3 levels of value. Use it to fall in love with yourself

3 levels of value. Use it to fall in love with yourself

Coconut Is it good for you?How do you use the three levels of value in your “real” life to fall in love with yourself?

The article asking: where do you look to define your value got a lot of “hits” and comments.

Reading the answers I saw that some fundamental distinctions are missing, in spite of the fact that I have written about all of those before, on this blog.

So after reading the article about the three levels of value, you probably start to see a little bit the difference how the different levels of value change what assessment you make, how your appraisal, evaluation, estimation, measurement, judgment will be, looking from that level.

So let’s look a little deeper and see with examples how that looks.

Where you are speaking from is as important as what kind of value you are judging.

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Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, your DNA?

I’ve participated in Landmark Education’s programs, on different levels, for 26 years.

In all of those years, there were two sentences that made a difference:

  1. Your actions are correlated to the occurring world. Meaning: your actions depend on what you see. Not your mind… on what you see.
  2. You live in a world of your own design.

The two sentences are intimately connected, though I learned them 19 years apart.

There is a sudden proliferation of programs that claim that they change your DNA… in the area of money, love, or some other concern that you have.

Their truth value is 0%, their attractiveness to you, given that you don’t know how a human machine works, is 100%.

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More on toughening up… and an exercise

comradery-through-hardshipMore on toughening up…

When I first did the Landmark Education Forum (actually it was called The Forum in 1987) I remember, distinctly, experiencing, for the first time, that I am not alone.

There was so much misery shared in that room, that it caused a kind of comradery 1, I wasn’t familiar with.

I remember thinking: If I am not alone, then it is not me… then it is something shared…
Continue reading “More on toughening up… and an exercise”

What does your energy say about you?

your energy hangs around even after you dieIt would be my mom’s birthday today. She would be 96 years old if she lived. She died 21 years ago.

So, today, I decided to honor her. Pay my respects. Connect to her. Allow the animosity between us to be, but not stand in the way.

To my surprise, her whole presence, her internal struggling, her overthinking mind… are all here…

Her energy didn’t disappear because she died. Not a nice energy, poor mom, she wasn’t a happy person. I am not surprised that she decided at 75 that she had lived long enough.

But let me muse a little bit about the energy that you leave behind.

The most dominant energy, nowadays, is greed.

Continue reading “What does your energy say about you?”

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line. No wonder you are not happy… or how lack of humility is the big issue

Little more about humility… the cog in the wheel

One detrimental functions of ‘lack of humility’ as a capacity, is that you can’t change your mind about your past. Continue reading “Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line”

Are you pushing the door that says: pull?

this-is-how-you-waste-your-lifeFinally I managed to tame this new computer 80%. It is one of the things I don’t like to do… I’d rather just coach, or write articles, read, watch Netflix… but I have the capacity of the Sight, I have the capacity to be the cause… so I did what I needed to do.

It seems that I am quite alone with this, at least among us… But why?

Then it hit me: All the movies I watch, happiness, joy are sporadic. And grunting, grim faces, are all over.

And yet, if you look inside, you think that you can be the exception, and you can have a life all about sunshine, all about smiling, all about joy. That is the fallacy, generously spread by the Dark Side, by positive thinkers, by gurus. 2

I wonder what drug you are on… because, if you look around, other than on Facebook and other medium for pretense, life is not an event full of smiles, and laughter.

Life is 99% struggle, and 1% of that smiley laughter filled joy.
Continue reading “Are you pushing the door that says: pull?”

The end of procrastination, the end of maybe even addiction?

The productivity myth, the end of procrastination, maybe even addiction?

the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.

  • A few of you are dealing with the issue of speed… how long it takes to get done what you need to get done.
  • Others of you are dealing with the issue of speed… zero is also a speed. Said in another way: you don’t get done what needs to get done. What should be done. What is essential to get done.
Why? You don’t like to do it. You don’t want to do it. So you suffer.

Continue reading “The end of procrastination, the end of maybe even addiction?”

What or who makes the decisions in your life? About important things…

seneca quote for memesWhat or who makes the decisions in your life? About important things…

This question is long overdue.

It came up because of the conversation I was having with 10 of my best students.

How to be in the face of fear.

I bet you know that it takes courage to grow. Growth means growing into uncharted territory. For you, not uncharted in general, uncharted for you. Much like going to shop in the supermarket on the other side of town… it will have largely the same products, but arranged in different ways.

I suggested that courage is the tool you can bring to this fear-party to counter fear…

One of my best students asked for a time-out, which is a covert way to say: I want to quite… for a while, or maybe forever.
Continue reading “What or who makes the decisions in your life? About important things…”

Magical Thinking and Activating DNA capacities

chinese-ritualAs I am asking questions that are probing, like ‘what displaces humility when someone doesn’t accept the capacity?’ I am bumping up again and again to magical thinking.

When I look at the ethnic/cultural distribution of the people who block humility in favor of magical thinking, I find that

  1. spirit god cultures, like Native American and African, Shamanic cultures.
  2. Catholic, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox alike
  3. Religious Jews
  4. People of the Indian subcontinent… where it is how it is… you are stuck there

In magical thinking, something or someone will magically do for you what you wish to have done.

The more ritual is in the religion, the more I find magical thinking.
Continue reading “Magical Thinking and Activating DNA capacities”

Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?


Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?

I was on a marketing webinar… actually it is still going on as I am writing this.

The presenters are two brothers in Ireland… genius as far as building a piece of software, morons in every other area that I can see.

One has nine, the other has ten capacities working.

So, in the brief duration of the webinar, what were the capacities that weren’t turned on and made it pure hell being on the webinar:

  • not having a sense of what they sound like
  • talking about a screen not aware that that is not what the attendees of the webinar see
  • building an offer that timed poorly, presented poorly, salesy…
  • overselling…

Those are behaviors that are underlied by 10 capacities that they don’t have…
Continue reading “Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?”