How words really effect you? And how positive thinkers are stupid

spanking-disciplineIf you had a childhood trauma… what is the best way to deal with it now, so you can grow?

Some of you were abused as a child.

Now, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as abuse in reality. Abuse is a particular interpretation of something that happened. If I asked a visiting Martian what happened, he would say things like one person hit the other, or one person yelled at another, or one person tied up another, pushed them down, maybe even put one part of their anatomy into the other… but not abuse.

Abuse never happened… or it happened only if you said so… for you. In your mouth. In your interpretation.

Some things don’t exist outside of language… they don’t exist in reality. Abuse is just one of these. One other “thing” that doesn’t exist in reality is lack… In reality only things that are there exist.

New age gurus talk about the importance of the words you use. Of course, either because you are dumb or they are dumb, this gets generalized.
Continue reading “How words really effect you? And how positive thinkers are stupid”

What is human nature and what is human being nature?

What is human nature and what is human being nature?

This article may not be to your liking… Be forewarned…

What is human nature?

Counter to new-age bs, counter to positive thinking, etc. human nature, at this point, is to desire everything ONLY for themselves. Or shall I talk to you? Only for yourself. Sharing is not a capacity that is compatible with today’s human nature.

Why? Because human nature is all about survival.

The fastest way to break up a family is to die… and then the people who inherit from you will fight and hate each other.

My two brothers did that over an old rare book… both wanted it. They haven’t warmed up to each other since… this was in 1995.

It is so in sex, it is so in business, it is so everywhere.
Continue reading “What is human nature and what is human being nature?”

Let’s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?

Hope-whispers-maybe-245x300What attracts you to me and my site is hope. And what takes you away is also hope.

Hope is a state where you don’t accept the way it is, you, others, the world, and you are looking for some light that others promise, that others seem to get, but not you.

You base hope on the view you have of others.

Hope also signifies a state where all needs to come from the outside, because you’re sure don’t have it.

You are like a moth being attracted to any light, even if it is fire that burns it.

I got a vibrational measurement request from a client. His vibration dropped 70 points. I checked and he has nine attachments. I have already pulled attachments from him, but he went and got himself nine more, some of those are those infectious attachments you get from healers, energy movers like Christie Marie Sheldon, from practitioners of the Access Consciousness Bars method, and lots more I haven’t identified yet.
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Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1

holographic-universe-mainMy method of growing myself, my method of growing what can be known for humans, is running conquering-new-territories campaigns into the unknown.

It is about leading scouting and conquering military campaigns into the unknown and unknowable, and I do it on my podcast calls… the one I have been having for 8 years now. Every week, for 15 years now.

Some calls are huge campaigns, today’s was like that, and most calls are maintenance, cleaning up, clarifying… All needed for a coherent view.

In today’s call, the conversation was about the question: what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life??
Continue reading “Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1”

Expectation is the mother of Disappointment

Expectation is the mother of Disappointment

expectation is the mother of disappointmentOne of the questions I hear on the Talk-to-Me calls or in emails is how to “make it better” or what is good, etc.

It’s all a comparison, past based, from the mind.

One thing, disappointment 1 can’t be made better. It’s like pregnant: it is either a yes or a no.

Now, I assume that we all get disappointed, more or less, depending on us.

disappointment-2Disappointment is the shadow side of expectation.

Expectation, of course, is quite automatic, just like having an agenda is automatic… actually they are just a different word for the same thing.

I haven’t been able to consciously not expect a certain result… on the other hand, for the most part I expect nothing… or expect the worst.

This is another Dark Side suggestion: expect the best and then you’ll get the best… What a bunch of huey! The whole positive thinking movement is a Dark Side suggestion, and has created more misery than even religion, which is saying a lot.

Expecting the best won’t get you the best… Exactly the opposite is true.

Continue reading “Expectation is the mother of Disappointment”

You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!

Inside-my-MindI am not hundred percent clear on the topic, but I am going to start it anyway.

We, humans, think that our minds dictate and direct our actions, and we are desperately trying to change our minds, if we don’t like the actions, or strengthen the mind if we do.

But what if the mind has nothing to do with our actions.

I am reading a book about this, this is probably why I paid attention today, when this happened:

It’s very hot today. As my habit, I leaned into the bath tub and opened the cold shower to cool off.
Continue reading “You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!”

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?
lying to yourself is not allowing yourself to be who you areDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons?

Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. Continue reading “What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

Bits and pieces on misery and happiness


You will see what makes your right

Wherever you look, whatever you hear, whatever you read, seems to make your theories right. Men are bastards, the boss favors someone else, the weather is horrid in your area, and you’ll always be the way you are.

No matter how much “data” is in reality to say otherwise, you’ll only validate the “data” that agrees with your worldview.

Somewhere is better than here.
Continue reading “Bits and pieces on misery and happiness”

How to use context to be more astute, and feel better?

the-dark-side-of-the-moonWhen I have an unexpected feeling or emotion, I look for a context, because context is decisive. 2

This morning I had heart symptoms.

When you have a symptom, it is important to know what is causing it, because your actions will be different with different causes. Same symptom,different action.

Turns out that it was a Dark Side transmission.

Feelings are energies, and they can be duplicated by someone more advanced in energy sorcery than I even strive to be.

Had I been you, I would already be in the emergency room, racking up a huge bill.
Continue reading “How to use context to be more astute, and feel better?”

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear

Fear is a LiarThe “Therefore” is: I am afraid, I feel fear, therefore I should run, hide, resist, do nothing.

Fear is universal, and we all feel afraid some of the time, and a lot of us most of the time.

I never considered fear as a “thing” until I was in a seminar, back in 1988? called Creativity: Living at Risk.

The leader of the 10-session Landmark Education Seminar was hollering: Move towards the fear, call it excitement.
Continue reading “Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear”