What does humility mean?

inhale the good shit-exhale the bullshitWhy am I pushing humility, the capacity?

Humility is one of those words that mainstream says it means something other than it actually means.

Humility simply means: you are willing to not take it personally. You are willing to not have it mean anything about you.

Why is this important?

When anything, and I mean any thing means anything about you, you are hooked. Your ego is hooked. It becomes a survival game… and in survival it is an either you or me game.

So, simply put humility means putting ego on pause.
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What’s the difference between a spiritual assignment and a spiritual practice?

time-to-let-go-web-400pxYour life is full of assignments, things you have to do to survive, things you have to do to fit in, things you have to do to make a living, etc. etc. etc.

What you don’t have is conscious practices.

Until you have practices you are not growing, and you are actually shrinking.

The experience of shrinking is what you experience when I check you: you are anxious, you are afraid, you are resisting, you are in pain.

You have no idea that it is caused by not growing. So you want healing, you want a remedy, you want a relief.

Spiritual practice that will make you grow? Hell no.

  1. An assignment is to get something done.
  2. A practice is to build pathways, skill, a new you. Doing it once, twice, thrice won’t do it. You have to do it day in and day out

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What’s your story? Where are you looking from to tell it?

What’s your story? Where are you looking from to tell it?

What's Your StoryOne thing you already know about me: if I find something that says what I want to say better, I put it in my article. I have no ego about it. Actually, the story I tell myself about it is that only brilliant people can be humble… and that is both true and a lie. Actually, the truth is that humility, the willingness to say ‘I don’t know’, the willingness to say ‘did I get that right?’ are both the result and the cause of brilliance… So no matter how you look at it, I am brilliant… lol. Now saying that was fun, lol. A lot of fun. Now, onto the quoted article:

What stories do you tell yourself concerning your disappointments, failures and embarrassments? Were you the unfortunate victim of evil?

Perhaps it’s time you start telling different versions of those stories. Regret and fear are incapable of guiding you to Success.

The stories you tell yourself are the foundations of your self-image. The self that will either get things done or not.

‘The first principle of self-deception is you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.’ — Richard Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics

There are many ways in which the truth can be told.
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Can you learn the skill of negotiation? The art?

Can you learn the skill of negotiation? The art?
What is the relationship between skills, learning new skills, and capacities?

All my life I have been puzzled why perfectly normal people fail at even understanding concepts from certain things, like distinctions, from communication, negotiation, empathy, caring, team work, leadership, responsibility… I could fill this page with examples.

I have had my own issues. One of them is understanding instructions if there is even just one word in the instructions I am not exactly clear what it means, or what the writer means, I can’t follow the instructions.

This is probably why, last week, I could not make the first computer I bought work: its one-page instructions sheet was written in a language I did not comprehend, and I didn’t trust myself to spend a year or so to learn those concepts so I can have the computer work.

I had to suspect that people I so confidently talk to, have a similar deficiency: they can’t make what I say work for them, because there are holes in the fabric of knowledge.

Then last year I tried to be helpful to a woman in Ireland (I even published our conversation to zero echo from readers!) by teaching her negotiation skills, empathy, looking at things from the other person’s point of view: methods that are obvious and easy for me. I was sure that other readers will love the article… I was wrong.
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The Great Equalizer? How do you calculate the value of a tool you buy?

‘Yet here we are, exactly the same!’

The main challenge I face as a change agent, as someone who can effect energetic and DNA changes in a human, is that people look at me as the Great Equalizer.

Finally, you feel, you can beat the Bill Gates’ who got a lot at birth: you get all your capacities opened and be a worthy competition to them.

Nothing is further from reality.

You cannot have anything that you didn’t earn, and that means, earning the capacities that you can keep open.

But the negative double whammy is: if you are from a stock with very few capacities, you probably learned, through observing, a life style, an action stile, and a bunch of attitudes, that show low number of capacities, and a relationship to life that is not powerful, because it is based on scarcity, complaints, blaming, finger-pointing, and a feeling of being a victim of your birth, a victim of your upbringing, a victim of your ethnicity… shortly: a victim.

You actually can’t escape it.

And that is the “chemistry”, that is the environment that is asking for the activation of additional capacities.
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Swim or sink… do or die

to be in a sink or swim situation, you first need to jumpinto the waterThis morning my main computer quietly died.

Times like this are the real tests whether the capacities are working or not.

Suddenly I had no access to anything that is on that computer, not the data, not the software, and I had a few choices: go crazy, go out of business, or bring resiliency, aka mental toughness to carry the day.

It’s Tuesday, and a few minutes after the death of my trusty computer, I went downstairs and to my weekly outing to the chiropractor and to the grocery store.

These excursions, the conversations with Sarah, the woman who drives me, and my chiropractor, could have been opportunities for complaining, and although I shared it with both, and both offered their help, I said thank you, and continued with the day like nothing happened.

I managed not to drag the issue to areas where it didn’t belong.
Continue reading “Swim or sink… do or die”

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

possibility-of-being-lovingPossibilities in Landmark Education equal DNA capacities… but does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

The Landmark Education shortcut that doesn’t work:
“the possibility I declare for myself and my life”
“the possibility I invent for myself and my life”

the words that follow are: the possibility of being prosperous, happy, powerful, free, happy, passionately happy, blah blah blah… inspiring for a moment. A moment. Not even a day. I checked google and a grand total of 4 pages had the exact words… don’t you think it’s telling? I do… Continue reading “Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?”

In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…

do-you-see-that-i-am-brokenIn search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is blocking your evolution

In this article I will talk about DNA capacities activation.

Let’s talk about the failures, people where in spite of my effort, the capacities did not activate…

Let me start with the accusations a commenter threw at me/us: that the positive results may be due to time spent with me, instead of DNA capacities getting active in you.

I would ask the same question, and have.

Some results are definitely placebo.

Continue reading “In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…”

What is the true stumbling block preventing you from going from A to B?

stumbling-blockI have been wrong.

I have been wrong in thinking that humility is the ultimate stumbling block. It seems that humility can help the mind withdraw from the “I don’t need to hear this I already know everything” stance, and allow you to learn, and use your other faculties.

But I can now see, that without courage first activated, present and in working order, humility won’t be accepted, because it takes courage to get out of the mind.

I hate that this is so… after all I spent so much time attempting to activate humility, with no success.

So we are down to courage…

What is courage really?

And is courage also dependent on some other capacity?
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There are no aliens. But there are alien-like bugs

crystals that are aliveThis article will make you angry, or scared… And neither being angry, nor being scared is a good sign… they show that you have only a few human capacities active… and I probably can’t help you. Your best choice is to leave… Unsubscribe if you are a subscriber.

OK, here is the article:

There are no aliens.

There are no Aliens. But there are alien-like bugs.

When you search on google for alien bugs, you see bugs like you are used to, legs, eyes, pincers, and then something added… The imagination of graphic artists, movie makers, comic book writers is very limited…

Although there are no aliens, there are children. And children don’t have their moral compass, their reasoning, developed until much later… many years after their computer skills are fully evolved… computer skills used by little amoral alien-like creatures: children. They have their faculties not yet developed, their adult capacities not turned on yet, and they do a lot of things that can destroy their parents, them, or in the worst case destroy the planet.
Continue reading “There are no aliens. But there are alien-like bugs”