Can your vibration be high if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, where every word has its emotional load? Can you be free? Can you be happy?

Can your vibration be high if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, where every word has its emotional load? Can you be free? Can you be happy?

I had a “Talk to Me webinar” yesterday. I have it every month, on the last Wednesday of the month.

This type of webinar is question and answer. I have no agenda. I learn more from unstructured conversations than from lecturing. Or running a workshop. I learn how to teach you, what to deal with, what are the real issues.

This is what I learned yesterday about growing up in the Tree of Knowledge culture, about you growing up:

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All you ever needed to know to live a full life is hidden under the visible…

All you ever needed to know to live a full life is hidden under the visible…

I watched a ton of youtube clips this weekend, and some movies…

One could ask: why on Earth should I violate my own rules: no skimming.

But… here is a kicker: it is not what you do, it is how you do it. And what you do with what you did.

I am not a skimmer. I did not watch movies and videos to escape from myself.

Watching those videos was work.

Just like the 67 steps, your job is to cover the 360 degrees of life, and look under the hood. Under the obvious. Under the surface
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I got knocked conscious, I got knocked aware, and it hurts what I saw

I got knocked conscious by the 67 stepsWhen people start working with me, the first thing they learn is that they are not as “good” as they thought. That who they are being is directly responsible for the quality of their lives, not circumstances, not “the other”.

Must sting.

I also have people who only want to chat, and leave the call unscathed… unchanged, and I grieve for them.


Because the first step to getting anywhere in life is to get, exactly, precisely, where you are at.

Without delusion. Without regrets. With sober eyes.

So, today I had a lot of my own medicine: session #3 of the 67 steps: I found out where I stand with Humility.
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The process of going from hopeless to energized and in action: limbering up, becoming flexible

hopeless man... as bad as being homelessAbout 50% of mornings I wake up depressed, hopeless, and regretting that I woke up at all.

Why would that be? Because my view of my life is stuck in a particular vantage point, you could call negative.

And those mornings, with the exception of a few, I look around for ways to unstuck myself. Not because I believe I can… but because I learned to do that.

This morning I read the Monday Morning Memo… and was inspired to write my own based on the same general idea.

I had no idea that I can do it, I had no idea if it would take me anywhere: I had the flexibility to do it.

Did I know it was going to unstuck me? Not really. And it did…

Something similar I do every morning. Sometimes I have to do it over and over and over, sometimes I get swept away by the joy of expressing myself…

And rarely, nowadays, I indulge my hopelessness for a day or two.
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As long as you are stuck … Cinematherapy anyone?

As long as you are stuck … Cinematherapy anyone?

Most people are stuck… movement is not possible. It can be total or it can be partial.

To see where you are stuck is difficult, because the cause, the stuck part can be several layers deep.

A skilled coach or therapist may fail to find the linchpin issue, because in the normal course of a therapy, it is talking, the words, that are masking it.

One of my students in the Reclaim program has chosen to work with the idea of inspiring movies. Using movies to unstuck people is a brilliant method, and also fun. And even if the first movie doesn’t do the trick, time wasn’t wasted, because a good movie is also a great experience.

Reading people’s responses of where their Dark Side is, looking through the idea of using movies to get them moving again, or maybe moving for the first time, is very appealing.

All movies have an element of “healing by proxy”…
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The levels of consciousness and the stumbling blocks between them…

livinr-in-a-boxI hope you can see my methodology:

The truth, the big picture, and all the details are in the hidden dimension of the universe. And to unfold any of it, work is needed. Persistent poking of the box.

Some cultures are box-pokers, and others are complacent, satisfied with the size of their jail cell.

I come from a box-poker culture.

Individuals, of course, differ in their level of desire to go beyond the walls… But the average, the culture, is either box poker or not… degrees again… not black and white.

Whether a culture is box poker depends on how harsh survival conditions reign for the culture.

Mongols were box-pokers. Chinese were not. Jews are box-pokers, Brits are not.

Box-poking could be seen as change.
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Really want to raise your vibration? Let’s look at your actions, not your words…

cost-of-not-buyingIf I hear you right, what you want is attitudes and behaviors that produce result. Money, happiness, power, peace, fulfillment… love… What you need is capacities… Read on…

This week I have worked on people who have sent me a long list of teachers, coaches, products they ave bought and perused, and yet, their vibration was below the tolerable level, and when I checked them for missing capacities, they had a ton… Like the guy in the previous article… 80 missing capacities.

By the way, I have six missing capacities myself… so even above 900 vibration you have some capacities missing.

Some capacities are linchpin capacities: meaning that unless you activate that one capacity, that one ability, all the other abilities are useless… can’t work. The linchpin holds together a dysfunctional construct… keeping you unsuccessful, unhappy, ineffective. I have students like that.

It is quite stunning to look at people I know, that I have been working with sometimes for years now, and suddenly see freedom open up.
Continue reading “Really want to raise your vibration? Let’s look at your actions, not your words…”

Who are you when no one is looking?

pretending does not correct natureI had a unique glimpse behind the curtain today. I was painted a behind the scenes picture of someone I thought I knew.

On the front, in public, the person is quiet, collected, decent.

Her son reports that

  • she tells everyone in the family who to befriend and who to avoid
  • she tells everyone in the family what they are allowed to talk about and what they should be mum about.
  • she takes tranquilizers and washes them off with alcoholic drinks.

Wow. I never expected to see the ugly side of this person. Of course as an empath I felt her “heart” full of hate, full of pretense, but that is not a fact… and the above are facts.

Disorienting. Disturbing. And probably frequent.
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Vibrational Review: Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love — A place to Love and be Loved

A student of mine, actually the best-performing student of mine asked me to check this guy, Mastin Kipp out.

I have a prejudice. The prejudice is that when someone is looking for a place to love and be loved, they barely got my Unconditional Love Activator. What does that mean? Isn’t getting it the same as listening to it?

No, not at all.

An activator needs to get to and accepted at all levels of your being, your conscious mind, your other than conscious mind, which is mistakenly called “subconscious mind,” your ego, your soul, your body, your heart, your history level, which is all your blood relatives, so it is a complicated affair.

Most people listen to the recording with their conscious mind, maybe even cry, thinking that they got it. I myself only got it 70%! I still cannot feel being loved. I feel loving, but not the “love” that comes towards me, whether it comes from you or from Source. I can feel caring, concern, gratitude coming towards me, but not love. It’s blocked. That is the missing 30%.

The Unconditional Love Activator takes out the linchpin or cornerstone that keeps your miserable, puppet on a string, rat on the machine existence together. That is why aspects of you resist getting it.
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You are stuck! Pivot points, linchpin to the rescue

You are stuck! Pivot points, linchpin to the rescue

You are stuck! Sticky points, pivot points, linchpin, believe me, without knowing these you can’t get unstuck.

It is coming full circle now… I have another blog, get unstuck, and it’s been largely abandoned by me, snubbed by my students as a lower grade of my work, older… lol. BTW, on Amazon it is quite popular, it is in kindle format.

And, lo and behold, the whole class is getting to the same point: they need to learn how to get unstuck. Continue reading “You are stuck! Pivot points, linchpin to the rescue”