It’s 45th that I graduated from architecture school

It’s 45th that I graduated from architecture school

01-livewelllakewoodIt put me into a walk-down memory lane mood, and I revisited some events in my life I haven’t remembered in decades.

For example the only person I ever saw as compatible, left after a few weeks, without saying good bye.

I could grieve it, but I think it was fortunate. I loved him too much…

When you love someone or something too much, you put your own self interest on hold, and become a slave to that person or thing…
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From my correspondence: Astrological Signs, Are they preventing us from changing lanes?

stuck in a lane by the starsI stumbled on this old post… and it is exactly perfect for the “What’s the truth about you” workshops, so I thought I republish it…


Hi Sophie, I have a question. I would like to know your advice. I recently found an astrological site with natal chart sun decrees interpretations which are scaringly accurate.

I bought your Effortless Abundance Book, three days ago, I do believe one can get much more. My doubt is, can we change lanes? concerning those astrological imprints for a better life?

All the best,

My Answer:

it all depends on your mindset.

if you are trying to change lanes to fix anything: the answer is no.
if you manage to not make anything wrong in the present or in the past!!! not easy, then yes

astrology and such are the mind’s effort to understand the world so it can control it.

the world can’t be controlled, moreover when you want control for safety etc. you are making something wrong.
Continue reading “From my correspondence: Astrological Signs, Are they preventing us from changing lanes?”

What determines how you and your life turn out?

What determines how you and your life turn out?

what you see and what you do are like the front and the back or the hand: inseparableWhat is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude?

As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated with what you see.

The two sides:

  1. what you see, or the way the world occurs to you
  2. your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes: your world

the two sides are like the front of the hand and the back of the hand, connected, inseparable, but yet distinct.

Continue reading “What determines how you and your life turn out?”

How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

I am not ready to grow upI am using Rob Brezsny’s words here… maybe his English communicates better than mine:


Exaggerate your flaws till they turn into virtues Pretend your wounds are exotic tattoos. Refuse the gifts that infringe on your freedom. Shun sacred places that fill you with boredom. Keep in mind it’s bad luck to be superstitious. The official story’s always fictitious. Pump up your karma with idiot laughter. The promised land’s here, not in some hereafter

We are searching for the answers so we can destroy them and dream up better questions

Here are two attitudes that will be useful, invaluable, and mandatory if you want to grow through my programs

Continue reading “How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?”

Who or What is calling the shot in your life?

Who or What is calling the shot in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely

Displacement of your commitment:

As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect of you that conspires and is in cahoots with the Universe, will put up obstacles in your path, so instead of doing stuff that’s consistent with your commitment, you are now on a detour path: handling your obstacles.

Alex, a friend of mine, is dealing with his server and his websites being hacked… a moment after he made a commitment to growth. So he feels forced to deal with that, instead of following the path he set for himself.
Continue reading “Who or What is calling the shot in your life?”

Healing… is that a negative word? Is that a sign of negativity?

negative-positiveDid you know that if you say: I need healing, what you are saying is that you are sick?

This includes inner healing, faith healing, etc…

And when you start from something wrong… like “I am sick”, you are on your way to create a context that is misery every step of the way.

If I needed to define what negativity is, it’s that “what is is wrong, and it needs to be fixed.”

Yesterday I was leading my Theta State training webinar, and I felt horrible. Partially, because I wasn’t feeling well myself. Partially because my students didn’t feel well. And yet partially because one of my students wrote to me, and I needed to feel their feelings stronger than they felt them… because I am an empath.
Continue reading “Healing… is that a negative word? Is that a sign of negativity?”

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

tumblr_ni0hxucPbU1u23a8fo1_1280Psychology, as a science and as a practice has some tools: Observation and brain scans.

But the problem with either is that the human element, the interpreter between what is being seen, their mindset, their attitude, their approach, is crucial.

But, of course, this is true everywhere, except with psychologists, we expect them to interpret what they observe accurately… except they don’t. As a rule.

And then there are some outliers… like Freud. Continue reading “The Pleasure Principle and winning in life”

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

second windEveryone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions. Continue reading “Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort”

Want to avoid negative emotions? Stupid move!

Want to avoid negative emotions? Stupid move!

You must go through emotional phases, no matter how high your vibration, or how successful you are

You imagine that when you’ll have raised your vibration sufficiently, you won’t have sadness, hopelessness, despair… frustration, hate, spite, resistance, and such. Bah humbug. Continue reading “Want to avoid negative emotions? Stupid move!”

The many ways to be unhappy, the only way to be happy…

I am out of here attitudeI mean this article to be the first installment in a series.

The underlying principle is the Anna Karenina principle

The Anna Karenina principle

The Anna Karenina principle is: good systems must meet simultaneously a number of requirements. All good systems are alike, bad systems are bad in their own way

Tolstoy said: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

Aristotle said: success/failure: …it is possible to fail in many ways (for evil belongs to the class of the unlimited, as the Pythagoreans conjectured, and good to that of the limited), while to succeed is possible only in one way (for which reason also one is easy and the other difficult — to miss the mark easy, to hit it difficult); for these reasons also, then, excess and defect are characteristic of vice, and the mean of virtue;

good/bad: …For men are good in but one way, but bad in many.

But under the Anna Karenina principle there is an even deeper layer, the cause of the principle, and that is what we are interested in here. Continue reading “The many ways to be unhappy, the only way to be happy…”