This article is about personal evolution… going from where, how, who you are today to a higher level, a higher organization where you can be, have, do more.
Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations… from Wikipedia
As I am browsing the many pages of many self-proclaimed gurus about the topic, what is most striking is this: all think that they are there… up there… And looking from that imaginary height, they claim what the levels are.
That is the problem with imagination. You can only imagine things on your level, inside your paradigm. The higher paradigms cannot be imagined. Bummer, eh?
So you need to trust, and move into the invisible, the unknown, the maybe unfriendly… 🙁
Fear is normal. In fact, fear is healthy. If you are not afraid, you live in your imagination… and will wake up with your hand in the chamberpot… as we Jews say.
So what this means is this: you don’t know where you are going. I don’t know where I am going. I am, at best, taking you to where I have been. And then, if I am lucky, walk with you, trembling with hope and fear… with you.
Recommendation: when you see a website that has a graphic that names the levels: leave. They are lying to you. They are taking you on a ride. They have something to sell you.
Here are a few examples. Click on the pictures to view them full size. 
It’s November 10, and the ground is covered with snow where I live. My hands are cold, I am contemplating putting on my typing gloves: gloves that the tip of the finger is cut off so I can type.
I started to keep my house cold in the winter a few years ago, but went all hogs with it last winter: my thermostat is set to 47 degrees (9 degrees Celsius) day and night, and I have a heating pad under my desk and a heating pad on the wall about two meters from my right shoulder on the wall in my office. I also have a heating pad in the bathroom that I turn on when I plan to take a shower.