Victim: I have nothing to say in the matter

dis-is-whyBack in 1986 there was a seminar series, lead by no other than Werner Erhard.

I was brand new, but I was allowed to sign up. The topic was: “I have something to say in the matter”.

At the time my level of understanding was that I can change what I do, I can protest to what other people do… I did not understand that you can say something in the matter of everything that belongs to you.

Everything that belongs to you… out of which the most potent is your being. Who are you in the matter of X.

So, how does this being expresses itself, really?
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Diet Conspiracy, Conspiracy Diet

what-if-your-diet-is-causing-your-hair-lossAs you already know, I consider the root of all evil a conspiracy: consciously misleading, consciously training you to be a zombie, so they can harvest your money, so they can harvest your power for their own purposes.

Am I a conspiracy theorist? No. I am a conspiracy reversal activist: I train you to be the best you can be, in alignment with the Original Design, body, mind, soul, behavior.

Tall order, and there is not much money in it. The money is in scaring you into handing over your hard earned money… I subscribe to mailing lists of these scare mongers just to know what you are exposed to.

Is it possible to reverse the effects of conspiracies? Yes, it is possible to reverse the effects of conspiracies that distorted you… but conspiracies on a larger scale? I don’t know, I don’t even want to go there… like religion, like the banking system, like politics… too big for one person to fight, and I am definitely not a team player.
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On feeling slighted. Your profound life experience Part 1

what_am_i_chopped_liverWarning: this article is a stream of consciousness article, and you need to read it like a poem, or it probably won’t make a lot of sense. On the other hand it is very important to read, if you want a chance at having the rest of your life not a continuation of the life you have had… That predictable download spiral.

When your whole life experience is that others are more loved, more supported, more appreciated

I had a dream last night that rocked my world. Not in a good way… by the way.

I dreamed that my older brother achieved what I worked, unsuccessfully, to achieve for 26 years… and it took him only a few months.
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Don’t judge a book by its cover

dragonQuoting from Rob Brezsny:

In the nights to come, I expect you will dream of creatures like fiery monsters, robot warriors, extraterrestrial ghosts, and zombie vampires. But here’s the weird twist: They will be your helpers and friends. They will protect you and fight on your behalf as you defeat your real enemies, who are smiling pretenders wearing white hats. Dreams like this will prepare you well for events in your waking life, where you will get the chance to gain an advantage over fake nice guys who have hurt you or thwarted you.

I am a rough and tumble Hungarian/Israeli/New Yorker.

Most people, especially in the South, California, Canada, and Australia, people think I am a little too rough, to straight forward, bordering on rude and arrogant.

I am your fiery monster from the above quote. I fight on your side, I fight on your behalf.

Your real enemies are the white robed, white hat donning, smiling pretenders.

How do you know I am honest? You don’t. How do you know I am telling the truth? You don’t.
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Why most training programs, transformational programs can’t work… Energies Part 5

Clipart Illustration of a Double Helix DNA Strand Spanning DiagoI have been complaining…

… I have been blamed for it… People say I am angry, whatever. They are turned off by my complaining…

But the truth of the matter is this: if there were transformational programs that deliver on their promises, I would be first in line to recommend them to do, because I don’t particularly enjoy doing those trainings. I like coaching, I like working with energies, I like creating energy products, but I don’t like to teach distinctions of transformation.

There are companies that teach better than me, except that their results, the students’ results are flash in the pan…

So I have been complaining for, I don’t know… 20 years? lol…

I’d love to have them do the “grunt work”… and just work with the students that want to take those distinctions and make a great life with what they learned, using my energies.
Continue reading “Why most training programs, transformational programs can’t work… Energies Part 5”

Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

XmTF_460Osho’s article will resonate with a view that is closest to the Western view: look at the positive. I actually think that the approach has been damaging, because it quietly, silently, makes wrong the aspect of things, the aspect of people that you don’t like, don’t approve, don’t accept, don’t want.

Simply says: it perpetuates the cause of your unhappiness and then it masks it with a pretense of happiness… a lie. Continue reading “Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness”

I am personally offended… How can they do this to me?


I am personally offended… How can they do it to me? How dare it rain on my wedding day? How dare my husband lie to me? How dare my son pee in his bed?

What drives this thought process? Is it personal pride? Wrongful Pride? Ego? Self-importance? What is it?

If Ego is not what we were told it was, then where does “personally offended” come from?

I am sitting at my computer. It’s a beautiful day, Saturday. Suddenly a I hear a car horn urging someone to do something. Then again.

I feel the corners of my mouth curve down: I am personally offended. They are honking and it bothers me. They don’t behave the way they should: shut the f… up. Respect my peace and quiet.

Yesterday a plumber did some work in the downstairs apartment. He didn’t air out the pipes and it broke the my water filter when the air and water came rushing out in bursts instead of steadily flowing water, the way it SHOULD BE.

Personally offended.
Continue reading “I am personally offended… How can they do this to me?”

Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really?

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What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?

What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?

I wrote this article 2011… even with the rewrite it has notions I no longer consider. It has mentions of stuff I have completely eliminated from my teaching. But it is worth reading: it probably bridges to the general public better than my newer articles…

What is higher vibration?

How would you know it? How would you feel it? Why would you want it? What is this thing about? Continue reading “What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?”

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”