. Your doom is the worst thing you fear.

Continue reading “What is the first phase of raising your vibration?”

The “art” of blocking consciousness from seeing…

allowing consciousness to see moreThe art of seeing more of the world, the art of causing consciousness to see more of the world is to ask different questions.

Asking questions is not easy.

Questions come out from the top of the mind region… to clarify, verify, cement the worldview.

The value of these question is negative value. They make you more stuck in the mind than not asking that question.

These are the questions you mostly ask.

How to get “other” questions, questions that allow you to see more of the world or let consciousness see more of the world?

Simple. Let others ask the question. and Be willing to follow the questions down the rabbit hole…
Continue reading “The “art” of blocking consciousness from seeing…”

Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming

not a path to becoming a millionaireWarning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to remain hopeful

I had a few insights today, one of them suddenly answers a question I didn’t ask before.

The question I didn’t ask was: how come the people with nothing of real value to say occupy the top 1% of the internet?

This is what happened? I saw an email that offered a list of 241 top influencers on the internet. I looked at the list, and there was not one person who had anything to say that could make the world a better place for humanity.

Instead, the top 241 influencers are marketers.

Marketing is like being a politician. You peddle yourself and you peddle it through taking power over people.

To be a politician, you only have to be good at playing the politician game.
Continue reading “Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming”