Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

XmTF_460Osho’s article will resonate with a view that is closest to the Western view: look at the positive. I actually think that the approach has been damaging, because it quietly, silently, makes wrong the aspect of things, the aspect of people that you don’t like, don’t approve, don’t accept, don’t want.

Simply says: it perpetuates the cause of your unhappiness and then it masks it with a pretense of happiness… a lie. Continue reading “Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness”

Why your spiritual practice isn’t raising your vibration

I get a lot of people ask for their vibrational reading.

The feedback I get is their life experience matches my experience of them, and the vibration I say they are at… but they are puzzled that in spite of all the spiritual work they do or have done, their vibration is so low.

As I am preparing for the first session of the workshop, Playground, it hit me why.

No matter what you do, meditate, chant, firewalk, etc. unless your speaking changes you won’t rise on the vibrational scale.

Positive thinking, the controlling your speaking in vogue, encourages you to lie about your life, about what you think and what you feel.

It is at the vibrational level of lie… you can gather it is very low.
Continue reading “Why your spiritual practice isn’t raising your vibration”

Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie


Warning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core.

A society or a species that can have coherence and maintain that coherence is a species that survives most any calamity.

If you want to destroy a species (or and individual) you need to introduce incoherence.

Incoherence means: stuff is there that doesn’t fit. That doesn’t work well with the rest of the organism. That conflicts with the goals of the organism.

How is incoherence introduced?

Continue reading “Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie”

When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer


Summary: In my search for finding transformational methods, I have come to the startling realization that everyone I know in the business of transformation is doing the wrong thing, teaching the wrong thing, and thus helping the Dark Side.

In one of the episodes of the House MD TV series, Dr. House has a patient who is dying. After a lot of tests they find out that the patient’s father gave his son a graduation gift from his scrap metal yard.

The son honored the loving father by keeping the gift on his person all the time.

The gift, a highly radioactive piece of metal, kills him, and maims his friend who was exposed to the radioactivity on a long flight when he sit next to him.

Why am I telling you this story? Continue reading “When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer”

When an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know

tumblr_kxldz31eZQ1qaukckWhen an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know.

Obviously, if this is true, then it’s true about every area of life… money, your health, your spirituality, your relationships, becoming a person you can like.

But how do you find out what it is that you don’t know… that if you knew that it would make a difference?

That is the question.

Many of those answers are on my blog but you have been only scanning… which means you are only interested in what you already know. Your life stays the same, and I am wasting my life, wasting my breath.

One of the major things that you don’t know is that you don’t pay attention…
Continue reading “When an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know”

Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated

Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated

Summary: people don’t understand why their vibration is so low… in spite of all the work they have done on themselves, or the positive outlook they have on life, a life of making a difference, meditation, etc. Here are some of my answers…

  1. You live in and through your mind. You are curious, you ask a lot of questions, you amassed a lot of Tree of Knowledge type knowledge, and you feel secure in the world. You may have even achieved some success… But you are out of touch. Out of touch with your body, out of touch with your emotions, out of touch with reality. You don’t have the capacities of an Expanding Human Being, and you are not interested in becoming one. The price (all that “knowledge) is too much for you.
  2. Everybody is surprised to hear that Canada’s vibration is not friendly to my products, and that people from Canada have lower vibration on average than the rest of the world.Canadians themselves are offended… From their point of view, they are the highest vibrating, most friendly, most moral, highly socially conscious people on the planet.
    Continue reading “Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated”

Still waiting for miracles, Unwilling yet expecting?

cat_waiting_for_a_miracleI expect to receive a lot of hate-mail for this article. Why? Because it is not politically correct. Because it tells the brutal truth, naked and ugly as it is. Don’t read if you can’t deal with the truth. You have been warned!

I find that I am afraid. I find that I wish people didn’t read this article. I am afraid of getting killed…. and yet, I am hitting the publish button…

Real Learning is really hard

Continue reading “Still waiting for miracles, Unwilling yet expecting?”

Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Jesus+JuiceTruth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie. 1

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?
Continue reading “Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.”

Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Dr. Fabrizio (Fab) Mancini is an evangelist for positive thinking… which is a mind virus. No positive thinker can elevate their vibration above 170… and 170 is quite miserable.

Do not buy the 30×30 Total Transformation package.

I spent the time and energy to watch the webinar where they were selling it. Although the owner of MindValley is not a positive thinker, Dr Fab is…

And the meditations are all done by Dr. Fab: an excellent opportunity for the mind virus to attack you or infect you even deeper than you already are.

You’ve been warned.

The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?

mysteries-of-the-universeThe Mysteries Of The Universe

The first time I encountered in another myopia and narrow mindedness was about 10 years ago. I was at a class in Colorado, and one of the people there was the creator of Holosync, and I was a regular user, a fan of Holosync at the time. In one of the breaks I shared with this dude the principle of water energizing, only to awaken his wreath: water is water, H2O, what are you talking about? I called him names, I must admit, and have been feeling the wound of one of my gurus having proven himself to be an arsehole. I never used Holosync again. I don’t want to turn out like you, dude… lol.

That actually cost me.
Continue reading “The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?”