Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?

Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?

3c9854ee298db856d690210de730d282This laziness thing came up again today.

During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the weight of the fruit is, what the fruit would cost if you bought it and chopped it up yourself.

Just the question, out of context… is it worth it?

So what the heck is really this phenomenon: lazy, that is not lazy at all… but what is it really, if it is not actually lazy?

Continue reading “Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?”

The synergy of well-being and coaching…

The synergy of well-being and coaching…

A-leader-is-best-when-people-barely-know-he-exists-when-his-work-is-done-his-aim-fulfilled-they-will-say-we-did-it-ourselves.-Lao-Tzu-quotesThe arrogant me would say: I had a breakthrough in teaching the most important thing anyone can learn: getting what they want in life as a side-effect, not their whole and only intention.

I have been attempting to teach this for about 30 years.

The truth is that people got there with my help, but did not learn it from me.

I am filled with gratitude… to Tai’s program and to my students.

Continue reading “The synergy of well-being and coaching…”

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr._Mercola truth value, vibration, arroganceDr. Mercola:

  • his vibration 170
  • his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
  • the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
  • his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
  • does he have attachments? no
  • the level of his health 30%
  • the level of his cell hydration 7%

The most important thing you want to get from these numbers: he does not have the capacity and the humility to tell truth from falsehood. He is not connected to the Source of higher truth, because of his arrogance, so what you get is his personal opinion… or worse: his “considered” opinion…

Truth value of his judgments and interpretations: 7%

His website’s truth value: 4%. Very very low… What does it mean? it means that 96% of what the site says is not true.
Continue reading “Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review”

Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?

ZSvideoMEMRIEgyptianClerics1-viThis article is politically incorrect, and somewhat philosophical…

Not up for it? Spare yourself frustration, and don’t read it.

OK… now that only the eleven or so readers that are up for it remain reading, I can be blunt, and use some six letter words… lol.

Of course, this is, at least partially tongue in cheek…

OK, I am going to, first talk about a new insight I have on religion, then about Jews, capacities, genetically smarter… and other politically incorrect subjects that are keeping me busy pondering today.

Continue reading “Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?”

What is health?

A German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States.

His name was Robert Hartman.

His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the age long question: what is evil, what is good?

He took on himself to define good… the strait and narrow. Many philosophers failed in that: after all the strait and narrow is delineated by the land that encloses it, not by itself…

But he succeeded.

Continue reading “What is health?”

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way: choose

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way: choose

Learning lessons and growing through them… seems to be how life works.

But most of us don’t think of life like that, and therefore we never learn…

Even though learning may be the name of the game… really.

  • In life you can make the same mistake, over and over, expecting different results.
  • You can eventually learn from your mistakes, but you insist on making them a few times regardless…
  • You can learn from other people’s mistakes.

Continue reading “Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way: choose”

One of the most useful things I have ever done for myself

27learnfast2207One of the most useful things I have ever done is this:

I would find a mentor. I offered my services to do whatever needed done. More often than not I learned useful skills through the doing. Skills that I needed for myself. And while I was around the mentor, I could learn from him.

Life needs a lot of skills to do life successfully. The opportunities to learn those skills is sparse… Because skills are not knowledge, even if they are mental, intellectual skills: they are the ability to do, to perform a skill… not to understand it.
Continue reading “One of the most useful things I have ever done for myself”

break out of the life the selfish gene allows you to live?

break out of the life the selfish gene allows you to live?
god-manHow does mind serve the ego, and ego serves the selfish gene… Evolutionary view of ‘team you’

Tuesdays are my days to interface with people who are neither my readers, nor my clients.

Ordinary people. And although it is very frustrating to me, and maybe even them, I learn a lot from these unpleasant interactions.

Ever since I read The Selfish Gene, a book, and even more since I read the book ‘Why beautiful people have daughters’ a look on life through evolutionary psychology, I am trying to match what I read with what I see, hear, and feel.

Continue reading “break out of the life the selfish gene allows you to live?”

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

second windEveryone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions. Continue reading “Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort”

More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference

quote_slowWhen you ask the question why you are reading my articles, your answer will be saying what you want.

More, better, different.

You may say: you want to raise your vibration, so you can have more, better, or different. What…

You may be prepared to do different, maybe even more, but you surely aren’t thinking that it is NOT what you do, it is how you do it.

When I talk about beingness… you think it’s a what. But it’s a how.

When I say “love,” you hear “what”. but I mean “how”. When I say generous, you hear “ugh, I have to give” which is a what, while generous is a how.
Continue reading “More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference”